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Christian Wicca


Darkdale said:
Yes, but you are talking about the religions.
No, we both are. You've protested christian/wicca on the grounds of lacking/contradictory/irreconsilable doctrine/theology. That's sufficiently a religious discussion.

I am talking about the words. I'm talking language here.
Fine by me...how are the words "vulgar" outside and beyond the religious implications and/or blended permutations?


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Darkdale said:
I cannot imagine why a homosexual would want to be a Christian. There are so many religions out there that view homosexuals with respect and tolerance, why they want to associate themselves with gods and people that hate them is beyond my ability to understand.
People (well, I am generalising here), but people don't go out looking for a religion to fit their lifestyle............Religion comes first..........

Yes, but catholics and protestants and mormons all operate under the same mythology and general theology. Wicca has nothing to do with that mythology.
That doesnt mean it is incompatible. I can manage to 'blend the two'

I have no problems with Christians taking on pagan ways, but I do desire them to respect the religions they are taking from and to recognize their sovereignty and unique identity.
Hehe, I have every respect for any faith, believe me, I am not here to 'play'.:rolleyes:

Not really. New Age describes a kind of modern misinterpretation of pagan spirituality. Crystals, tarot cards, candles and a little magic are all very much a part of the New Age. It isn't so much a thing in itself though, it's a kind of spirituality picked up by various traditions. Whereas Wicca is a thing in itself.
New age is actually 'Old age' there's nothing new in new age; just a revival...........

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
michel said:
People (well, I am generalising here), but people don't go out looking for a religion to fit their lifestyle............Religion comes first..........
I do think many people have their own beliefs and are firm in them and thus seek out a religion that will accommodate those beliefs. For example, UUs. :) Most UUs were not born into the religion, they found it later after rejecting the religion (or non-religion) of their parents. They had their own beliefs and found a religion to match them. Belief first, religion second.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Maize said:
I do think many people have their own beliefs and are firm in them and thus seek out a religion that will accommodate those beliefs. For example, UUs. :) Most UUs were not born into the religion, they found it later after rejecting the religion (or non-religion) of their parents. They had their own beliefs and found a religion to match them. Belief first, religion second.
I agree; I obviously prased what I said badly...........

What I meant was " A homosexual does not go out of his way to find a religion that accepts homosexuality" which I interpreted as the way Darkdale was making out; partly in this:-
Of course, I could help them in interpreting their scriptures and their history, but that is not so much my place. It is, however, quite clear that Christian Scripture prohibits witchcraft and that it goes so far as to list death as the punishment for the practice of Witchcraft. Wicca is based primarily on the religion of witches. Christian scripture is also very clear on the idea of worshiping other gods. Wicca worships two gods, and sometimes more than that. God and Goddess.

There is simply no way in which Wicca can be considered "Christian" nor way that Christianity can be considered "Wiccan". They have no historical, theological or cultural connection. The are two unique religions. What these Christians have done is adopted modern pagan spirituality and added it to their Christian framework. It has nothing to do with Wicca. It's New-Age Christianity.
lol, that's what is so damn frustrating about this "debate". I honestly don't feel like we are the ones' being close-minded or not comprehending what is going on here. While being 100% open to your beliefs, all we are criticizing is the disrespectful language you've chose to use to describe your beliefs. All we are asking is for people to be more respectful to the uniqueness of Christianity and Wicca, and to not insult them, to treat them as if they are liquids that can just be mixed together. They are not. They are religions in and of themselves. I can't think of any other religious label that is this troubling. I know it wasn't Christians that started treating Wicca like it was some kind of thing you could just take in part and Wiccans certainly haven't done a very good job of protecting their religious identity, but that doesn't make it right. Now, I'm neither Christian or Wiccan, so I have nothing invested in this, other than my opinion, that Christian Wicca is a vulgar and disrespectful term. I'm sure your beliefs are quite wonderful, but it wouldn't hurt to consider a better name for them. :) I know you won't, but you should be tolerant of those who simply do not like the language you use. Words have actual meanings and when you screw with the meanings of words, it just confuses things and it disrespects the nature of language.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Christian Wiccans? Sure. What the heck, eh. I have certainly cherry picked from the religions and philiosophies of man, so why can't others. If where you are, was worth the trip getting there, then it is of little consequence what kind of car you drove.


†ßig Dog†
Also considering that Wicca wasn't even founded until 1951, so I don't believe there where to many of them burned. ;)


Flaming Queer
Darkdale, you are objecting to the fact that we are using the word "wiccan" to describe our beliefs alongside the word "christian" correct? why does the wording bother you so much? language is constantly being adapted and changed because its not that a word has an intrinsic identity, but people identify things through the usage of words - so if the usage of the words "christian wiccan" identify that we believe in jesus christ, but also believe in and practise many aspects of wicca - this is the correct usage of language

all language is subjective to context, and in this context, it is correct


Proud to be a Sinner.
The point was made earlier about homosexual christians, homosexuality is a sexual preference, christianity is a religious denomination, why they do conflict in general, one just has to be a very liberal christian and exclude that part of the beliefs which looks down on homosexuals.

Traditionally Wicca is a belief system that involves witchcraft in it's celebrating of holidays and other tituals, it relies heavily on energy work, it believes in karma, dual divinity, honouring of the seasons and sexuality.

The regular celebrations traditionally contain sexual intercourse within the ritual itself, tho the vast majority of the time this is done symbollicly, this is done by plunging a blade into a cup and is known as the great rite, Traditionally Wiccan rituals should be done as skyclad (ritually naked) as possible.

Christian Wicca appears to be christianity that supports tolerance, karma and energy work.


†ßig Dog†
Think you've been watching to many movies. It did not come into existance until 1951. Some, NOT ALL, practice witchcraft. They believe in different Gods, but some believe they all lead back to one. Wiccan is many paths under one name, more of a spiritual path then anything, at least to some.


Proud to be a Sinner.
I'm talking about Traditional Wicca, from 1951 to the mid-late 1990's.

Before it hit the spotlight and became the latest craze.


†ßig Dog†
Pardus said:
I'm talking about Traditional Wicca, from 1951 to the mid-late 1990's.

Before it hit the spotlight and became the latest craze.
Post a link to back up your claim, please.


Proud to be a Sinner.
A website containing traditional practises? Give me a while, they're not common because it's a taboo amongst the traditions.


Flaming Queer
Pardus said:
I'm talking about Traditional Wicca, from 1951 to the mid-late 1990's.

Before it hit the spotlight and became the latest craze.
i hope you are not implying that we are attatched to a 'craze' as appose to this being the conclusion to a lot of soul searching :tsk: