Christians, Just what is in your faith for you? What do you get out of worshipping the one you do? Otherwise, why do you worship the one you do?
You have asked a very good question, why would a person worship any so-called god unless there was a good reason??
You are not the first person to ask this question, consider what is said at Malachi 3:14,5. The Almighty answers, Malachi 3:16-18.
God's original purpose for the earth has not changed, Genesis 1:26-26. God created man to live forever on earth, in an earthly paradise, Isaiah 45:18. Look at verse 19, where God says that He does not expect people to worship Him for nothing, or in vain.
The reason that earth is in such a terrible condition today, is because The Almighty Creator is not the ruler of the earth, God has turned rulership over to Satan, because Adam and Eve rebelled against God, John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11, 2Corinthins 4:3,4, 1John 5:19, Revelation 12:9.
All mankind was without hope, but Jesus came to give his life as a Ransom Sacrifice for us, so that we could receive the same blessings that Adam and Eve had before they rebelled against God, Matthew 20:28, 1Timothy 2:3-6, Romans 6:23.
Because Jesus came to earth to give his life for us, God has given him the rule over the earth, and Jesus will judge the earth, and remove any people who do not love his Father, and him, Acts 17:24-31, John 5:22,26-29, Matthew 25:31-46, 2Thessalonians 1:6-10.
There are many Scriptures in he Bible that tell about the paradise that God will set up after the earth is cleansed of all wicked people, Revelation 21:3-5, Isaiah 35:1-7, 65:17-25.