Obstructor of justice
It is not merely the fact that he was a sinner - we are all sinners. This person was openly living a sinful, UNREPENTANT lifestyle. Even that said, the church most likely would have done the funeral if it had been allowed to do it in a respectful manner, not celebrating the person's lifestyle. Just as it would not have wanted to celebrate someone's unrepentant lifestyle of drunkenness, or a gambling addition.
I am through arguing this as my stand here is firm. The bottom line here is that I am sick and tired of churches being demonized for standing up for their beliefs. Again - who is being intolerant here? Who is doing the name calling? Who REALLY is acting bigoted?
So, if someone was an alcoholic, or addicted to gambling, if a church were to hold a funeral they would treat the family the same way if they wanted to show pictures of the deceased at a bar with friends, or on vacation in Las Vegas, right? After all, that would be celebrating their sinful lifestyle as well, right?
Besides, I'm still waiting to see exactly what was in the video that "glorifies" anything. And, the point is that they already agreed to do the funeral, and went back on their word.