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Christianity And Me


Well-Known Member
For decades I’ve been, as I see it now, shackled by christianity. Over the last decade I’ve been able to remove those shackles and life has been much better. Sure there are bad times, however, I never had to go to a book (that was written by men and edited by other men) as a source of strength. I’ve been able to rely on myself more, and an invisible deity that I’ve never seen less. I have been able to experience more of life (both good and bad) now that I’m not wearing the yoke of said religion. Things throughout history are more clear to me now than while I was enslaved. I have gained new friends, bonded better with my family and been able to accept myself more now. I don’t have to worry about an afterlife, ensuring I understand and follow the bible correctly. I don’t feel the need to be a light to my fellow man like I did before, but I do so when I want to. I don’t have to be on guard against evil nor run from it. I don’t have the need to have faith in any deity.
So what have I done wrong? This attitude flies in the face of many believers, so surely I’m doing something wrong, right? Yet my life is proportionally better than ever. So what am I doing wrong?


I would suggest that you're taking religion so seriously that it's preventing you from accessing your spirituality. You already have what you need - you're just clogging up the access point with useless crap. Unfortunately, people have painted fishes and crosses all over the crap.


Glad I could help.

Take two and call me in the morning.



Well-Known Member
I would suggest that you're taking religion so seriously that it's preventing you from accessing your spirituality. You already have what you need - you're just clogging up the access point with useless crap. Unfortunately, people have painted fishes and crosses all over the crap.

Shouldn't religion be taken seriously?
Can you be religious and not spiritual?
Can you be spiritual and not religious?
What's the benefits of being spiritual?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
To each his own - or "to thine own self be true."

I haven't had the same experiences with Christianity at all. It has greatly enhanced my life, and stoked a love for history and the study of human nature.

But hey, as long as you don't undermine me and I don't undermine you, I don't see a problem.

Student of X

Paradigm Shifter
It's called learning from others. And I am living my life, but thanks for the suggestion!

I just don't get it. You're removing shackles and yet, here you are. If you want to learn from others, you could do that in lots of different ways. Why a religious forum? Why not a science forum?


Well-Known Member
To each his own - or "to thine own self be true."

I haven't had the same experiences with Christianity at all. It has greatly enhanced my life, and stoked a love for history and the study of human nature.

But hey, as long as you don't undermine me and I don't undermine you, I don't see a problem.

Do you agree with legislating religious beliefs, ID being taught in schools, etc?


Well-Known Member
I just don't get it. You're removing shackles and yet, here you are. If you want to learn from others, you could do that in lots of different ways. Why a religious forum? Why not a science forum?

You don't have to get it.
And why the assumption that I don't frequent other forums as well?
Who is to say there's not something to be learned from here?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I just don't get it. You're removing shackles and yet, here you are. If you want to learn from others, you could do that in lots of different ways. Why a religious forum? Why not a science forum?

I think you can take a look at his recent OPs and quickly determine why he finds this particular forum so compelling.


Well-Known Member
No. I do however believe that no school should teach that there is no Creator or Supreme Being.

So do you think a public school (specifically science) should teach there is a creator, when there's little to no facts/data to support such a claim?
Shouldn't that be best left to the churches?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
So do you think a public school (specifically science) should teach there is a creator, when there's little to no facts/data to support such a claim?
Shouldn't that be best left to the churches?

Since NO ONE understands how life began, I do not believe that schools should teach that there is or isn't a Creator.


Well-Known Member
Since NO ONE understands how life began, I do not believe that schools should teach that there is or isn't a Creator.

I thinks there's a lot of HOW life could have stared in science, but little WHY. But that's not what science is there to teach.
But if no one knows, should it even be taught as a possibility?
Beyond that, different religions have different POVs on the beginning of things. Should they all be taught, or just a few? I mean, can you really teach "there may be a creator" but never define 'creator'? That would be like saying 2+2=4 but not showing how that's possible.
Seems like that's a compromise...?
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I thinks there's a lot of HOW life could have stared in science, but little WHY. But that's not what science is there to teach.
Beyond that, different religions have different POVs on the beginning of things. Should they all be taught, or just a few?

I don't want my kids' teachers teaching them about religious doctrines. That's my job, not theirs.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
For decades I’ve been, as I see it now, shackled by christianity. Over the last decade I’ve been able to remove those shackles and life has been much better. Sure there are bad times, however, I never had to go to a book (that was written by men and edited by other men) as a source of strength. I’ve been able to rely on myself more, and an invisible deity that I’ve never seen less. I have been able to experience more of life (both good and bad) now that I’m not wearing the yoke of said religion. Things throughout history are more clear to me now than while I was enslaved. I have gained new friends, bonded better with my family and been able to accept myself more now. I don’t have to worry about an afterlife, ensuring I understand and follow the bible correctly. I don’t feel the need to be a light to my fellow man like I did before, but I do so when I want to. I don’t have to be on guard against evil nor run from it. I don’t have the need to have faith in any deity.
So what have I done wrong? This attitude flies in the face of many believers, so surely I’m doing something wrong, right? Yet my life is proportionally better than ever. So what am I doing wrong?

Ah, so you've exchanged shackling for heckling.
