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Christians, please answer this thread...


Active Member
Once Evil, always Evil.
and yes. Yeshua DID say that He was a CONTINUATION of the demonic yaweh laws.
"let he without sin cast the first stone" is a forgery. and either way Yeshua should have cast those stones, yet failed to.
Yaweh's flipflopping shows its failure as a perfect being. The demon Yaweh and the ignorant Yeshua shall be laid low by Our True God


You don't understand the concepts. At all.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!

I know most Christians on this forum are rather easy going, so I want to make sure you are all aware that I am NOT attacking you. This question is gaged more towards the general population of Christians, especially the more concerative fanatical ones. I was raised as one of these types of Christians and believe it 100% for many, many years. I simply want others opinions on this...

Question: Why are some Christians so closed minded to others religious beliefs. Some even want occultists, like myself, dead! Did God/Jesus/Holy Ghost not give every person the freedom of choice? God could have never given it to us but He chose to do it! Why do Christians feel they have the right to take away this God given right? What makes them superior to God?

Again, this is not an attack on you...I am just looking for your opinions. Thanks in advance!
My opinion is that anyone who attacks someone else's religious beliefs is simply insecure with regards to his own. If you have to undercut someone else's position in order to make your position look good, you don't have much of a position to start with. People seem to have an innate need to feel superior, and with regards to religion, this means being more loved by God. It's disgusting, and I have no use for Christians who behave this way.


New Member
Question: Why are some Christians so closed minded to others religious beliefs. Some even want occultists, like myself, dead!

The following are my answers as to why Christians in general believe such and such and are not necessarily what I myself believe.

I suppose because if you believe you have the true religion, there is no need to open your mind to others. I find this with most (all?) religions.

Most probably associate the occult with satan. And since satan is Christian enemy #1, the occult, by extension, is also "wanted dead."

Did God/Jesus/Holy Ghost not give every person the freedom of choice?

Yes, having the ability to choose does not imply that all choices are acceptable/correct/non-fatal.

God could have never given it to us but He chose to do it! Why do Christians feel they have the right to take away this God given right? What makes them superior to God?

I believe the goal of the average Christian is this scenario is not to take away your ability to choose, but instead to convert the wayward soul to Christianity, as is also commanded according to their beliefs. Often times, they lack finesse and lose focus and end up alienating the wayward soul to the extent that the soul is ready to align with satan :)

Again, this is not an attack on you...I am just looking for your opinions. Thanks in advance!

You're welcome.


Christians who try to dismantle other religions is a sin, plain and simple.

A sin? No. It's actually commanded by God to dismantle other religions. Read your Bible.

"Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images." -- Exodus 23:24

"Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee. Behold, they shall be as stubble; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: there shall not be a coal to warm at, nor fire to sit before it." -- Isaiah 47:13,14



non-existential luminary

You don't understand the concepts. At all.

Extremely disappointed in you, what is this trash?:facepalm:

Thanks for those great Revelations, so glad I understand what your counter arguments are now. :rolleyes:
I'm sure your counter arguments will flow something like this: "that's not what I think!" well, that's not what you think because you have let evil into your heart and have been mislead.
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Active Member
Thanks for that great Revelations, so glad I understand what your counter arguments are now. :rolleyes:
I'm sure your counter arguments will flow something like this: "that's not what I think!" well, that's not what you think because you have let evil into your heart and have been mislead.

Like I said, you are clueless.
Abrahamic religions bear so much truth an insight to the human condition it'll make your head spin. You just assume a shallow interpretation of them and run with it.

Therefore, you couldn't possibly understand Jesus.
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non-existential luminary
Like I said, you are clueless.
Abrahamic religions bear so much truth an insight to the human condition it'll make your head spin. You just assume a shallow interpretation of them and run with it.
:sarcastic: Oh yeah, that must be it. It's not the other way around at all.

Jesus? what does Jesus even mean? because I doubt you have any idea where that ridiculous name even came from.



I know most Christians on this forum are rather easy going, so I want to make sure you are all aware that I am NOT attacking you. This question is gaged more towards the general population of Christians, especially the more concerative fanatical ones. I was raised as one of these types of Christians and believe it 100% for many, many years. I simply want others opinions on this...

Question: Why are some Christians so closed minded to others religious beliefs. Some even want occultists, like myself, dead! Did God/Jesus/Holy Ghost not give every person the freedom of choice? God could have never given it to us but He chose to do it! Why do Christians feel they have the right to take away this God given right? What makes them superior to God?

Again, this is not an attack on you...I am just looking for your opinions. Thanks in advance!

