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Christians and dinosaurs

The other day i see a news broadcast that showed a new museum in America that is saying and exhibiting, that humans were around the time of the dinosaurs and they never attacked us!!! obviously the museum is owned and was opened by creationists, and also more worringly i have heard since from a number of people that most christians in America don't even believe the dinosaurs ever existed if there is any christians or others out there that can give me a good reason for this?


I'm a Christian. I believe in creation but I believe it took Billions of years to form our Solar System. And I believe Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.
i have christians who work with me and witnesses and some of them believe the world is only 35,000 years old and dinosaur bones are put there for faith reasons alone.


Well-Known Member
I think the creationist line is that dinosaurs were created along with Adam some 6,000 to 35,000 years ago. To justify this, they make skeptical arguments about the effectiveness of radiocarbon dating, the reliability of the geologic timeframes, and the assumption that the processes we see in operation today have always been operating this way. They also make arguments to show that paleontology is at best an inexact science. Positively, they point to fossils where humans and dinosaurs appear in contemporary (according to the geologic table) times, which would mean that they lived -- or at least died -- together. They appeal to a worldwide flood to account for the deaths of all the dinosaurs.


Well-Known Member
very scary

when i was a christian i was always open to other possibilities...OEC etc. ...i even made room for the luciferian age (two flood theory) to explain away the dinosaurs.

that to me is scary enough, but 35k or 10k years or less...insanity
I think the creationist line is that dinosaurs were created along with Adam some 6,000 to 35,000 years ago. To justify this, they make skeptical arguments about the effectiveness of radiocarbon dating, the reliability of the geologic timeframes, and the assumption that the processes we see in operation today have always been operating this way. They also make arguments to show that paleontology is at best an inexact science. Positively, they point to fossils where humans and dinosaurs appear in contemporary (according to the geologic table) times, which would mean that they lived -- or at least died -- together. They appeal to a worldwide flood to account for the deaths of all the dinosaurs.

but no human skeleton has ever been found in a dinosaur, nor is there ancient drawing to suggest this, like there is for other rituals back then like hunting. etc.
any spear marks or human teeth marks in any dinosaur bones found, because obviously if we lived with them we would have eaten them surely?


New Member
As an archaeologist (yes I am one - although my children seem to think I am more of an archaeological relic!) I have never, and I repeat never heard of primary or contemporary stratified deposits of human and dinosaur bones having been found together.

Also 'SaveMeJebus' makes a very vallied point that no trace fossil association has ever been discovered between humans and dinosaur artifacts.

My concern with creationism as is portrayed by a modern development of the world (10k-35k years old) is that it would imply a limit on the wonderous powers of God. Surely the fact that God could create a universe and in it start the very essence of life that would by design lead to humans is a much more wonderful achievement than simply creating humans as a 'finished product'?


Well-Known Member
you may

it happens rarely...

the fact that you are here on this board makes you 10x better off than the average christian...i should know, but in general, the sleepy headed ignorant southern baptists that i live around and share oxygen with dont have an original thought or logical bone in their body
you may

it happens rarely...

the fact that you are here on this board makes you 10x better off than the average christian...i should know, but in general, the sleepy headed ignorant southern baptists that i live around and share oxygen with dont have an original thought or logical bone in their body

i agree most christians and other religious people on this site have logic and credability that why i love this site, good competition.


you may

it happens rarely...

Most LDS Christians I know are pretty logical. Especially the ones that enjoy Science.

the fact that you are here on this board makes you 10x better off than the average christian...i should know, but in general, the sleepy headed ignorant southern baptists that i live around and share oxygen with dont have an original thought or logical bone in their body

Hahahah!!! :biglaugh:


Well-Known Member
Most LDS Christians I know are pretty logical. Especially the ones that enjoy Science.

most LDS i know are uber nerdy...

but thats another generalization

but seriously

whats up with the star trek thing..gosh...

but seriously, religion does defy logic...i think we have been bread and conditioned to need it though, which is why it was so hard to leave and let go of
if they are in to science how can they still believe in God? because every person i know who is into science,life. etc. are all atheists.seems like the more you get into it the more intelligent you become, the more rationality you have, and the more depressed you are, and the less you know about science, intelligence falls, rationality falls, and the more happy you are, I think ignorance is bliss!! coming from a bias view


if they are in to science how can they still believe in God? because every person i know who is into science,life. etc. are all atheists.seems like the more you get into it the more intelligent you become, the more rationality you have, and the more depressed you are, and the less you know about science, intelligence falls, rationality falls, and the more happy you are, I think ignorance is bliss!! coming from a bias view

There are many LDS that I know that are scientists. But yes there are many nerdy LDS too (whispers: Especially in Rexburg). For me science and religions answer different questions. Religion answers why. Science answers how.


how does religion answer why?

It answers why everything is here. What it's purpose is. The LDS religion teaches the universe was created so that all of God's Spirit children(us) could have gain physical bodies. Learn to control those bodies and then progress to the next level. That's the basic version.


Well-Known Member
It answers why everything is here. What it's purpose is. The LDS religion teaches the universe was created so that all of God's Spirit children(us) could have gain physical bodies. Learn to control those bodies and then progress to the next level. That's the basic version.

Any philosophy can answer why, including atheistic philosophies, w/o depending on created supernatural entities.


There are many LDS that I know that are scientists. But yes there are many nerdy LDS too (whispers: Especially in Rexburg). For me science and religions answer different questions. Religion answers why. Science answers how.


i could not have said it better myself.


Any philosophy can answer why, including atheistic philosophies, w/o depending on created supernatural entities.

how do you know the entities are supernatural? what if they are completely Natural entities, and we are but merely subnormal in regards to that

Everything in in the universe is on a bellcurve, if you accept the existence of one thing you have to accept the existence of a direct opposite.

Most of us lay somewhere in the middle of the bellcurve, but logic tells us that there is always a "bigger fish" there is always space above somethign else and there is always something greater by nature than that same something.