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Christian Wicca


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Darkdale said:
I also find it offensive, but then I remember that my heathen ancestors accepted Christianity over a thousand years ago. It is hard for pagans of various traditions to free themselves from a religion that has meant so much to their ancestors for so long. The Christian Worldview is ingrained into almost every part of our Western Consciousness. It requires work and dedication to study, to shrug off the last of it, but if you look at the beliefs of many "Christian Wiccans", it truly is a combination of the two traditions. I think Wicca will suffer greatly because so many Wiccans still hold on to the Christian Worldview... but that is neither here nor there. Christianity changed the world, culturally and philosophically and it will be a good long while before it is replaced with something new, or old. As for me, I reject the entire Christian worldview.

However, my dislike of the Christian worldview has nothing to do with my feelings of Christians themselves. It's what people are taught, it's in their language and in their culture. Even those that wish to follow other religions have a hard time getting away from it... so one must respect it's power and refrain from blaming people for adopting its' ways. Tolerance is a great religious virtue these days and one should respect the religious traditions of their ancestors, even if it is not the religion we practice today.

(The idea that all gods lead to one god is very offensive to me though, because I believe it to be a awfuly dishonest sentiment)
I must admit I was surprized at your response, Darkdale; the last person here who would, I thought be offended..................

Mike and Jeff are right, basically.

I had never though of myself as finding a way to 'join' wicca and Christianity, but I can, as I said before. The wicca element would not be contradictory (for me) because I would stay with my one Christian God.

michel, as you know, Rebecca is torn between the 2. My archaic beliefs in God tried to put a damper on her Wiccan beliefs. But through time, I find my 'what I thought to be what a Wiccan was' was in fact. wrong. My eyes are starting to open, thanks to Rebecca's perseverance to truth
Well, Rebecca and I seem to have more and more in common as each day passes; at least I am not the only heretic!

I truly believe that I am allowed to heal using God's strength, and when I do so, I always make sure to tell the people I am trying to help thaat it is God's healing, not mine.

Pardus said:
Mike, good and evil, explain your take on the polarity.

P.S I wil make the point that wicca is a particular religion not a catch-all term for witches, i will have many disagree, but i will have quite a few who will agree my point to the death.
I'll 'field' this one, Pardus. I really cannot understand the point you are making, it almost sounds as if you are coming from a corner of 'wiccans are wiches' 'witches are bad'.......
I would say to you that a person's intentions, be he a Christian, President of the United States, wiccan, or brain surgeon determines his 'goodness or evilness'........

There are no hard and fast rules, but each person is to be gauged on true motives, and what is in the heart. I can't think of anything more to say........


†ßig Dog†
There is this 'cosmic' for lack of a better word. relationship between you, Michel, and Rebecca. It's wild to see Rebecca say something about a post only to have you reply with that exact thought! If there is such a thing as reincarnation, you two where close in a previous life. Both Aquarians? More then just that. Great minds think alike, eh? :D


World Leader Pretend
michel said:
I must admit I was surprized at your response, Darkdale; the last person here who would, I thought be offended..................

Mike and Jeff are right, basically.

I had never though of myself as finding a way to 'join' wicca and Christianity, but I can, as I said before. The wicca element would not be contradictory (for me) because I would stay with my one Christian God.

In my opinion, you can have Christian witches, but not Christian Wiccans, just as you don't have Christian Muslims or Christian Buddhists. It is, to me, a contradictory and disrespectful pairing of religious terminology. Also, Wiccans believe in a God and a Goddess, so your belief in a one Christian God would be contradictory.

That being said, as I alluded to in my earlier post, I understand and can sympathize with the difficulty of adopting a worldview that is different from the Christian one. In many ways, Christian Wiccans are more intellectually honest than those who consider themselves to be strictly Wiccan, but who continue to live with the Christian worldview. Though, being fond of Wicca as an entirely separate and unique religion, I am offended when it's uniqueness is insulted by pairing with another religion. Just as I am offended when, out of pretentiousness or ignorance, someone claims that all of my gods are really just a part of a One God. Who are they to tell me that my gods are the same as theirs? They are not. My gods are unique to themselves and are not aspects of a single deity. They are not in any way, shape or form linked to, connected with or a part of the Middle Eastern deity(deities) worshipped by Christians, Muslims, Jews, Mormons or anyone else.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
I think my wife would probably phrase it more as 'fools seldom differ', but I prefer your version........:biglaugh:


The Wicked Christian
I have a site that explains both Christian and Wiccan and how it can be combined.
If you open your minds, you might see. This is the trouble. People dont want to see, People have this pretense of witches. Fear of something they don't understand. 'They have ears, but hear not...' Psalms 135:17


A fool
In my opinion, you can have Christian witches, but not Christian Wiccans, just as you don't have Christian Muslims or Christian Buddhists. It is, to me, a contradictory and disrespectful pairing of religious terminology.
The Bible condemns witches. The Bible does not condemn Wiccans. A Wiccan doesn't have to be a witch. Explain why it is easier to be a Christian and a witch rather than Christian and Wiccan (although I think both are perfectly possible)?

Also, Wiccans believe in a God and a Goddess, so your belief in a one Christian God would be contradictory.
Many Wiccans believe that the god and the goddess are distinct beings. Many others believe that they are a duality and are in fact monotheistic. A Wiccan of that latter category would not encounter this problem.

Though, being fond of Wicca as an entirely separate and unique religion, I am offended when it's uniqueness is insulted by pairing with another religion.
I think you are looking at it in the wrong way. If I believe things that are common to both Christianity and Wicca then I am a Christian Wiccan whether I choose to call myself one or not. I am not about to alter my beliefs because of a perverse need to isolate Wicca.

Just as I am offended when, out of pretentiousness or ignorance, someone claims that all of my gods are really just a part of a One God.
So therefore they have the right to be offended because you are claiming that their one god is in fact replaced by a set of many different gods? It works both ways and I do not see why you feel that your view is more correct than theirs to justify offence on your part.


†ßig Dog†
Darkdale. I don't believe that anyone has stated that your Gods are the same as the God I or Rebecca worship. I don't get offended by other's religions. You have a right to your opinion, just as a Wicca Christian has a right to their view. There are many aspects of Christianity, as well as Wicca. Some say Jesus was a seperate Deity then God, but others claim them to be one and the same. continued.


†ßig Dog†
People can argue the trinity. But, par say James I doubt gets offended when someone believes that their is no trinity.
F.Y.I. I am posting with an opera mini browser from a sprint phone. It has a 500 character limit, hence using more then one post to convey a message.


Active Member
The thing about pagans and Christians is a hard one,
They don't even have a genre. They don't offend me personally because its non of my buisness and they dont blow people up or hurt people.I just don't follow their train of thought.In my mind one cancels the other out you can't pick and mix with faith surely not from two very very different things
But again like I said I wouldnt criticise anyone personally for it,


World Leader Pretend
jgallandt said:
Darkdale. I don't believe that anyone has stated that your Gods are the same as the God I or Rebecca worship.

It was stated several times in this thread that all gods are one god. That simply isn't true.

jgallandt said:
I don't get offended by other's religions. You have a right to your opinion, just as a Wicca Christian has a right to their view. There are many aspects of Christianity, as well as Wicca. Some say Jesus was a seperate Deity then God, but others claim them to be one and the same. continued.

Again, there is no such thing as Christian Wicca. It's an impossibility. Christianity and Wicca are two different religions with very different beliefs. It's disrespectful. Christian witchcraft is possible, though, the bible is very specific about the importance of killing witches, so the idea that Christians could be witches is a little weird.

The important thing is to respect Wiccans as having their own unique religion. It is not some random thing that can be attached to whatever you want. It's a unique religion that warrents its' own respect.


†ßig Dog†
I respectfully disagree. There can be such a thing as CW. If that is what one chooses to believe and to be called. When one says that they believe that there is only one God, that they are all the same, by you saying that offends you, is disrespectful to their beliefs. No one is asking you to change your beliefs, or claiming you are wrong. Believe what you wish. But afford others the same.


