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Christian Zionisme


Active Member
He was begotten, not made.
It CAN mean that but not always.
So i don’t want mispresent your beliefs. So if he is not the biological son and he is also not son of god in the sense out of respect, you know just as other prophets were son of gods. Which other option do you have ?


Active Member
Out of curiosity, what does this have to do with Zionism?
Haha yeah we are going a bit out of topic, so my initial point was that why do Christian’s support Zionism when this goes against their theology.
If Jesus is the seed of Abraham then there is no need to quote the verse in my opening statement. That if you curse the chosen people that god will curse you. The Christian’s are the replacement of the blessed nation.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
But as a Christian the third temple prophesy already came out correct?
Not to my understanding - The next Temple is the one that the anti-christ will sit in (At least that is how Christians interpret the scriptures - Jewish viewpoints may differ)


Active Member
Not to my understanding - The next Temple is the one that the anti-christ will sit in (At least that is how Christians interpret the scriptures - Jewish viewpoints may differ)
Well I am interested in the views of Christian’s. So from what I have read is that Jesus is the third temple, you can correct me if I am wrong?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
So i don’t want mispresent your beliefs. So if he is not the biological son and he is also not son of god in the sense out of respect, you know just as other prophets were son of gods. Which other option do you have ?
I believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Father but not made by the Father. I like this article on the matter:

The key is really found in the Gospel of John - In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God and the Word was with God.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Well I am interested in the views of Christian’s. So from what I have read is that Jesus is the third temple, you can correct me if I am wrong?
No. I have not heard of that position before. Perhaps what they meant is that Jesus is creating a spiritual temple? But I was speaking of a literal Temple as stated in:

2 Thess 2: 3 No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
... my initial point was that why do Christian’s support Zionism when this goes against their theology.

Are you saying that Christian theology stands opposed to self determination, or that Zionism is necessarily something other than the claimed right of self determination for the Jewish people, or both?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I know in the US you have a large christian organizations that support Zionism. But I don’t know if this is a is just a US thing and also supported by other Christians around the world.
It is increasingly. In my understanding this Christian zionism appeared in the mid 19th century with writings aplenty, but the earliest book that I can show is the 1897 book by Thomas Williams with the very long title:
The World's Redemption According to the Eternal Plan Revealed and Elaborated in the Scriptures of Truth and Embraced in the Covenants of Promise and Hope of Israel.

Pretty long isn't it? Its all about his predictions that Israel must become a nation again, in the original location. He goes over some other various opinions peculiar to his non-trinitarian variety of Christianity. He was part of a very tiny group of Christians, however his was not the only group which came up with similar reasoning. Its also likely though unproven (and not provable) that Hertzl was influenced by Christian zionists. Wanting something to happen sometimes causes us to nudge it toward happening, doesn't it?

This was NOTHING compared to the impact of WWII though. Many, many Christians came to believe that this was a war inspired by Satan. Many still believe this concretely. There were all kinds of anti-religious tumult going on. Communism and marxism were at their bloodiest at that time and in decades to follow; and Nazi Germany claimed to be socialist and also attempted to exterminate the Jews. Never was Satan so visible and such a tangible threat. At this time Christian Zionism reached a level of religiosity that was beyond argument, spreading through not just the tiny non-trinitarian groups but the growing evangelical movement. Israel had been made a state, and it was taken as evidence of Christianity, evidence of all things related, too. Hundreds of books were written about future predictions about Israel, how it must be contested by all the nations, how it would be attacked and then saved personally by Jesus who would return at just the right moment.

One of the most influential of these books (written in the 1980s) was Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth. Its an example of the many other books making all kinds of predictions, often against Russia. They said Russia would attack Israel. So many of these book are still around, and they made money. Authors just kept on writing more. They expanded their themes beyond Israel to incorporate all kinds of things such as the New Age movement, Islam, Socialism, Communism...uh...and various other things. Thus it became cemented to many that Israel was central to the fate of the world.

Truth is stranger than fiction.


Active Member
No. I have not heard of that position before. Perhaps what they meant is that Jesus is creating a spiritual temple? But I was speaking of a literal Temple as stated in:

2 Thess 2: 3 No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.
Alright so maybe not all Christian’s don’t believe this then. From what I have read is that Jesus is the messiah and his body is being the third temples.

Yes just looked at and it seems like the orthodox and Catholics have this beliefs.



Active Member
Are you saying that Christian theology stands opposed to self determination, or that Zionism is necessarily something other than the claimed right of self determination for the Jewish people, or both
Not saying both.
Christian theology implies the idea that Christian’s has to support zionisme because scriptures says that they have to is questionable.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Alright so maybe not all Christian’s don’t believe this then. From what I have read is that Jesus is the messiah and his body is being the third temples.

Yes just looked at and it seems like the orthodox and Catholics have this beliefs.

OK.. :) I guess I pegged it right...

The "Third Temple" (Hebrew: בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הַשְּׁלִישִׁי‎, Bēṯ hamMīqdāš hašŠlīšī, transl. 'Third House of the Sanctum') refers to a hypothetical rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. It would succeed Solomon's Temple and the Second Temple, the former having been destroyed during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem in c. 587 BCE and the latter having been destroyed during the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The notion of and desire for the Third Temple is sacred in Judaism, particularly in Orthodox Judaism. It would be the most sacred place of worship for Jews. The Hebrew Bible holds that Jewish prophets called for its construction prior to, or in tandem with, the Messianic Age. The building of the Third Temple also plays a major role in some interpretations of Christian eschatology.

The Third Temple is a physical temple. Although it says “hypothetical” - there are already efforts to see how it can be done including the purchasing of a red heifer for the temple sacrifice.

And, yes, there is a spiritual temple that Jesus is creating:

But note that in that paragraph it does not refer to it as the third temple… it is a spiritual temple


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Alright so maybe not all Christian’s don’t believe this then. From what I have read is that Jesus is the messiah and his body is being the third temples.

Yes just looked at and it seems like the orthodox and Catholics have this beliefs.

Catholics do not call it the third temple.

Though I admit to paying close attention if the Third Temple is physically rebuilt!


Active Member
OK.. :) I guess I pegged it right...

The "Third Temple" (Hebrew: בֵּית הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הַשְּׁלִישִׁי‎, Bēṯ hamMīqdāš hašŠlīšī, transl. 'Third House of the Sanctum') refers to a hypothetical rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. It would succeed Solomon's Temple and the Second Temple, the former having been destroyed during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem in c. 587 BCE and the latter having been destroyed during the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The notion of and desire for the Third Temple is sacred in Judaism, particularly in Orthodox Judaism. It would be the most sacred place of worship for Jews. The Hebrew Bible holds that Jewish prophets called for its construction prior to, or in tandem with, the Messianic Age. The building of the Third Temple also plays a major role in some interpretations of Christian eschatology.

The Third Temple is a physical temple. Although it says “hypothetical” - there are already efforts to see how it can be done including the purchasing of a red heifer for the temple sacrifice.

And, yes, there is a spiritual temple that Jesus is creating:

But note that in that paragraph it does not refer to it as the third temple… it is a spiritual temple
Did you read the part of of the Christian vieuw, this is just a part of it.

While there are a number of differing views amongst Christianity with regard to the significance or the requirement of a third temple being built in Jerusalem, according to the writers of the New Testament, the New Covenant (spoken of in Jeremiah 31:31–34) is marked by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the believer (Ezekiel 36:26–27) and that therefore every believer's body and every gathering of believers comprise the temple, or that the temple has been superseded. Paul illustrates this concept in his letter to the believers at Corinth:



Active Member
My point that I was making in my thread is if the isrealites aren’t the seed of Abraham but Jesus is. Does this mean Christians has to support them because of the verse in the opening thread.

Because if you see that John said everyone that reject Jesus is a anti christ. Why support the anti christ?

New International Version
Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son.


Sorry don’t understand that. Begotten means to bring about through reproduction?
"Begotten" is referring to conception by spirit, or thought, rather than physical touch.
Can elaborate more on that, I don’t understand. Christ means literally messiah right?
"Christ" means annointed. I believe it could be a title for more than Jesus, but that's not the tradition and would sincerely stir a hornets nest.
Fair enough.
Curious on how Christians see Zionism from a theological perspective.
There are merits to say that it’s blasphemy from Christianity viewpoint to say that Jews are the chosen people or the blessed people. Because in a sense after Jesus came those who accept Jesus as the messiah are actually the new blessed people.
There are several views that I'm aware of, they were "once" the chosen and therefore 1) your noted passage applies, 2) its Christian mercy and respect (a.k.a. the story of the Prodigal Son); and what is probably the primary view of the conservative Christians 3) It has to do with conditions needed for the second coming.
Lol yeah I get what you are saying but Christians don’t believe Jesus was the biological son of god, more out of respect ?
Ahhhh, yeah some do believe biological.
Regardless, he certainly isn't the offspring ("seed") of Abraham referred to in Gen 12:7. But that doesn't stop people from pointing to the verse and claiming it for Jesus. The bar for that is set very-very low in my experience.
From a Christian perspective all Jews and Muslims with direct ancestral ties to their religions, no converts in the line, are direct descendants of Abraham.

Edit: And I do believe the previous comment about being pro-Zionist out of ignorance. Most don’t distinguish the difference between "Israel" the government and "Israel" the man formerly known as Jacob, grandson of Abraham.

I was reared a progressive Christian and still live in a community of very Conservative (fire-&-brimstone) Christians, though I no longer have trust in the Christian catholic church. Please note lower-case catholic. I do however still believe in Jesus's ministry of love and his teachings of The Way.