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Clerics urge new jihad over Gaza


To Save A Lamb

The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas Charter) begins thus:

In The Name Of The Most Merciful Allah
Praise be unto Allah, to whom we resort for help, and whose forgiveness, guidance and support we seek; Allah bless the Prophet and grant him salvation, his companions and supporters, and to those who carried out his message and adopted his laws - everlasting prayers and salvation as long as the earth and heaven will last. Hereafter:

Article One says this:

Article One:

The Islamic Resistance Movement: The Movement's programme is Islam. From it, it draws its ideas, ways of thinking and understanding of the universe, life and man. It resorts to it for judgement in all its conduct, and it is inspired by it for guidance of its steps.

Article 13 begins thus:

Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.

And goes on to say:

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.

So much for " that if attempts to make peace are made you have to try to make peace..."

Let it also be said that the overwhelming majority of strikes against Israel have been directed at civilians. Kids at dance clubs, in school buses, pizza shops, hospitals... plus nearly 10,000 qassam rockets without the hint of intent to strike any form of military installation.

So much for "like the how noncombatants/civilians can not be harmed, that you have to be just and not violate human rights"

Would it be fair to say that Hamas, in principle and action, is guilty of being bad muslims?

It would be fair to say they don't really give a fig about Islam or about being good Muslims.

It's shameful how much support terrorist groups get from the Muslims on this forum, even though I was pretty sure there was a rule made to prevent that.


Al-Aqsa Is In My Heart.
Holy war = harb-u-muqadasah
Jihad = struggle (both internal and external)

Jihad can mean an internal struggle to be a better Muslim (the greater jihad) and it can also mean fighting to defend the ummah and to defend nonMuslims who are living in areas under control of Muslims or those nonMuslims who have some sort of treaty/contract/whatnot with Muslims. Fighting in defense is not a holy war- there is nothing in Islam that says you can fight against nonMuslims just because they are nonMuslims. There are also limited places on phsyical jihad, like the how noncombatants/civilians can not be harmed, that you have to be just and not violate human rights, it has to respect religious freedom (meaning you can't fight to force Islam on another group), that if attempts to make peace are made you have to try to make peace...

This isn't a comment on the topic of the OP, but the misinformation contained in it.

As for the OP, page me when these "clerics" do something useful.
Great sister that you corrected his information about Jihad, so let me correct this word "clerics". In Islam there is nothing called clerics, but you can call them scholars.


To Save A Lamb
Great sister that you corrected his information about Jihad, so let me correct this word "clerics". In Islam there is nothing called clerics, but you can call them scholars.

I have no need to dignify them with such a title.


Active Member
It's shameful how much support terrorist groups get from the Muslims on this forum, even though I was pretty sure there was a rule made to prevent that.
you mean Hamas is a terrorist group the same like Qaeda or Zargawy groups?

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
These clerics and the ones before them that have called for Holy war against Israel do the talking and Palestine does the suffering,what proof that these idiots are wrong do they need other than the fact that whenever this Holy war is called for very few Muslims turn up for it because they know its wrong and will just lead to suffering.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Mr Nazzal told his audience: "Don't worry about casualties."
The 23 days of bombardment of Gaza, in which some 1,300 people, many of them civilians and nearly 300 of them children, are believed to have died, was "just the beginning" of the struggle, Mr Nazzal said.
To laughter in the audience, another speaker noted that twice as many babies were born as children were killed during the war. Every death, I was told, was a martyrdom on the road to liberation.

I suppose he won't be worried about casualties because he will be miles away from danger how brave.


Ell Oh Ell
At a weekend meeting in Istanbul, 200 religious scholars and clerics met with senior Hamas officials to plot a new jihad centred on Gaza.
The BBC's Bill Law was the only Western journalist at the meeting. In a hall crowded with conservative Sunni Muslim sheikhs and scholars, in a hotel close to Istanbul's Ataturk Airport speaker after speaker called for jihad against Israel in support of Hamas.

If i had a pound for everytime someone wants Jihad ...


Veteran Member
Premium Member
At a weekend meeting in Istanbul, 200 religious scholars and clerics met with senior Hamas officials to plot a new jihad centred on Gaza.
The BBC's Bill Law was the only Western journalist at the meeting. In a hall crowded with conservative Sunni Muslim sheikhs and scholars, in a hotel close to Istanbul's Ataturk Airport speaker after speaker called for jihad against Israel in support of Hamas.

But --but ---they told me Jihad was an inner struggle that we had it all wrong its not a holy war at all?

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Clerics urge new jihad over Gaza


Jihad, not... a "Holy" War! - Reading Islam.com - Ask About Islam

Renounce the Hamas Charter and its attendant commitment to terrorism.

Oh really?

Reality check: Kadima, the party in control of the Israeli government, denies Palestine's "right" to exist. Examples:

  • The Israeli prime minister explicitly denied Palestine the right to exist;
  • The official position of the Kadima party, which won the 2006 elections, denies Palestine the right to exist.
  • Their actions also do not recognize Palestine's right to exist.
    • Normally the citizens of a sovereign nation do not have to get a license from a foreign nation to own houses on their own land.
    • Normally the right of a sovereign nation to have its own military is not rejected in principle.
    • Normally a sovereign nation has the right to control its own borders with other nations, and its own waters and airspace; etc. etc.
So if we apply the same logic most Westerners apply to the Palestinians and the issue of recognizing Israel's right to exist, we reach the following conclusions (assuming the balance of power permitted):

  • Negotiations are impossible unless Kadima officially recognizes Palestine's right to exist and "renounces violence"
  • Any ceasefire offer from Kadima, or other moves towards compromise, are surely a ruse so they can prepare for a military showdown to destroy Palestine
  • Israel ought to be completely blockaded by land, air, and sea; the resulting economic ruin will put pressure on Kadima
  • The following are breaches of the peace:
    • weapons smuggling (e.g. import of US-made Apache helicopters)
    • any attack on Palestinians (e.g. settler violence, confrontations between IDF and civilians, IDF kidnapping of Palestinian soldiers)
  • In case of such a breach, it would be legitimate to retaliate--always in greater proportion--in the following ways:
    • Assassinate Kadima party leaders like Sharon, Olmert, and Livni
    • Bomb Kadima government buildings and offices
    • Possible large-scale campaign to bomb infrastructure
Yet virtually all Westerners would reject the above conclusions (assuming the balance of power permitted). They emphasize that even though the Kadima party rejects Palestine's right to exist, they are willing to accept a peaceful settlement. The same is true of the Palestinians: many of them don't accept the "historic right" of Jews to any of the land / Israel's right to exist; but they are willing to accept a peaceful settlement.

The fact that the US/Israel has been rejecting a two-state solution for decades--which has continuously been advocated by the Palestinians, Arabs, Europeans, the UN and virtually the entire world--and the double standard in recognizing Palestine's "right to exist" shows that this whole issue is just a convenient excuse for continued US/Israeli rejectionism.


Don't you know?

Israel illegally occupies Palestinian land; Palestinians are prisoners in their own land. Israel illegally confiscates and annexes more and more of that land; Palestinians have become a displaced people under constant curfew in their homes, surviving in refugee camps, or spread throughout the world unable to return. Israel illegally constructs its accursed Wall that entombs the Palestinian people behind cement and chain link fence stealing in the process even more land including the Jordan Valley; Palestinians are helpless to prevent the construction despite the action of the International Court of Justice that declared it not just illegal but inhumane. Israel illegally confiscates Palestinian aquifers, than rations its distribution to the people who legally own it while dispensing it in abundance to immigrant settlers who live on stolen land; Palestinians can do nothing but witness the racism that allows such behavior to exist. Israel illegally prevents the Palestinians from getting to their fields and crops, demolishes olive groves and homes, constructs road barriers to prevent freedom of movement, denies building permits and creates illegal laws that determine property rights for the indigenous population that has no say in their design or implementation; Palestinians suffer the indignation of such treatment as they fall deeper and deeper into debt and poverty. - Dr. William Cook

World Prout Assembly: Hamas or Kadima: The True State of Terrorism

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member

Why do Hamas have the problem of misinterpreting Jihad along with the clerics who met in Turkey .
This is from the Hamas charter
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
And likewise Islamic Jihad in Uzbekistan have called for Jihad until the whole of the Muslim world practices Sharia law, my question is why are all these terrorist organisations are using the word Holy war if it does'nt mean that there is surely only one Quran can't they read.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I think there is a problem when some Muslims who call themselves clerics or scholars do not know the meaning of Jihad,even the Ayatollahs of Iran seem to be misinterpreting Jihad when they called for a Jihad and fighters to go to Palestine why does'nt somebody correct them.


