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Christians: Praying for Satan.


Temporally Challenged
As I recall the original interpretations of the Bible did not claim that Ha-Satan, the Serpent, and Lucifer Morning Star were all the same people. The Serpent was just that, Ha-Satan was an angel who was tasked with acting as a kind of celestial prosecutor, and Lucifer Morning Star was the rebel angel.

There was, however, the Persian heresy to consider; there was a story where Lucifer Morning Star's rebellion against God was an act born out of love: that he would refuse to bow before anyone but God but that God had commanded Lucifer to bow before man and thus was cast down. In the case of the Persian heresy you would not be required to assume absolute idiocy or malevolence (or the intervention of God to prevent Satan from seeking forgiveness) in order for the story to remain internally consistent.

With that said I have trouble believing that an "angel" (which is basically a super-powered ET with cosmic awareness and intelligence which is at least equal if not significantly greater than humans) would be unable to comprehend that rebellion was a bad idea after thousands of years spent living a torturous existence...


Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
So Satan risked his hide to give us knowledge and continues to fight against an oppressive, unfair regime knowing that he will lose in the end.
No, Satan rebelled against the righteous rule of God and as part of that sought, and achieved a sundering of the relationship between God and man, consigning man to ultimate disaster(until God intervened to restore the relationship).

Misery loves company.


Veteran Member
No, Satan rebelled against the righteous rule of God and as part of that sought, and achieved a sundering of the relationship between God and man, consigning man to ultimate disaster(until God intervened to restore the relationship).
obviously Satan was far more effective in his goal to corrupt mankind---all it took was the singular act of dining on the wrong food---than god has been to set it right again----thousands of years of strife and struggle to get everyone back on track. Gives one pause as to who's more powerful.


Veteran Member
From my understanding, Satan already sealed his fate some time back. Nowhere in scripture are we told to pray for him. According to Revelation, it doesn't end well for him, or anyone who follows him for that matter.

this makes no sense to me.
if you know it doesn't end well for him why wouldn't satan know that too?
iow, if my GPS tells me i'm heading towards a dead end i won't go there, would you? so why would satan?


Veteran Member
obviously Satan was far more effective in his goal to corrupt mankind---all it took was the singular act of dining on the wrong food---than god has been to set it right again----thousands of years of strife and struggle to get everyone back on track. Gives one pause as to who's more powerful.

yes indeed....


Let's go racing boys !
this makes no sense to me.
if you know it doesn't end well for him why wouldn't satan know that too?
iow, if my GPS tells me i'm heading towards a dead end i won't go there, would you? so why would satan?

According to the scripture even when Jesus met the man in Gadarenes that was possesed by demons, they knew Jesus and their fate because they replied "Jesus, thou Son of God have you come to torment us before the time." So based on Scriptural passages Satan (devil, or whatever one choses to call him) has to know how the story ends......No where does scripture speak of praying for satan.

This is based on what the Bible says, so don't blame poor little ole Charity, I'm only the messenger so don't shoot me...:D



Well-Known Member
When I was younger I asked my mother if we should be afraid of the Devil or if we should hate him. She answered "No. We should feel pity for him."
Seems logical to me, if you consider Satan to be the embodiment of evil, you shouldn't use his own tools against him.


Jehovah our God is One
The following is a question I came across on a Christian website.
"I am a Christian but do not have a strong background in the Bible.

My 5 year old understands we are to pray for enemies. He asked "If we pray for Satan, would he change and go back to following God?"

I know Satan was an angel who turned against God and was banished to the Earth. Why was there no hope of him turning back to God, and why would other angels/spirits follow him when his destiny is known?
Thank you for any clarity

– Susan"

So, as a Christian, do you think it proper to pray for Satan? Why or why not?

i pray for Satan every day.

I pray that he is soon destroyed, that his death sentence will be carried out as soon as possible. ;)
The following is a question I came across on a Christian website.
"I am a Christian but do not have a strong background in the Bible.

My 5 year old understands we are to pray for enemies. He asked "If we pray for Satan, would he change and go back to following God?"

I know Satan was an angel who turned against God and was banished to the Earth. Why was there no hope of him turning back to God, and why would other angels/spirits follow him when his destiny is known?
Thank you for any clarity

– Susan"

So, as a Christian, do you think it proper to pray for Satan? Why or why not?
It's improper to pray for Satan, as he's already long since made his bed. He is an eternal enemy to God and to all His children. Who do you suppose is behind all the horror and corruption in the world, to this day?
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Veteran Member
According to the scripture even when Jesus met the man in Gadarenes that was possesed by demons, they knew Jesus and their fate because they replied "Jesus, thou Son of God have you come to torment us before the time." So based on Scriptural passages Satan (devil, or whatever one choses to call him) has to know how the story ends......No where does scripture speak of praying for satan.

This is based on what the Bible says, so don't blame poor little ole Charity, I'm only the messenger so don't shoot me...:D


thanks for furthering my point


There was in heaven an angel named lucifer [morning light] and when God created man he was told to bend his knee to Gods creation, which he refused to do, for this he was cast out of heaven along with his followers. he vowed that he would cause Good to seem evil and evil to seem good. and he would usurp the throne of God.


Well-Known Member
It's improper to pray for Satan, as he's already long since made his bed. He is an eternal enemy to God and to all His children. Who do you suppose is behind all the horror and corruption in the world, to this day?

So there are people out there with a better morality and compassion than Jesus, God and their followers? Interesting.