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Christian Wicca


Veteran Member
constantine said:
say what you want, my faith need not be so blind all the time.
lt can defend itself, it dont need me to worship it and l have no reason to which l would live my life by bible script and anyone should at most expect a fair life on earth but thats rare to occur.
so a man gives you heaven when your dead, if in your life you worship him and swallow that you'll go to hell if you dont follow him, because it a sin. no , thats religion. l may say too much.....and may go to hell, so what?

take a joke o.k. didnt l say l liked ya..
I'm not to keen on 'jokes' about my faith. Anything else goes, cept my mama. :D


the Great
beckysoup61 said:
I'm not to keen on 'jokes' about my faith. Anything else goes, cept my mama. :D

l know, its due to the insecurity everyone has about their religious misbeliefs.
we all have been lied to. :help:


Uber all member
I have deleted a few posts that are personal attacks. Deletion will not be the only action I will take for further attacks.


World Leader Pretend
Evenstar said:
I tell you, this narrow mindedness reminds me of the church.
I think you Darkdale have something to hide, maybe your a Christian but scared to admit it.​
At least im open with my beliefs. I know who I am... You dont know what I truely believe in because I have never posted it. I dont need to debate my Christian/Wiccan beliefs with you.... Did that word insult you lol, hmm lets try it again Christian/Wiccan :D

1. lol me a Christian? :biglaugh: I don't think so.

2. This is not an intolerance of a belief system. Please, try to pay attention. This is about the use of language. It has nothing to do with religious beliefs. jgallandt may think this is bigotry, but they might not be the brightest thinker, if you know what I'm saying. You haven't made a case for how the belittling of Wicca isn't insulting to it. I'd certainly like to understand how you justify that.

If you guys think calling me a bigot and a Christian is going to bother me, you are sadly mistaken. After all, coming from you two, those words could mean anything you wanted them to mean... So, I'll just assume you are saying that I am delightful, attractive and an all around wonderful guy. :D


†ßig Dog†
Darkdale, your views are very narrow minded. And yes, your views are bigoted. Of course,with views such as yours that are narrow minded, you would not be able to see the bigotry of your statements. You believe your views are above all, Hence the referral to being a Christian.


World Leader Pretend
jgallandt said:
Darkdale, your views are very narrow minded. And yes, your views are bigoted. Of course,with views such as yours that are narrow minded, you would not be able to see the bigotry of your statements. You believe your views are above all, Hence the referral to being a Christian.

Do you use Christian as a derogatory term? lol My views are neither bigoted or narrow-minded. They are, all due respect, correct. I've stated over and over again that I have no problem with your beliefs. I have a problem with your language. This isn't a question of religious belief, so get over it. It isn't bigotry. Just because I find your language to be vulgar, doesn't mean that I think your beliefs are vulgar. I don't care about your religious beliefs. You can believe whatever you want, but don't expect me to agree on your vulgar use of language.


†ßig Dog†
Fair enough. I don't wish this thread to turn into a war, so, I'll respectfully leave it as it is.


The Wicked Christian
Oh my gosh Darkdale that is just to funny. You a all round wonderful guy HA! HA! HA! I almost choked on my tea then.
And I can and will call my self what I want. Because like you said if you think what YOUR saying bothers me your sadly mistaken.​
Your words not mine. Now ill let you get back to the mirror.


World Leader Pretend
Evenstar said:
Oh my gosh Darkdale that is just to funny. You a all round wonderful guy HA! HA! HA! I almost choked on my tea then.
And I can and will call my self what I want. Because like you said if you think what YOUR saying bothers me your sadly mistaken.​
Your words not mine. Now ill let you get back to the mirror.

*yawns* but what I'm saying is not meant to be insulting. I understand that you'll call yourself whatever you like... :) I simply dislike you doing it. It's a small matter.


†ßig Dog†
Darkdale said:
*yawns* but what I'm saying is not meant to be insulting. I understand that you'll call yourself whatever you like... :) I simply dislike you doing it. It's a small matter.
That's bad when you even find your own self boring. :D


A fool
Who has a better name for a faith that combines Christian and Wiccan beliefs but includes neither the word "Christian" nor the word "Wiccan"?


Proud to be a Sinner.
jgallandt said:
The KKK want 'their' country back. Hitler wanted to keep Germany pure. In South Africa, they had apartheid. Like I said before, your views are highly bigoted. ;)
You do not understand what you are talking about, your views are highly ignorant, most racism is about pushing another group in submission to elivate yourself, i'm talking about religious identity.

You have said you are not christian or wicca, but something different, so why do you use those words? is it to use their identity for protection? laziness? what is it?

I am not disrespecting your beliefs, i'm am just offended that you are disrespecting the beliefs of others.

Fluffy said:
Who has a better name for a faith that combines Christian and Wiccan beliefs but includes neither the word "Christian" nor the word "Wiccan"?
Well i suggested "Josephian" but i doubt individuals here will like it because they consider me to be the enemy, tho it's quite fitting as christian generally means "Christ-like" so being "Joseph-like" (a christian who used "magic") is quite fitting.


Rajun Cajun
Question: I don't want to offend anyone, but how can one be Christian and Wiccan if Christianity preaches against witchcraft. This might have already been posted in the thread, but I just couldn't get through all 14 pages right now. There are other references in the bible of this such as the one below.

bible said:
"Galatians 5:19The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God."
Also, another question would be, is it by your own power or by God's power that you perform witchcraft (correct me if I'm wrong, I generally thought Wiccans performed witchcraft as a friend of the family is Wiccan and told us about a few things).

What I am getting at, isn't there plenty of power in Christ without having to revert to witchcraft (example below of Christ talking to the Apostles)?

bible said:
"Matthew 17:20 He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."
Disciples also healed many in the name of Christ acording to the bible.

Sorry if I'm ignorant of the topic. These are just a few questions that came to mind when I saw members discussing this.

I'll also spend some time in previous posts to get more info.



Couldn't we also ask about the inherent hypocrisy concerning homosexual christians? A contridiction in terms, i'm frequently told.

Also, it isn't much of a stretch to imagine jesus himself as a distinct avatar at best, prophet on the other hand. If one can rever christ (and somehow call themselves christian) without believing he's literally god, why is the wicca attache so contrary?


Rajun Cajun
Pardus said:
Todd check out the christian wicca subforum under modern beliefs.
Thanks you. Sad thing is, I set that forum up, but I didn't actually read any posts in it yet. I'll go check it out. I am just looking for answers since this is a very new faith to me and I haven't researched it yet.


†ßig Dog†
Pardus, how is that disrespectful to your beliefs? Because you believe you have cornered the market on the word Wicca? You say red and blue make purple. Red and brown make reddish- brown. There are Baptists, then there are Southern Baptists. There are Roman Catholics and Orthodox Catholics. There are Wiccans, There are Christian Wiccans. Need I say more? :D


A fool
Well i suggested "Josephian" but i doubt individuals here will like it because they consider me to be the enemy, tho it's quite fitting as christian generally means "Christ-like" so being "Joseph-like" (a christian who used "magic") is quite fitting.
I don't consider you an enemy :). I'm a Christian Wiccan who does not practice magick therefore Josephian wouldn't exactly fit for me.