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Clerics urge new jihad over Gaza


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Peace is the only real choice any thing else is anti human.
Peace can only be achieved by 1) the unconditional surrender of Hamas and its supporters along with the complete demilitarisation of Gaza and the West bank. 2) The obliteration of Israel.

There is no other solution that will work.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Quote Sajdah:Sorry, I'm not asking you about the palsetinians' choice (palsetinians know how to choose), I'm talking about your choice. You and many as you chose the side of terrorism, the side of zionists, trying to fabricate excuses and distort the facts, to justify their choice.

Sure the Palestinians know how to choose and chose Hamas and the ones that chose Fatah have problems walking now,Hamas are the terrorists and of their own people.
Perhaps we need to define what a terrorist is,in my opinion its things like sending a suicide bomber to blow him or herself up killing some women and children,or if you political opponent tries to negotiate a peace deal(see Hamas Charter)he is swiftly dealt with,kidnapping,extorsion all of which have been commited by Hamas.
Now you say i distort the facts , i would like to know which facts so i will list some and you can tell me which ones.
Fact: Israel is a bonafide State agreed by the UN and many countries.
Fact:Israel isn't going to dissolve and dissapear.
Fact:Hamas has a charter that is unworkable and unwanted by the free world.
Fact:Hamas (see charter) will never negotiate.
Fact:palestine along with Egypt,Jordan,Syria lost the 6 day war.
Fact: during ceasfire Hamas continue to fire Rockets into Israel.
I could go on and obviously as a Zionist Freemason Illuminati it will all be fabricated or twisted and part of a conspiracy that includes area 51.
In the real world however all thats required is that Hamas drop the gun and go down the more fruitful path of peace which will work better than the path of the last 60 years.


Well-Known Member
And may Allah guide all the terrorist-supporters on this forum to Islam, AMEEN! May Allah crush Hamas, AMEEN! May Allah protect the innocents in Israel, AMEEN!
Keep calling Muslims terrorist supporters as you want but you must ask God's forgiveness for this. Make dua on the mujahideen as you want but alhamdulillah people like you mean nothing to them. In this last war on Gaza, they stood firmly against the Israeli tanks, rockets and planes and against the entire world and they didn't care for what people like you think, they fought only for the sake of God defending their land and people. Why should they care if God is certainly with them!! Alhamdulillah God's victory was on their side.
The mujahideen are not separate group from the Palestinian people, they didn't come from the moon or something but they are the children of Palestine and behind them their families and their people.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Oh, excuse us, we thought that there is something called humanity. Or do you think that children of Gaza are animals?(even animals have rights, but Muslims no).
Is that what you mean by religion?!

Are you not the one who said all Israeli civilians, including women and children, are fair targets?


Keep calling Muslims terrorist supporters as you want but you must ask God's forgiveness for this. Make dua on the mujahideen as you want but alhamdulillah people like you mean nothing to them. In this last war on Gaza, they stood firmly against the Israeli tanks, rockets and planes and against the entire world and they didn't care for what people like you think, they fought only for the sake of God defending their land and people. Why should they care if God is certainly with them!! Alhamdulillah God's victory was on their side.
The mujahideen are not separate group from the Palestinian people, they didn't come from the moon or something but they are the children of Palestine and behind them their families and their people.

Hi Not4me "And may Allah guide all the terrorist-supporters on this forum to Islam," that doesnt call Muslims terrorist supporters, it asks that Allah guide terrorist supporters to Islam. No one means anything to Hamas only Hamas is important remember the call "dont worry about casualties" is that Islam Not4me?

do you think Hamas is the way to a viable Palestinian state?

In your opinion should Muslims share the land in Peace with the Israelis or do you believe in the Hamas view that Israel should cease to exist?

What are your conditions for Peace?
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Why should they care if God is certainly with them!! Alhamdulillah God's victory was on their side.
This is exactly the kind of thinking that will ensure that there is never peace until one side or the other ceases to exist. Nice thinking, not4me. :rolleyes:


Al-Aqsa Is In My Heart.
Perhaps you need to read up on your history but first do not try to put words in my mouth,at no point have i called Palestinians occupiers.
The Palestinians and Israelis took two different paths,the Pals took the path of agression highlighted in the 6 day war along with Egypt,Syria,Jordan who were also supplied by Iraq ,Saudi Arabia,Sudan,Tunisia,Morocco and Algeria and lost.