I think that "wanting you dead" is a bit extreme.
God did give us free will/freedom of choice, but he also tells us in his word that he is a jelous God who exacts exclusive devotion.
He gives us the choice to do what we like but there are boundries to be respected, i.e. somethings that are directly contrary to his standards.


Jesus in me

I know most Christians on this forum are rather easy going, so I want to make sure you are all aware that I am NOT attacking you. This question is gaged more towards the general population of Christians, especially the more concerative fanatical ones. I was raised as one of these types of Christians and believe it 100% for many, many years. I simply want others opinions on this...

Question: Why are some Christians so closed minded to others religious beliefs. Some even want occultists, like myself, dead! Did God/Jesus/Holy Ghost not give every person the freedom of choice? God could have never given it to us but He chose to do it! Why do Christians feel they have the right to take away this God given right? What makes them superior to God?

Again, this is not an attack on you...I am just looking for your opinions. Thanks in advance!

It probably comes from teaching and self protection from a loss of identity.

No. God does not give choices; He gives commands.

You do not have the right; you have free will. However ignoring commands can lead to consequences. You can do it but you will pay for it.

My opinion is that a person brought up in an abusive Christian sect should learn what it is like to be in a Christian loving environment. However don't expect perfection.


Well-Known Member
In the end if there is only one true God, and you are not worshiping him, what does it really matter?
However, I do agree, you should not be bullied or preached too if you don't want to be, that is when so called Christians cross the line in my opinion.


Jesus in me
Once Evil, always Evil.
and yes. Yeshua DID say that He was a CONTINUATION of the demonic yaweh laws.
"let he without sin cast the first stone" is a forgery. and either way Yeshua should have cast those stones, yet failed to.
Yaweh's flipflopping shows its failure as a perfect being. The demon Yaweh and the ignorant Yeshua shall be laid low by Our True God

He who has the power makes the laws and defines what is good. If you consider good to be evil it means that you are satanic and love evil. And of course those are your words, not the words of Jesus.

I have seen no proof that His statement was a forgery. Jesus as God in the flesh can cast the stone or forgive. It is His prerogative.

You are laboring under a misconstruction. God makes His decsion on what is good, ALWAYS .

The lies of the devil will never defeat God. It is the lake of fire for your god.


Jesus in me
In the end if there is only one true God, and you are not worshiping him, what does it really matter?
However, I do agree, you should not be bullied or preached too if you don't want to be, that is when so called Christians cross the line in my opinion.

I am reminded of the story of Odysseus who had men bind him to the mast so that he would not be able to respond to the Siren's call. At least he knew enough to be bound. Some people think they can withstand the temptation. I don't see anything wrong with disabusing a person of that delusion.
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Well-Known Member
disregarding those that are in a religion and stay there because of peer presure when one "searches" for a religion, they eventually choose the one that most closely agrees with their religious comprehension.

either way, they become attached to that religion and feel that those that differ are less than theirs. if not, they would "upgrade".


Miranda Kerr Worship
I think one may liken the concept to joining a club. If you do not like the rules, don't join. To recieve the greatest promise on offer, ascension to heaven after death, one must accept Jesus and undertake to obey the rules. God makes them up and we do not have to like them. A sinner on the cross repented and was told he would be with Jesus in Paradise today. Hence God is very mercifull.

If you don't cut it in this life, then you'll get another chance in the resurection of the dead.

The biggest fallacy is many faiths have an over developed sence of self importance and believe they get to change the rules as it suits them eg pope who declared himself omnipotent. Christians do not get to change the rules eg fornication, adultery, homosexuality.

The bible is very clear that God is very jealous. You cannot bow down to any other God. If you accept Jesus and try to show this through works, I do not think it matters what faith you call yourself or even if you align with none in particular.

Jesus told his people to obey the law in so far as it does not compromise Gods word. He called the religious leaders sons of vipers and from their father the Devil and told people not to emulate their excesses of greed and places of honour at the table.

Is it fair? Does it suit you? Do we see things differently?...is all irrelevant because God gets to make the rules and has the power to enforce them. We cannot argue our way into heaven.

Not all Christians believe in the exclusivity clause.


I feel you tried to explain your point of view and did it kindly. I respect that!

Here is my problem though, it is when Christians feel that their opinions are the only right ones and that all occultist, as well as other religions, should die. If you believe we will die and go to Hell, so you tell us as a warning THAT IS FINE! In my opinion, you are trying to help. I might not believe you are right, but I would appreciate you honesty and telling me how you feel I could afford Hell. Again, it's not the belief, but rather when you try to take our right away or want us dead due to close-mindedness that is a problem.