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Christians: Who answers prayers of others?

Me Myself

Back to my username
If you have children, do you feel obligated to provide for and nurture their friends in the same manner and degree you do your own children? Are you legally obligated to?

If I was omnipotent, I will provide for all my children, not just the ones who call me dadda. (specially because I can´t blame the others for not calling out to me since I became invisible)


Active Member
found it!

John 10: 34

The regular christian explanation to that jewish scripture is basically that god meant that those men were "like" gods because they were in a role of judges. But the passage provided doesn´t give much context for the scripture because Jesus only says that and doesn´t add more to it "Isn´t it written in your law: I have said you are gods" that is what I ahve in my bible jesus says.

edit: ah! I only provided in which he said we are gods and omited the others xD. Well he calls God father not only for him, there are many examples, sure you do are familiar with that one. (one that I recall on the surface of my mind is when he says "if you that are bad give good things to your children(...) how will your father that is in heaven not give you good stuff (that´s Paraphrased) ) About Jesus being in everyone, he says that when he says "because I was hungry and you fed me(...) because when you fed the smallest of my brothers you fed me"

I looked in my Bible and found this little side note:
In what sense are we all gods?
Jesus quotes the Jewish Scriptures to show that we all are "gods" in the sense that we all have some sphere of influence over others. He uses the example of human rulers, called "gods" in Psalm 82:6-7. Jesus infers that whenever humans are rules over others or are in charge of something, they function like little "gods" over those areas. In a far greater way, Jesus, who does the works of God and demonstrates his rule over disease, death and evil, is the Lord God.

Interesting :) Learned something new, thanks for pointing that out. My bible has "gods" in quotes. Often times used to indicate or point out something ironic or emphasize it. Kinda like Jesus was using finger air quotes

Me Myself

Back to my username
I looked in my Bible and found this little side note:
In what sense are we all gods?
Jesus quotes the Jewish Scriptures to show that we all are "gods" in the sense that we all have some sphere of influence over others. He uses the example of human rulers, called "gods" in Psalm 82:6-7. Jesus infers that whenever humans are rules over others or are in charge of something, they function like little "gods" over those areas. In a far greater way, Jesus, who does the works of God and demonstrates his rule over disease, death and evil, is the Lord God.

Interesting :) Learned something new, thanks for pointing that out. My bible has "gods" in quotes. Often times used to indicate or point out something ironic or emphasize it. Kinda like Jesus was using finger air quotes

Lol! I just imagined Jesus saying "Gods
" that´s so epic! xD

Yeah as I said, that is generally the way it is explained. I do must say must bibles tend to use one tactic or the other so that they don´t contradict doctrine.

Like keeping important parts of baptism out of the bible(just learnt that today) so you can baptize babies.

In any case, I am glad you learned something new ;) (and will treasure the Jesus air finger quotes mental image for ever xD)


Active Member
Lol! I just imagined Jesus saying "Gods
" that´s so epic! xD

Yeah as I said, that is generally the way it is explained. I do must say must bibles tend to use one tactic or the other so that they don´t contradict doctrine.

Like keeping important parts of baptism out of the bible(just learnt that today) so you can baptize babies.

In any case, I am glad you learned something new ;) (and will treasure the Jesus air finger quotes mental image for ever xD)

LOL My husband and I can get rather sarcastic sometimes and laugh about the times Jesus was rather sarcastic himself with people. Although I think there is good and bad sarcasm lol and perfect timing to it all.

I'm interested in what you mean by "important parts of baptism". Infant baptism is not something our church believers in. This article pretty much explains why, in great detail - Infant Baptism

Me Myself

Back to my username
LOL My husband and I can get rather sarcastic sometimes and laugh about the times Jesus was rather sarcastic himself with people. Although I think there is good and bad sarcasm lol and perfect timing to it all.

I'm interested in what you mean by "important parts of baptism". Infant baptism is not something our church believers in. This article pretty much explains why, in great detail - Infant Baptism

Well, I just saw an article today actually from a video of someone in this forum, where there is a guy saying... oh wait...

This Bible's no good. I want my money back! - YouTube

I felt bad because looking a little more into other rrelated videos on youtube, they change a passage I liked a lot to something that for me is not that cool.

In any case, better leave the subject there so to not flood this thread any more <_<

So to keep it on track I will put back something I answered you from before that you kinda missed(course, the answer was to something you weren´t saying at me at the moment so it happens xD)

Well, that was this:

If I was omnipotent, I will provide for all my children, not just the ones who call me dadda. (specially because I can´t blame the others for not calling out to me since I became invisible)


Wonder Woman
If you have children, do you feel obligated to provide for and nurture their friends in the same manner and degree you do your own children? Are you legally obligated to?

No, I don't feel obligated to in general. It would all depend on what I know of them. Whether I approve of their influence on my child. Whether I knew if they were needy or spoiled. Many factors come into play. My home is not a community center for whatever other kids happen to turn up here. Whether I help a child is dependent upon the child and it's parents.