World Leader Pretend
jgallandt said:
I respectfully disagree. There can be such a thing as CW. If that is what one chooses to believe and to be called. When one says that they believe that there is only one God, that they are all the same, by you saying that offends you, is disrespectful to their beliefs. No one is asking you to change your beliefs, or claiming you are wrong. Believe what you wish. But afford others the same.

You are looking at this backwards, but think whatever you like. I am within my intellectual rights to be offended when others are disrespectful to religions I hold in high regard. I do not believe there is anything called Christian Wicca, just as I don't believe that 2+2=5. I'm not looking at it as an opinion, but as a fact. You may disagree with that, but that's how I see it.


†ßig Dog†
The great thing about this is I feel no need to convince you. I'm still trying to understand it myself. But I DO know who my wife feels, and I trust her instincts and intuitions. And since there are a number of people on this forum that say 'YES! they can be combined, I tend to be thankful for my open mind and believe that is can and is done. :D


Active Member
Pardus said:
Christian Wicca

Not to bash anyones belief, but i must honesty say i find this concept offensive.

Maybe it has something to do with dorment hostility towards christianity, i'm not completely sure, but i figure it is worth a discussion as i know there are others who feel the same, tho not nessicarily on here.

What are your thoughts on the subject?

P.S Hopefully this topic doesn't get too messy/nasty, because that is not my goal.
I have some interest in Wicca, although I would never descibe myself as one. But as a Pagan, you naturally take some interest in Wicca. But speaking as a Pagan. Paganism and Christianity are utterly incompatable, and that's all there is to say.



Proud to be a Sinner.
Fluffy said:
The Bible condemns witches. The Bible does not condemn Wiccans. A Wiccan doesn't have to be a witch. Explain why it is easier to be a Christian and a witch rather than Christian and Wiccan (although I think both are perfectly possible)?
This is the flaw in your entire viewpoint.

Only the king james version of the bible concemns witches, that version has been thought to be a corrupted version.

All Wiccans are witches, but not all witches are Wiccans, it's like saying that all catholics are christian but not all christians are catholic.

Wicca is a particular religion, a witch i someone who uses witchcraft, if someone doesn't want to call themselves a witch then they should rethink the entire thing.

Mike182 said:
:confused: huh? what do you mean?

wicca is another word for witch (witchcraft) - the word witch comes from the anglo-saxon term "wicce" which indicated magical practise. are you trying to say my beliefs do not fall under this? because im damn sure they do
Yes that is the source of the word, but not the meaning when used to describe relgious affliation, Wicca the religion comes mostly from Gerald Gardner and his friends when they first formed it.

Christianity has good and evil, Wicca has light and dark, they appear similiar but in fact are very different concepts and mature Wiccans will use both sources but realises the dangers each contain.

Well you can take or leave what i tell you here, but atleast hopefuly you'll understand what i am saying.

Another question for you tho, how do you view someone praying that another person will find their way back to christianity?


Well-Known Member
Here's a grain of salt.

I thought that the central tenet behind christianity was that Jesus Christ is the sole conduit of divine power. If this is true then it leads to the argument that the belief in the healing power of crystals, divination through tarot cards or any other supernatural act outside of faith in Jesus Christ is opposed to the central teachings of christianity. To hold faith in, crystals and Jesus, would be contradictory from the view of christianity. Note: I'm thinking of the established church and the protestant offshoots when I mention christianity.

I don't bring this up because I'm actually concerned about the integrity of one faith over another. I bring this up because it sounds like christianity is being portrayed very broadly. So broad that it actually degrades the meaning of the word. Which I guess would actually be another topic altogether and not necessarily a religious debate at all.

What exactly, or which, christianity is being discussed here?


†ßig Dog†
I view it differently. All things are from God. God and Jesus are the same. There are people in the Bible that used crystals for protection. Gems around their heart on armour. Joseph was a fortune teller. He could read dreams. The list goes on... :)