Well-Known Member
I think there is a problem when some Muslims who call themselves clerics or scholars do not know the meaning of Jihad,even the Ayatollahs of Iran seem to be misinterpreting Jihad when they called for a Jihad and fighters to go to Palestine why does'nt somebody correct them.
Actually there is no one misinterpreting "Jihad" as you do so who needs to be corrected is you!!
I have no need to dignify them with such a title.
May Allah guide us to the straight path, Ameen.
Ameen Ameen
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Bodhisattva in Recovery

Please note that the following text is taken from a reliable Muslim site.

Al Tafsir.com - Tafseer Holy Quran from all Tafseer Schools, Quran Translations, Quran Recitations, Quran Interpretation (Tafseer), and Quran Sciences

The Qur'an said:
(Those who were left behind rejoiced) the hypocrites were pleased (at sitting still) at staying behind and not joining the battle of Tabuk (behind the Messenger of Allah, and were averse to striving with their wealth and their lives in Allah's way) in obedience of Allah. (And they said) to one another: (Go not forth in the heat!) do not go with Muhammad (pbuh) to the battle of Tabuk in the scorching heat. (Say) to them, O Muhammad: (The heat of hell is more intense of heat) is most intense in firebrands, (if they but understood) and believed.

(Then let them laugh a little) in the life of this world: (they will weep much) in the Hereafter, (as the award of what they used to earn) of what they used to say and do of transgression.

(If Allah bring thee back) from the Battle of Tabuk (unto a party of them) a party of the hypocrites in Medina (and they ask of thee leave to go out (to fight)) in another battle, (then say unto them) O Muhammad: (Ye shall never more go out with me) after the Battle of Tabuk (nor fight with me against a foe. Ye were content with sitting still the first time) upon leaving for the Battle of Tabuk. (So sit still) not participating in jihad, (with the useless) with the women and children.

Likewise, from Quranic Studies.com (my emphasis added)

Contrary to the common belief that is embodied in the misinterpretation of "jihad" as "holy war," Islamic jihad does not refer solely to fighting in the way of Allah. This, in fact, is a special case of jihad. The Qur'anic concept of jihad refers to exerting efforts, in the form of struggle against or resistance to something, for the sake of Allah. This effort can be fighting back armed aggression, but can also be resisting evil drives and desires in one's self. Even donating money to the needy is a form of jihad, as it involves struggling against one's selfishness and inner desire to keep one's money for one's own pleasures. Jihad can, therefore, be subdivided into armed jihad and peaceful jihad. Armed jihad, which is the subject of Chapter 4, is only temporary and is a response to armed aggression. Once the aggression has ceased, armed jihad comes to an end. Armed jihad, thus, can take place only when there is an aggressive, external enemy.

From Muslim Bridges.com written by Ali Gomaa - Grand Mufti of Egypt

In addition to these meanings, the term jihad refers to the defense of a nation or a just cause. This is what jihad was legislated for, and it must be differentiated from indiscriminate killing by the condition that it be "in the way of God," meaning to struggle in self-defense, to alleviate tyranny, or to prevent aggression. These are the characteristics that differentiate jihad from killing, which is a crime. These characteristics that amount to "in the way of God" are summed up in the Quran, "Fight in the way of God against those who wage war against you, but do not commit aggression - for, verily, God does not love aggressors," [Quran, 2:190]. This verse summarizes everything that has been agreed upon concerning guidelines of warfare, including the first and second Geneva Conventions.

Although it is technically correct to say that Jihad does not mean "holy war" I would ask you what is the difference precisely, between "(fighting) in the way of god" and "holy war" as the term is more commonly used now by Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
I await your esteemed response.


