I would like to share with you my true motives, since I have refuted the motives some attribute to me, or my fellow Brothers and sisters in Christ. My motives in voting in a Godly manner are three-fold, One being selfish really, in that I myself do not want to suffer the guilt of my condoning anything contrary to God's word. I feel If I vote in support, it is the same guilt as I would bear had I succumbed to the lifestyle myself.perhaps I am wrong and I would be open to rethink this part.
Secondly, my motives are of concern for these couples which God has said will be given over to theirselves and the destruction there of. Why would anyone support something that will bring destruction and wrath upon another? Is that really hate? Just because the person or persons doesn't believe in the wrath of My god, doesn't give him immunity from it, and so condoning a behavior or lifestyle contrary to God's word in which I believe is for all men, not only those who believe it, is hate in my opinion. Shouldn't we all want what is best for everyone? Shouldn't my love for you be shown to you by truth in what I believe in my own heart? If you had knowledge that a bridge was out ahead of my car, would you not try to stop me from falling to my death? This is love, not hate.
Thirdly, I want God's blessing on our nation. I fear God and know what he has done in the past and what he is capable of in the future for those who turn from him and go each to his own ways. Look at how conservative countries view America. A free style, Godless society filled with promiscuous perverts and an anything goes mentality. I am not saying they are correct in all, and sure their are far worse societies. But I do feel we are given over to what feels good, rather then what is good for us and I do fear the wrath of God on us a a whole and I vote to combat the things I Believe, and that are ungodly and will bring God's wrath on us all.
All religiously based.
May I ask what you render unto Caesar's....?