Some churches do, IMO, cross over the line and directly tie their services to "voluntary" (wink wink) donations.
Oh, I know there are some that do cross over into the "wink wink" category, but I've not personally dealt with any of those yet. I would be unlikely to make any arrangements with any church that did that, frankly. I'd go rent a hall instead.
Well, it's not like I have much cause to worry about that, though, at least not until my mother passes on, and probably not at all after that.
Not to get far off the subject, but if any non-Baha'is want a free wedding, you can get one from us.
We're not allowed to take contributions from non-Baha'is anyway, which is a great safety feature. Of course you'd have to comply with Baha'i laws regarding marriage and that might be a sticking point.
However, I had a deeper look and in
the statement on the church's web site, they state that the funeral was offered free of charge.
Like I've said before, there was a collision of values here. They may not want to support people being actively homosexual, and that's their option. But to drop the funeral last minute like this, that violates principles of charity and compassion. That's what disgusts me the most about this whole thing. The better course would've been to continue on and not upset the family, and
afterwards consult about how to handle any future situations, if they have some theological reasons for not wanting to have funeral services for someone who's actively gay.