I see, well ... God listens to me..
Ain't that cute. You actually think-- that the Ultimate Creator of Everying...
... actually stoops so low...
... to listen to little old ...
How on EARTH do you manage to be so special from day to day? That must have swelled your ego to the size of a planet.
He's not a Santa Claus obviously just granting all wishes and what not. .
Well, according to the Bible? Pretty much that is exactly what is written will happen:
"Anything you ask in the name of Jesus will be granted"
So, yeah... that kinda does sound like Santa Claus, only without the red-and-white felt stocking ... But nevermind that..
Oh, you want a Lamborghini? Coming right up..
See above: The bible places ONE (1) CONDITION: You must invoke your Magic Wish with the vocal component "Jesus".
THAT'S IT! You cannot twist this one, and use the bible to support your twisting.
But how many times do people tell true stories of how they prayed in a time of need and it was heard?
oooh! Oooh! I got this!
It is EXACTLY the same rate as RANDOM CHANCE!
What do I win?