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Cindy Sheehan calls it quits


Admiral Obvious
Do you love him as your uncle?
If he fell off the face of the earth, I would not miss him one bit.
But that is not to say that I wouldn't take my foot off his head if he was drowning...

Point taken, although I think her statements actually go farther than what you said about your uncle, lol...aside from "I hate America," what statements would indicate to you that she does?
I do not know.
It is one of those "I would know it when I hear it" things.
Key word being HEAR.

she is obviously not very happy with the government.
she is obviously not very happy with those who put all the negative labels upon her.
she obviously feels that a group or two flat out stabbed her in the back.

Personally, I would say that she had some pre-conceived notions about America and has just the other day come to accept (or perhaps acknowledge) that what she thought she knew was not the way it is in the real world.

Add this to the loss of her child, the giving up on 29 years of marriage thinking that what she was doing would actually make a difference and then getting stabbed in the back by those whom she thought supported her.

I would surmise that it was a rather emotional experience and that she is likely emotionally and mentally drained.

but then, i am not a trained mind analyst by any stretch of the imagination.
Even Tim Burtons.
If he fell off the face of the earth, I would not miss him one bit.
But that is not to say that I wouldn't take my foot off his head if he was drowning...

I do not know.
It is one of those "I would know it when I hear it" things.
Key word being HEAR.

she is obviously not very happy with the government.
she is obviously not very happy with those who put all the negative labels upon her.
she obviously feels that a group or two flat out stabbed her in the back.

Personally, I would say that she had some pre-conceived notions about America and has just the other day come to accept (or perhaps acknowledge) that what she thought she knew was not the way it is in the real world.

Add this to the loss of her child, the giving up on 29 years of marriage thinking that what she was doing would actually make a difference and then getting stabbed in the back by those whom she thought supported her.

I would surmise that it was a rather emotional experience and that she is likely emotionally and mentally drained.

but then, i am not a trained mind analyst by any stretch of the imagination.
Even Tim Burtons
She is probably emotionally and mentally drained, and I doubt being in country that makes her that way is a smart choice. She should get away and be somewhere she enjoys, there's bound to be places on this Earth she doesn't think are corrupt fascist pits of evil.


Admiral Obvious

She is probably emotionally and mentally drained, and I doubt being in country that makes her that way is a smart choice. She should get away and be somewhere she enjoys, there's bound to be places on this Earth she doesn't think are corrupt fascist pits of evil.
I dunno.

Perhaps she feels that all countries are corrupt fascist pits of evil and that America is the least worse of them?
I dunno.

Perhaps she feels that all countries are corrupt fascist pits of evil and that America is the least worse of them?
Yikes. If that's her opinion, I'm glad I'm not her, the world would be a bleak place.
Besides, at least a few countries have got to make the "communist pits of evil" list...:D


Well-Known Member
I hope she finds some peace and happiness. An American hero walks away in disgust, and no one even notices or cares. This is a symbol of how bad things have really gotten. I'm afraid that we're beyond all hope in this country.

She was NOT an American hero.


FerventGodSeeker said:
Also, as I said to Gracie about her Persian friend, if she truly does love the country and just loathes the current government with a passion, maybe she would do well to leave and come back when the government is more to her liking.

but that's just it- he shouldn't have to. i would not advise him to leave his country because he hates the government there. he is in his own way fighting the government and urging awareness about what it is doing wrong. he views his government as murderous and backwards. but again, i just don't see the reason why this should oblige him ultimately to leave Persia, or why one assumes he would be happier in, say, Lebanon, Japan, or Norway. you can hate what someone has done to a place and still have fondness and hope for the place itself.


Veteran Member
She said nothing that implies that she should or would leave the United States.

