Veteran Member
This post evidently contains the misinformation.Ill-informed nonsense.
The medical consensus is that there is no "consciousness" before around 25 weeks.
88% of abortions take place under 10 weeks. 94% under 12 weeks. Only 1% are after 20 weeks The majority of those in later stages are clinical terminations on the grounds of foetal abnormality. (UK National Statistics)
There is no medical consensus supporting your claim. Link.
"Only 1% are after 20 weeks" is in the US alone, and does not cover the 73 million induced abortions which take place worldwide each year.
According to the World Health Organization, “around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year.”
As of February 2021, there have been over 62 million legal surgical and medical abortions in the United States.
The statistics are conflicting, but that's expected as the numbers decrease.
Nonetheless, mathematical calculations based on this still would not tell us the percentage of those, say ?10 million outside the US, killed after 20 weeks, but how many is 1% in the US... 1 million... 2 million...?
It would be high though, based on this...
Worldwide, 25 million unsafe abortions (45% of all abortions) occurred every year between 2010 and 2014, according to a new study by WHO and the Guttmacher Institute published today in The Lancet. The majority of unsafe abortions, or 97%, occurred in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
However, since 20 weeks is no longer agreed on... if it ever was, that percentage increases enormously considering those murdered after 12 weeks.
Not to stray from the topic, if you want to get into this, we can probably discuss it further on this thread.