This never goes away does it?

the overwhelming majority of classical theologians, jurists, and traditionalists [i.e. Hadith experts] ... understood the obligation of jihad in a military sense.
BBC - Religion & Ethics - Jihad: Holy war

Physical Jihad: This relates to the use of physical force in defense of Muslims against oppression and transgression by the enemies of Allah, Islam and Muslims. Allah commands that Muslims lead peaceful lives and not transgress against anyone. If they are persecuted and oppressed, the Qur'an recommends that they migrate to a more peaceful and tolerant land: "Lo! Those who believe, and those who emigrate (to escape persecution) and strive (Jahadu) in the way of Allah, these have hope of Allah's mercy..." (Quran, 2:218). If relocation is not possible, then Allah also requires Muslims to defend themselves against oppression by "fighting against those who fight against us." 2 The Qur'an states: "To those against whom war is made, permission is given [to defend themselves], because they are wronged - and verily, Allah is Most Powerful to give them victory." (22:39) The defensive nature of physical jihad (or "jihad with the hand") is frequently lost among many, Muslims, Christians, secularists and others.

The concept of Jihad in Islam

This word has been in frequent use in the Western press over the past several years, explained directly or subtlely, to mean holy war. As a matter of fact the term "holy war" was coined in Europe during the Crusades, meaning the war against Muslims. It does not have a counterpart in Islamic glossary, and Jihad is certainly not its translation.

The word Jihad means striving. In its primary sense it is an inner thing, within self, to rid it from debased actions or inclinations, and exercise constancy and perseverance in achieving a higher moral standard. Since Islam is not confined to the boundaries of the individual but extends to the welfare of society and humanity in general, an individual cannot keep improving himself/herself in isolation from what happens in their community or in the world at large, hence the Quranic injunction to the Islamic nation to take as a duty "to enjoin good and forbid evil." (3:104) It is a duty which is not exclusive to Muslims but applies to the human race who are, according to the Quran, God's vicegerent on earth. Muslims, however, cannot shirk it even if others do. The means to fulfil it are varied, and in our modern world encompass all legal, diplomatic, arbitrative, economic, and political instruments. But Islam does not exclude the use of force to curb evil, if there is no other workable alternative. A forerunner of the collective security principle and collective intervention to stop aggression, at least in theory, as manifested in the United Nations Charter, is the Quranic reference "..make peace between them (the two fighting groups), but if one of the two persists in aggression against the other, fight the aggressors until they revert to God's commandment." (49:9) Military action is therefore a subgroup of the Jihad and not its totality.


Maybe the word has evolved,into what the Guys in Turkey are calling for? it seems pretty clear to them .including the Saudi religious scholar Mohsen al-Awajy who says "Palestine is a legitimate theatre of operations for jihad (holy war)," maybe he should have said "Palestine is a legitimate theatre of operations for an inner struggle"

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Clerics urge new jihad over Gaza
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I'm having a bit of a Jihad cooking a curry,i guess one Mans cooking a curry Jihad is another Mans lets go and fight the Infidel:rolleyes:


Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi

The meaning of Jihad in our present time particularly refers to striving to liberate Muslim lands from the grip of the disbelievers who usurped them and imposed on them their own laws in lieu of the Divine Law. Those disbelievers may be Jews, Christians or both or even pagans, who follow no particular religion at all. Disbelievers are all alike.

Capitalists, Communists, Westerners, Easterners, People of the Book and pagans are by no means different from one other. They should all be fiercely fought if they attempt to occupy any part of the Muslim land. This duty falls on those closest to the occupied land, who should be aided by those closest to them, who, in turn, ought to be aided by those closest to them, till it becomes incumbent on all Muslims to take part in Jihad.

Muslims have never been more severely afflicted than they are nowadays. Many of their lands have been captured by the disbelievers, on top of which is Palestine that has fallen victim to corrupt Jews. Similarly, Kashmir has been dominated by pagan Hindus. Chechnya and other Islamic states have fallen in the grip of pagan tyrannical communism.

Retrieving these lands, freeing them from the clutches of atheists and their twisted laws is the joint responsibility of all Muslims. Declaring Jihad to save our land is an Islamic obligation.

If war is waged anywhere to achieve this goal, namely to free the occupied lands of the laws and the tyranny of disbelievers, it is undoubtedly a case of Jihad for the sake of Allah. It thus needs to be financed from the money of Zakah, the amount of which is to be decided based on the total sum of the charity, the requirements of Jihad as well as the degree of the need of other potential recipients of charity. This is all to be decided by reliable scholars, if they are to be found.

Spending Zakah Money on Jihad - IslamonLine.net - Ask The Scholar