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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Because the body in which He was raised had the wounds of the Cross, the very same wounds. The Apostles and the women rejoiced when they saw that His tomb was empty. To say that Jesus "dematerialized" His human body is to say that He left His humanity to rot in the grave. Do you see the issue with this?

No not rot. It might have disappeared. Do you believe he multiplied the fish and the loaves? Dematerialize is the opposite of materialize. The accounts by men I give little credence to. The accounts of his body around are by men. I don't believe men....most of the time

His humanity is preserved in his words.
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Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
No not rot. It might have disappeared. Do you believe he multiplied the fish and the loaves? Dematerialize is the opposite of materialize. The accounts by men I give little credence to. The accounts of his body around are by men. I don't believe men....most of time

His humanity is preserved in his words.
You want a fact of the day? Everything in the Gospels are accounts of men. Jesus' words were recorded by men. Yes, that's right, even His words are part of the accounts of men. The fish and the loaves are an account of men. Everything you believe about Jesus ultimately comes from an account of men. Cold, hard reality.

Angels can speak like men. So can God. So can the devil and the demons. Even Balaam's donkey talked like a human. Talking like a human doesn't make you a human.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

The accounts were written by men. I get it. There is a difference though between what he said and what they thought they saw.


Not your average Mormon
The angels that visited Abraham also had bodies of flesh. That's how the story goes. We do not know he had a physical form the day he ascended. It seems the only scriptural evidence that he had a physical body is Luke 24:39. Is that correct? I am too careful to be able to draw conclusions about the nature of Christ from one scripture. Do you have any more, please?
How many times would He have had to say that He had a body before it would be enough times? He had His Apostles feel the wounds in his hands and side. We have at least that evidence that He had a physical body at one point after His resurrection, while we have no evidence whatsoever that He shed it at some point.

If he did have a physical body that day with Thomas I imagine he shed it the opposite way he made the fish and the bread.
Really? Well, that's up to you. I would, however, be even more careful to draw conclusions about the nature of Christ from zero scriptures than I would be to do so from just one. ;)


Not your average Mormon
Just like someone else said "body" does not equal "flesh". It means our personality will not be scattered to the four winds. Heavenly people are spirit bodies not flesh bodies. I am countering the notion that Christ was raised in his man's body. Christ is a spirit like his Father is A Spirit. Like father like son.
Could you please define a "spirit body." If you believe we will have such a body, what do you see it as being like?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Really? Well, that's up to you. I would, however, be even more careful to draw conclusions about the nature of Christ from zero scriptures than I would be to do so from just one
John 3:6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.
1 Corinthians 15:44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.
1 Corinthians 15:50 I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Could you please define a "spirit body." If you believe we will have such a body, what do you see it as being like?

I have a personality. I love certain things. I desire certain things. A spirit body is those things without physical needs.


Not your average Mormon
John 3:6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.
1 Corinthians 15:44 it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.
1 Corinthians 15:50 I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
As I tried to state previously, but perhaps failed to adequately succeed at, a spirit can inhabit a physical body, so the two need not be mutually exclusive. I think you are thinking of "physical" as meaning "mortal." While a mortal body is subject to disease, disfigurment, death and decay, and immortal body is not. Flesh doesn't have to be subject to any of these things. It is, as long as we are mortal, but it isn't once we've been resurrected and become immortal.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
As I tried to state previously, but perhaps failed to adequately succeed at, a spirit can inhabit a physical body, so the two need not be mutually exclusive. I think you are thinking of "physical" as meaning "mortal." While a mortal body is subject to disease, disfigurment, death and decay, and immortal body is not. Flesh doesn't have to be subject to any of these things. It is, as long as we are mortal, but it isn't once we've been resurrected and become immortal.

No, I am not thinking physical equals mortal. I am thinking physical equals selfish.


Not your average Mormon
I shall admit that is surely off topic. :D
I wonder why a stranger on forum might ask such a thing. but....still off topic.
Well, I certainly didn't mean to ask something you see as inappropriate. And as far as being off-topic, this thread took off on several tangents a long, long time ago. I'll tell you the reason I ask...

I am married and have two grown children. Both of my parents are dead and I have one sister. I cannot imagine Heaven without being able to throw my arms around each and every one of these individuals -- not to mention around my furry kids. ;) To try to imagine Heaven without my husband's touch or my mother's smile... well it would simply be impossible for me.


New Member
I am a Christian, but I reject the trinity doctrine. I have been told on more than one occasion by other so-called Christians that I can NOT be a Christian unless I accept the doctrine of trinity. Do you believe this is an accurate/fair stance to take?

no worries, none of the first believers were Christians, right? Jews practicing Judaism who just happened to also believe Yeshua was their Messiah. They didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. What about before them? Nobody before them went to Heaven because they didn't believe in the Trinity? Just man-made dogma to expel the Jews from being 'saved'. hog wash.


Active Member
no worries, none of the first believers were Christians, right? Jews practicing Judaism who just happened to also believe Yeshua was their Messiah. They didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. What about before them? Nobody before them went to Heaven because they didn't believe in the Trinity? Just man-made dogma to expel the Jews from being 'saved'. hog wash.
Welcome to the forum, (and to the thread that has essentially been hijacked by a discussion of a different nature). :)

I noticed that you didn't put your religious affiliation. What do you identify as?


Truth Seeker
no worries, none of the first believers were Christians, right? Jews practicing Judaism who just happened to also believe Yeshua was their Messiah. They didn't believe in the Holy Trinity. What about before them? Nobody before them went to Heaven because they didn't believe in the Trinity? Just man-made dogma to expel the Jews from being 'saved'. hog wash.

Jews were truthful, there is no trinity. It was invented by NT writers to explain Jesus. God, a duality, came into the world and revealed his true nature. NT writers, not understanding God's nature, concocted the son of God, and subsequently, after inventing the holy ghost, the trinity.

If you research the Old Testament, you will not find the son of God or the trinity.


It was invented by NT writers to explain Jesus.

No it was invented by the proto-Orthodox church much later than them. The Gospel writers at best were seemingly influenced by Philo's Logos Theology of Jesus being the incarnation of "Wisdom".

concocted the son of God,

The concept of "Son of God" existed long before the NT. It was later interpolators who edited in the idea of the Virgin Birth (which was likely not part of the original Gospels and was rejected by early Jewish Christians like Cerinthus) that made it much more literal than it was probably meant to be.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Welcome to the forum, (and to the thread that has essentially been hijacked by a discussion of a different nature). :)
Actually, I was interested in digging deep into the doctrine of the Trinity, as I think what you see in the church today as dogma is really a very literalistic, watered down look at something the church wrestled with to speak to something far more esoteric. And then of course you had the later interpretations of this which got those like Sabellius and Arius, coming out with their own spins on their own understandings of what the Trinitarian schools of thought were saying (which missed the point, I feel), responding with such things as Modalism, etc. I'd love to go down an deep exploration of these things, but alas, we're arguing over such silliness as does a resurrected body get hungry and feel pain if pricked! :facepalm:

I wonder if we can hijack it back? Or perhaps resurrect this topic in a new, hijack-free thread?
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