Who decides what are fair laws? I've heard it said "prisons are for people who make their own rules", they obviously disagree with the rules of others, thinking them unfair.
People are unfairly imprisoned all the time. That doesn't help your point.
A sinner has condemned himself to righteous judgement so Jesus isn't doing anything to them. One brings condemnation on himself.
Jesus' death, burial and resurrection, however, serve as a substitute for the judgement of sin for those who believe it.
So ... take responsibility for your own actions, unless you can throw Jesus under the bus to save your own skin. Got it.
I believe in the cake or death argument. It's so much simpler to decide. Cake or death?
I don't like cake.
If there is a god, he would be a being of pure love and pure logic, therefor anything devoid of reason or compassion cannot be of god.
Gods don't have to be nice. Not deserving worship is not the same thing as not existing.
So you say. But God gives mankind a choice Cake or death. Some will choose cake, and some will choose death. With freedom to choose as a cherry on top. Sounds pretty nice.
I think Jesus disagrees. The parable of the talents suggest we get what we pay for. Put in 10% effort, get 10% payback. Put in 100% effort ...
God: You have a choice: cake or death.
Me: I hate cake. I don't even eat sweets, really. Got any potato chips?
God: I can make an entire universe, but I only serve cake or death.
Me: Life can be kind of miserable. Death is often an attractive option.
God: You're supposed to pick cake with your free will.
Me: It isn't even the most nutritious food. What happened to the Water of Life?
God: Nestle bought it. Do you want your cake or not? I want you to make the right choice.
Me: The right choice is to deny any of these options are the right one. Mind ... blown!
I don't really like disney land. That would be like hell to me. I don't have to go anywhere to meet my savior. Most likely be just a pile of dust and bones lying in a grave, no future at all except the resurrection.
But you'll take the cake? I can't help but notice some inconsistencies in your logic.
Jesus himself never advocated violence.
Assaulting people with whips didn't happen? Chasing pigs off a cliff (which served to destroy some poor dude's livelihood, stink up the place with disease-ready filth for ages, and give everyone nightmares of squealing followed by splattering) didn't happen? Killing a fig tree that wasn't supposed to have figs on it didn't happen (did Jesus own the tree? did the real owner appreciate some random dude coming by and killing his livelihood?)?
At best, Jesus is ... inconsistent ... with his teachings.
There is no third, "mankind strikes out on his own" option. You are either serving God or you are serving someone else.
And yet Jesus told us to let our lights shine. If we have no lights, we cannot follow that directive, can we?
But why risk it. Just look up Jesus Christ on google and you will you find it.
We will be saved from things God Himself set up apparently? Is it like when Christians tell us they are like warning us that our house is on fire and that it's moral to do so? Because many of us realized long ago that the "warning system" is also the one with the matches....
Is unbelief a failure of God?
Yes. You don't give someone a broken computer and then complain that they can't look for your emails.
Rameses 2: Yo, Moses, go build bricks without straw, LOL.
God: *writes down memo* Don't ... need ... to ... supply ... workers ... and ... can ... complain ... they ... are ... failures. Got it.
Is God so incompetent He doesn't know what "education" or "rehabilitation" or anything is? You know what's annoying? Working in healthcare without all the proper supplies, from gloves to paper to diapers. How can I possibly be expected to do my job if I am not properly supplied by the owner?
Jesus told doubting Thomas that believing on faith is better than having proof.
And yet we are to judge a tree by its fruit, implying we NEED to verify things in order to move on with our lives. Christianity loves to whine about people being misled into living in Satan's world or something, but those people put up as much critical thinking skills as many "saved" people, right?
1. Jesus died to save us from our selves not from anything he will do?
Except I'm still being held to the standard that I am responsible for my status in front of God, so I'm unclear where Jesus fits in to all this.
Like Christ being a doctor that has created the cure for the disease everyone on the other side of the door have, which their own behavior has both created and spread. He paid for the cure himself, he doesn't charge for it, and he will not force anyone to take it.
Or he's like a pharmacology company that created the disease and this is more like damage control?
In the end they get what they actually desired, eternal separation from God
God's omnipresent, yes? Separation is impossible with omnipresence. It's basically the definition of the word: "being everywhere".
Did Christ offer forgiveness or demand payment from those who nailed him to the cross?
Do we see where any of those people went after they died?
Because if it isn't true your fleeting life will end in annihilation, but if it is true there is hope of eternal contentment. Denying Christ is an infinite net loss.
Actually, it's not. The beauty of annihilation is that I'm not around to suffer anything. I get the last laugh.
Without God no objective moral values exist
I don't see objective moral values WITH "Bible God" existing, since morality seems conveniently defined to sway with His moods.
Christ himself told the apostles to touch him physical after resurrection specifically to show them he was not merely a spirit. He is called the first fruit, the first resurrection to a perfect spiritual body from death.
He isn't spirit but has a spirit body? Huh?
We will be given new bodies that lack all the flaws our current bodies have.
Jesus' perfect spirit body still had nail holes in it. No word yet as to all the other stuff. He should've resurrected looking like hamburger meat, considering all the flogging and torture and stuff. Jesus' perfect spirit body was so perfect that apparently "all Jews look alike", because the followers he had who had spent God knows how long with him seriously needed nail holes to confirm his identity....
You accuse the only human for which no evidence exists that he ever harmed another living thing