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Christians: Who answers prayers of others?


Well-Known Member
Only the prophets were put to death from what I recall.
Right, 450 people were killed because their version of God didn't "prove" himself to Elijah. Imagine if we killed everyone who couldn't prove their God. Also, it is funny that God found it okay to prove himself then, but somehow, strangely, proof isn't considered important anymore. Do you find this strange at all, that God has such a strange character change from generation to generation?

I don't believe God answers with the intent to reinforce Pagan religions. He can't force people to see it is Him answering but God does not desire anyone to perish so He will continue to reach out to every human being in whatever way He can to draw them to Him. I have no doubt there are people who God has shown himself to in undeniable ways who still don't believe in him and attribute the things of God to other gods.
If God answers the prayers of pagan religions then he is indeed reinforcing that religions belief. How exactly wouldn't that reinforce someones belief? If you pray to Jesus and your prayer is answered who exactly do you assume did it? If Buddha is actually answering your prayer how could you ever know the difference? This would indeed make God a God of confusion and chaos. If hell or seperation from him is the outcome of not believing in him then your God is sick and twisted to trick these people like this.

Imagine if only Christians prayers were answered. Wouldn't that be a very simple way of confirming that the Christian God was real?

I don't believe God will ever answer a prayer that will not have the potential to bring glory to Himself.
Except that if he is answering other religions prayers for them, without letting them know it is from him, then it is indeed not bringing glory to himself and is actually confirming the beliefs of false religions. So your belief that God answers other peoples religions just proved your above statement false.

You can't have it both ways PW, it is a logical contradiction.
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Active Member
Emo Philips
When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me

Me Myself

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I am always amazed by this way of thinking, that jesus is a name or an act, a little person ini history that did this or that.

In the bible, it is very clear that Jesus says that everyone is son of god. He also says that everyone is god. he also says that he is in everyone.

Yet, people still think that if you don´t say "jesus" God won´t recognize you. As if love was any less of love without a sound, or devotion any less devote without a word.

There may be so much more jesus in an hindu that in a self aclaimed "christian", the same way that there may be much more jesus in an atheist or an agnostic.

Is not about believing a story to be true or not, that is just a superficial part, none that important. It is about having faith in the human virtue, having faith in love. Because if God is love, it doesn´t matter that an atheist doesn´t believe in the word "God" or in the stories he has read around or in the miracles of "you know what, we need wine", as long as he has the same feeling of love when he sees his children smile, or when he can be humble and caring to other human beings through compassion.

All this is what makes sense, and all this can be found in the bible. Only because there comes some letter by a guy who was even discriminatory to women in the first place (You surely had your great qualities Paul, but your letters can´t be inspired by God if they discriminate women. It´s okay, you were a son of your time.) that interprets this readings in ways that goes against common sense and more importantly human heart that shouldn´t be reason to become heartless ourselves or believe that God will not be as loving and pure as we think he expects of us to be.

Gotta think more clearly people. Think clearly, and feel compassionately.

Me Myself

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Assuming that prayer works as a tool of faith, when Christians pray, God answers their prayers (or Christ acting as a mediator, as it were).

When a Hindu prays, and genuinely believes his prayers are answered, if your belief is in a Christian God, then who answered this person's prayer? What about a Muslim or a Pagan? What about any other non-Christian that prays and believes his or her prayer is answered?

God= Love and Jesus= God

So if any prayer done with Jesus as mediator is answered, then any prayer done with love is answered.



Because if God is love, it doesn´t matter that an atheist doesn´t believe in the word "God" or in the stories he has read around or in the miracles of "you know what, we need wine", as long as he has the same feeling of love when he sees his children smile, or when he can be humble and caring to other human beings through compassion.

You are obviously thoroughly confused. Who said God was love?

I think it would matter. God never asked anyone to believe in him. You've got that confused with Jesus. God simply demanded obedience. It was assumed in scripture that you believed in God.

Me Myself

Back to my username
That's because its a point of basic Christian theology. "None may go to the Father except through me."

yeah, but he did say that he is in ALL OF US.