Active Member
If I was omnipotent, I will provide for all my children, not just the ones who call me dadda. (specially because I can´t blame the others for not calling out to me since I became invisible)

I didn't respond to this b/c I feel you are entitled to your opinion on it, and I respect that, even if I disagree with parts of it :D (I simply assumed you likely know where I stand, and it wasn't worth going on for 2-3 pages back and forth on it). Sorry, I wasn't intentionally being rude or anything, just didn't see a need to respond to it, and didn't feel responding to it would further the discussion.


.45 Cal
The tone of the OP's post implies he's a universalist. Isn't that the doctrine that's at the root of his question? If that's the case the question we should really be talking about is "is there more than one way to be right with God?"
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Me Myself

Back to my username
I didn't respond to this b/c I feel you are entitled to your opinion on it, and I respect that, even if I disagree with parts of it :D (I simply assumed you likely know where I stand, and it wasn't worth going on for 2-3 pages back and forth on it). Sorry, I wasn't intentionally being rude or anything, just didn't see a need to respond to it, and didn't feel responding to it would further the discussion.

Uhm... oh well. It´s cool xD


The Feisty Penguin
If you have children, do you feel obligated to provide for and nurture their friends in the same manner and degree you do your own children? Are you legally obligated to?

Isn't the Christian belief that we are All God's children? Not just those who believe in him, specifically?


Active Member
Isn't the Christian belief that we are All God's children? Not just those who believe in him, specifically?

No, Scripture refers to those who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior as those who have been adopted into the family of God, no one else. This study shows several bible verses about it Who Is A Child Of God? - by Jerry (Gerald) Bouey.

Other good ones:
Not Everyone is a Child of God « Captivated by Christ&#039;s Blog &#8211; Linden Wolfe
Are we all God's children, or only Christians?


The Feisty Penguin
No, Scripture refers to those who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior as those who have been adopted into the family of God, no one else. This study shows several bible verses about it Who Is A Child Of God? - by Jerry (Gerald) Bouey.

Other good ones:
Not Everyone is a Child of God « Captivated by Christ's Blog &#8211; Linden Wolfe
Are we all God's children, or only Christians?

Okay, but if God made the human species, then wouldn't that make us his children by definition?

On the other hand, if the Christian God doesn't want me, I'm glad I found a God that does.


Active Member
Okay, but if God made the human species, then wouldn't that make us his children by definition?

On the other hand, if the Christian God doesn't want me, I'm glad I found a God that does.

All 3 links addressed this issue, so is it safe to assume you didn't take a peek at them? :)

No. Created by God is not the same as 'born' of God. Jesus is the only [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva]Son of God by nature (God's spiritual nature). [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva]The Holy Spirit creates in those who believe a new nature. And we are adopted into God's family. Yes we are human species, created by God, but we have a human nature, which is inherently sinful. Jesus, born of God, with spiritual nature and human nature, sinless and perfect. When we have faith and trust in Jesus Christ we receive the Holy Spirit, who is also called the "spirit of adoption" in some translations. God wants everyone to be adopted into his family, but we have to give ourselves up to be adopted. God does want you, but he won't force you to leave your current spiritual family to be with him. He has given you that choice and freedom.



The Feisty Penguin
All 3 links addressed this issue, so is it safe to assume you didn't take a peek at them? :)

No. Created by God is not the same as 'born' of God. Jesus is the only [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva]Son of God by nature (God's spiritual nature). [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Geneva]The Holy Spirit creates in those who believe a new nature. And we are adopted into God's family. Yes we are human species, created by God, but we have a human nature, which is inherently sinful. Jesus, born of God, with spiritual nature and human nature, sinless and perfect. When we have faith and trust in Jesus Christ we receive the Holy Spirit, who is also called the "spirit of adoption" in some translations. God wants everyone to be adopted into his family, but we have to give ourselves up to be adopted. God does want you, but he won't force you to leave your current spiritual family to be with him. He has given you that choice and freedom.[/FONT]

I admit it, no I didn't :eek:. I'm feeling extraordinarily lazy today for some reason... on the other hand, I have no rebuttal at this time :)


Not your average Mormon
Isn't the Christian belief that we are All God's children? Not just those who believe in him, specifically?
I believe we're all God's children, Gentoo. The Bible refers to Him as the "father of spirits" and us as "His offspring." Who, if not He, is the father of the spirits who don't believe in Him? Our spirits, after all, existed long before we ever had the choice as to whether to believe in Him or not.


.45 Cal
The Christian belief is that those who's sins haven't been washed with JC's blood have God's love but haven't had justice satisfied for there sins. Until that takes place there is a divide between God and man. God isn't able to draw near the way he wants to because while he is a God of love he is also a God of justice and can't ignore it.
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