The reason I call her a hero is because unlike most of the rest of us, when she saw her country doing something she believed to be profoundly wrong, she did something about it. And it has cost her dearly. She paid this price because she loves this country, not because she hates it. What she hates is the wrong that she sees her country doing, and which many of us, most of us in fact, agree is wrong. But like I said, the difference between her and the rest of us, and the reason she is a hero, is that she put her life and her money and her energy where her mouth is. And the sad fact is that although most of the rest of us know that she's right, and that Bush's war is a completely useless and unmitigated failure, and that hundreds of thousands of lives have been devastated and destroyed because George Bush is a complete moron and and an ego-maniacal fool, and the rest of our politicians are gutless charlatans who will sacrifice any number of American lives on a daily basis just to maintain their positions of political power, yet unlike Cindy Sheehan, we do nothing. We say nothing. The truth is that we just don't care. We let more people die every day as we ignore the whole mess and tell ourselves that we can do nothing.

And this is why she gave up. Like other great Americans in the past, she was willing to take on the responsibility of being the figurehead, and spokesperson for the cause of peace and reason and righteousness, even though she didn't seek it or even really want it. But she did it because she believed that what's right needs to be fought for, and will win out in the end. But instead of our rallying to a just cause, as she thought we would, we just closed our eyes and changed the channel. We didn't want to be bothered. We still don't. And this is why America is at the end of it's reign. When it's own citizens no longer care about the needless killing and maiming of their own fellow citizens, there really isn't a nation, anymore. All that's left is just a bunch of selfish, self-absorbed people who happen to live inside common political borders.


Steel Magnolia
It's fine if you don't like the USA, but if you hate it so much I don't see why you would still live here. At least move to a country that you can tolerate without coming up with descriptions about it being "corrupt," "a fascist corporate wasteland," and "run by a war machine that even controls what we think," among other heartwarming things, after talking about it for five minutes. There's a ton of people that want to be here (and can't, legally)way more than she appears to ; at least she can do something good for herself and move somewhere she enjoys.


I'm sympathetic towards this woman's loss, but I don't understand why she blames Bush or the government for her son's death...

He joined the military of his own free will. He must have understood the risk of joining to at least some degree. It's a shame that his mother is dissing the country he died to protect...it's a shame that she doesn't understand that he, and thousands of heroes and heroines like him have died to ensure that she retains that right to say whatever the crap she wants to about this country. So personally, I'm glad she's finally shutting up...


Steel Magnolia
She was NOT an American hero.

Also agree...she was an American embarassment. American heroes are people like my cousin, the father of a small baby girl, who risks his life to fly supplies in to our troops in the middle east.

American heroes are people like my great-grandfather, who fought in three wars (to protect the rights of Ms. Cindy Sheehan) and came out of them decorated with several silver and bronze stars and a purple heart.

American heroes are people who risk their lives, and even die, to keep this country free. Who die to give Ms. Sheehan the right to say what she wants about our country, who die to give me the right to say what I want about Ms. Sheehan...

American heroes are not people who work to bring this country down by drawing attention to themselves when the American public has bigger things to worry about.


Reason, and reason again
American heroes are not people who work to bring this country down by drawing attention to themselves when the American public has bigger things to worry about.

Sean Hannity, is that you? ;)


Admiral Obvious
American heroes are not people who work to bring this country down by drawing attention to themselves when the American public has bigger things to worry about.
And pray tell how she 'worked to bring this country down" and what exactly were these 'bigger things' that the "American public was worried about?"

The next American Idol?
My oh my you are absolutely right, that is a much bigger thing for Americans to worry about than all the lives being lost in Iraq.

Abortion being illegal?
Once again you hit the nail on the head.

I know, the American public was so worried about what Sharpton had to say about a shock jocks shocking comments.
How dare Sheehan try to get people to pay attention to the war!!


Well-Known Member
And pray tell how she 'worked to bring this country down" and what exactly were these 'bigger things' that the "American public was worried about?"

The next American Idol?
My oh my you are absolutely right, that is a much bigger thing for Americans to worry about than all the lives being lost in Iraq.

Abortion being illegal?
Once again you hit the nail on the head.

I know, the American public was so worried about what Sharpton had to say about a shock jocks shocking comments.
How dare Sheehan try to get people to pay attention to the war!!

And once again you're stereotyping.


Well-Known Member
and who is it that I am allegedly stereotyping now?

I am merely calling it how I see it.

As soon as somone disagrees with you, you start painting them with a broad stroke. "Oh! They are against Cindy - They must be knocking down the doors and blowing up abortion clinics and yada yada yada..."