He cited Jew scripture in John when he said we are gods. He also said "when I was hungry you fed me(...) because what you do to the smallest of my brothers you do unto me"

what is brother to him? "anyone who does the will of my father that is in heaven is my mother and brothers"

What is the will of the Father? "love God with all your heart (hence love love itself, because God is love. Love: love, truth, forgiveness, because that is God) and love each othera like I loved you(doesn´t imply you need to know who a carpenter´s boy 6bc was, you just need to love as he did)"

Also important to remember "He who is not against me, is with me"

Blessings :)
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Me Myself

Back to my username
You are obviously thoroughly confused. Who said God was love?

Certainly not the OT, but then again, that same testament said that if your child was unbehaving and he wouldn´t desist unbehaving, the whole town should kill him (I think it was deuteronomius)

But Christian doctrine says God=Love quite a lot.


The Feisty Penguin
...As I said earlier, God is not required to answer the prayers of those who do not believe in him or acknowledge Jesus as Lord. He has never promised to answer their prayers. He only does so out of love for them...

So... God then is required to answer Christian prayers?


Jehovah our God is One
Assuming that prayer works as a tool of faith, when Christians pray, God answers their prayers (or Christ acting as a mediator, as it were).

When a Hindu prays, and genuinely believes his prayers are answered, if your belief is in a Christian God, then who answered this person's prayer? What about a Muslim or a Pagan? What about any other non-Christian that prays and believes his or her prayer is answered?

there is only one God who is the hearer of prayer... so like other have said, no matter who we are or what religion we are a part of, if we pray sincerely, there is only one God who hears.

whether he answers a prayer or not is another matter. I think most people have unanswered prayers, myself included.

Me Myself

Back to my username
whether he answers a prayer or not is another matter. I think most people have unanswered prayers, myself included.

Just a thought... maybe you are not listening carefully?

Many saints adviced a good time of silence in the day because in silence one can hear God.

just a thought, maybe you find the answer to what you are looking for. :)


Jehovah our God is One
Just a thought... maybe you are not listening carefully?

Many saints adviced a good time of silence in the day because in silence one can hear God.

just a thought, maybe you find the answer to what you are looking for. :)

yeah im not sure about hearing God in silence...i honestly dont think he literally speaks that way

but i agree with the saying 'silence is golden' :D

Me Myself

Back to my username
yeah im not sure about hearing God in silence...i honestly dont think he literally speaks that way

but i agree with the saying 'silence is golden' :D

Well I don´t mean he is gonna go "Yo wazzup!" xD but I do beleive that he may speak without words to you :)

Sometimes instead of praying I tried to become really quiet and aware and see If I can feel God ("he is closer to us than our breath"). Before I pray, he knows what I need :)

Many times I understand everything is okay right now, or that I will become stronger by what´s happeing. Other times (rarely lately, but when it happens it rocks) I get a great feeling of peace and gratitude and I know everything is taken care of. Little time later, he did take care of it :)


there is only one God who is the hearer of prayer... so like other have said, no matter who we are or what religion we are a part of, if we pray sincerely, there is only one God who hears.

whether he answers a prayer or not is another matter. I think most people have unanswered prayers, myself included.

Can you scripturally provide a reference of God answering the prayers of a people that do not believe in him?


Jehovah our God is One
Well I don´t mean he is gonna go "Yo wazzup!" xD but I do beleive that he may speak without words to you :)

Sometimes instead of praying I tried to become really quiet and aware and see If I can get in touch with God. Before I pray, he knows what I need :)

Many times I understand everything is okay right now, or that I will become stronger by what´s happeing. Other times (rarely lately, but when it happens it rocks) I get a great feeling of peace and gratitude and I know everything is taken care of. Little time later, he did take care of it :)

I think i'd freak out if I heard him say 'Yo wazzup!' :D

I have had the experience similar to what you describe. this scritpural counsel comes to mind

Philipians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let YOUR petitions be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard YOUR hearts and YOUR mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.

notice how Paul isnt saying that by praying, all your problems will be solved... he said that by praying, Gods peace will guard your heart and mental powers. IOW, God doesnt take away our problems, but he does give us the strength to cope with them. :)