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Christian Wicca


Not your average Mormon
It seems to me that the whole problem stems from what we mean by the word, "Christian." Since I've been told on more occasions than I can count that I, as a Latter-day Saint, am not a Christian, I try to be sentitive to the feelings of others who, for whatever reasons, wish to consider themselves to be Christian.

Since the word Christian is not actually defined in the Bible, it's kind of difficult for us to attempt to define it using only the Bible as our source. On one hand, it seems to me that a Christian would have to be an individual who believed, not only that Jesus Christ was a good man and a great moral teacher, but that He was who He said He was in the scriptures: the Son of God and the only means by which a person can be forgiven of his sins and reconciled to God. In that sense, it seems odd, at the very least, for a Wiccan to claim to also be a Christian.

On the other hand, if we are using the word "Christian" to mean a follower of Jesus Christ, we can't really get around the fact that the Bible is much more clear on how a Christian should behave than it is on what a Christian must believe.

I personally have a kind of a hard time with the term "Christian Wiccan," but since I know a lot of people have just as hard time with "Christian Latter-day Saint," I am willing to allow anyone who sincerely believes himself to be a Christian to refer to himself in that way. In the end, it's not really going to matter much anyway. God's not going to ask my opinion or anyone else's opinion on the subject when we all stand before Him to be judged.


Well-Known Member
Evenstar said:
Why is there so much hate in this thread?
Your religion or beliefs do not insult me, maybe because im more open minded than you lot... maybe im easy going.​
Now read closely I can and will call myself what I wish, I dont need your say so or blessings to do this... Dont like it OH WELL!
And I'm Nel Carter.;)


The Wicked Christian
I tell you, this narrow mindedness reminds me of the church.
I think you Darkdale have something to hide, maybe your a Christian but scared to admit it.​
At least im open with my beliefs. I know who I am... You dont know what I truely believe in because I have never posted it. I dont need to debate my Christian/Wiccan beliefs with you.... Did that word insult you lol, hmm lets try it again Christian/Wiccan :D


Well-Known Member
Evenstar said:
I tell you, this narrow mindedness reminds me of the church.
I think you both have something to hide, maybe your Christians but scared to admit it.​
At least im open with my beliefs. I know who I am... You dont know what I truely believe in because I have never posted it. I dont need to debate my Christian/Wiccan beliefs with you.... Did that word insult you lol, hmm lets try it again Christian/Wiccan :D
Are you calling me a Christian?:biglaugh:


Veteran Member
Christian = Follower of Christ. That's what it means.

Believe Christ was the Saviour? You're a Christian.


Not your average Mormon
Evenstar said:
I think you both have something to hide, maybe your Christians but scared to admit it.At least im open with my beliefs. I know who I am... You dont know what I truely believe in because I have never posted it. I dont need to debate my Christian/Wiccan beliefs with you.... Did that word insult you lol, hmm lets try it again Christian/Wiccan :D
Hi, Evenstar.

Hey, it would help if you would quote the person you're addressing, or at least mention the person by name. I don't know if you were referring to me as one of the people you think has something to hide. Could you clarify that, please. I hope it wasn't me, since I certainly didn't mean to offend.



Veteran Member
I believe a Christian is anyone who believe in Jesus Christ. Part of Christian is Christ. Simple as that.


Proud to be a Sinner.
Why use the word Wicca if you can call yourself anything?

When you mix Red and Blue it is not called Red Blue, it is called Purple.

Or maybe the point isn't clear enough.

Wiccans want their identity back!

It was theirs first, so would you please return it?


Veteran Member
Pardus said:
Why use the word Wicca if you can call yourself anything?

When you mix Red and Blue it is not called Red Blue, it is called Purple.

Or maybe the point isn't clear enough.

Wiccans want their identity back!

It was theirs first, so would you please return it?
So what would you call a person who believed in Christ but was involved with Wiccan/Pagan tradtions


Proud to be a Sinner.
That's their business deciding on a title, but once they step into the realm of dealing with another's beliefs they have to be respectful.

But as an example i might suggest "Josephians" as most everyone knows of joseph's use of dream divination within the bible.


the Great
beckysoup61 said:
You mean oxy moron.

so you must think l'm a moron. l know youre a mormon. do you really know what l mean. lm sure you dont but you like to think you do...dontcha.. :bounce l like ya....


Veteran Member
constantine said:
so you must think l'm a moron. l know youre a mormon. do you really know what l mean. lm sure you dont but you like to think you do...dontcha.. :bounce l like ya....
I would appreciate if you wouldn't say things deragatory about my faith, as I don't say about yours or you.


†ßig Dog†
Pardus said:
Why use the word Wicca if you can call yourself anything?

Wiccans want their identity back! It was theirs first, so would you please return it?
The KKK want 'their' country back. Hitler wanted to keep Germany pure. In South Africa, they had apartheid. Like I said before, your views are highly bigoted. ;)


the Great
beckysoup61 said:
I would appreciate if you wouldn't say things deragatory about my faith, as I don't say about yours or you.

say what you want, my faith need not be so blind all the time.
lt can defend itself, it dont need me to worship it and l have no reason to which l would live my life by bible script and anyone should at most expect a fair life on earth but thats rare to occur.
so a man gives you heaven when your dead, if in your life you worship him and swallow that you'll go to hell if you dont follow him, because it a sin. no , thats religion. l may say too much.....and may go to hell, so what?

take a joke o.k. didnt l say l liked ya..