Christians today have never met Jesus physically yet believe in Him. Why?
If you say you believe in Christ because of the Bible then how do you know the Bible is true?
How do you know Christ and the Bible are true?
What makes you so sure?
There is a lot of talk on this forum about evidence and what is and what is not evidence,,,,,,,,,,,,,, especially by atheists and skeptics. It is possible to get so tangled up in what they say and their demand for what they call good evidence that you can start believing they are right and that it is only their sort of evidence that is valid and anything else is not evidence but are claims that need evidence. But that is the road they have gone down and I would not be surprised if it was chosen because they know from the start that it does not lead to faith in God.
For believers faith in God is what is important, it is up there with hope and love. It is good to have rational reasons and evidence for our faith but it is not absolutely necessary. We are people of faith.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.
That does not mean that we should believe when it has been shown to us that our beliefs are wrong.
We usually do struggle to hold on to our beliefs and not just give them up lightly.
It is amazing how God can supply us with answers we need to keep believing if we keep seeking even as a believer over the years.
Anyway here is an interesting video by Jordan Peterson about how he sees the Bible. It is hard to follow but I think it is worth it to stick with it to the end.