I'd love to know how our history is especially from different sources as yours.
Mmmm, but I think you have to start the lesson from the beginning, ok?
If you don't know, then let me tell you some of the story.
there are some people called "Palestinians" people that their roots are back to over many centuries to the land of Palestine or the holy lands. Many came to invade this lands, and also destroyed it many times, but Palestine kept as it is, in 1517 Palestine comes under the Ottoman Muslim rule, but they are still Palestinians, not Turkish.
And 1917 Palestine become under a British mandate, but it is still Palestine, not Britain.
In 1948 Al-Nakba occurs for the Palestinians and the migrant Zionists terror groups destroyed the Palestinian villages and the state of the Zionist entity "Israel" was founded. That state was established on 78% of Palestinian land. The Palestinians were forced off their lands, although they are the legal owners of their homes, they are not allowed to come back to their homes. In 1948 the number of refugees was 804,676. And now they are more than 5 million out of 8 million. Even after the declaration of that terrorist state, Palestine was and is still Palestine.
The Israelis even before Statehood organised themselves in Agriculture,Military,Health,Government and hit the floor running and went on to use the Kibbutz system to feed its people.
The Palestinians organised the PLO and other organisations to carry out acts of terrorism against Israel by hijacking Aircraft etc (have you noticed anything to help the Palestinians yet like feeding them and health) now they have Hamas who would rather buy a rocket than a loaf of bread for its people.

You're talking about health and food, but you don't understand that it is an occupied land, so they are not independent, and all silly worlds call them terrorists because they seek independence for all parts of their lands. They buy rockets as you say to live. In only 23 days, everything in Gaza was totally destroyed, no hospitals, no homes, no mosques, no schools, no universities. And rebuild that destruction it will take many years. And after that, we will see Zionists again on their troops to demolish everything again, and again. So the only solution is to eradicate the disease from the roots, not to take some analgesics for a while. I know you don't love this solution, me to, but we have no choice. Zionists give us no choice.

Israel were wrong when they went into Gaza and played into the hands of Hamas and the settler situation needs to be resolved but no Government other than the likes of Iran will sit at the same table of an organisation that kneecaps its political opponents
Hamas is not like Iran, they might be equal in your view. But for me they are not equal.


Al-Aqsa Is In My Heart.
I am afraid the main problem in Afghanistan and Iraq is Muslims trying to kill each other.

Ah, yes and the Angels of America go to stop that bloodshed of Muslims, and liberate them from terrorism and tyranny. Well done.
According to Muslim sources yes, tell me are you willing to share?
According to the right and truthful sources, yes.
Peace is the only real choice any thing else is anti human.

"Peace" it easy to say it, but it is hard to achieve it.
I guess this word, has only one meaning in your dictionary.
"Peace" for Occupiers and Murderers. And those Innocent people, the ownership of the lands, are terrorists; don't deserve that so called Peace,
"Peace" means submit to Zionists' wishes, give them your land peacefully, become a refugee, in peace. Look at your dying child in peace, see your wife raped in front of you, and go to seek peace, this is peace.
And if you just thought to take back your home, to revenge from those who killed your child, destroyed your mosque and home. We all will call you a terrorist, and we will prison you in your lands, you will never see the light of freedom, you are anti-Semites, you are anti- humans. Don't you know that Zionists are the only humans on earth? Don't you know that all non-Jews are Goyim?
Stupid you are. Do you think that there is anyone cares about you? It is not our problem, but just we see that the only solution is PEACE. That's your definition of Peace.

And please, read what TashaN said before in post 29 , and tell me with whom we will negotiate?


Al-Aqsa Is In My Heart.
Quote Sajdah:Sorry, I'm not asking you about the palsetinians' choice (palsetinians know how to choose), I'm talking about your choice. You and many as you chose the side of terrorism, the side of zionists, trying to fabricate excuses and distort the facts, to justify their choice.

Sure the Palestinians know how to choose and chose Hamas and the ones that chose Fatah have problems walking now,Hamas are the terrorists and of their own people.
Perhaps we need to define what a terrorist is,in my opinion its things like sending a suicide bomber to blow him or herself up killing some women and children,or if you political opponent tries to negotiate a peace deal(see Hamas Charter)he is swiftly dealt with,kidnapping,extorsion all of which have been commited by Hamas.
Now you say i distort the facts , i would like to know which facts so i will list some and you can tell me which ones.
Fact: Israel is a bonafide State agreed by the UN and many countries.
Fact:Israel isn't going to dissolve and dissapear.
Fact:Hamas has a charter that is unworkable and unwanted by the free world.
Fact:Hamas (see charter) will never negotiate.
Fact:palestine along with Egypt,Jordan,Syria lost the 6 day war.
Fact: during ceasfire Hamas continue to fire Rockets into Israel.
I could go on and obviously as a Zionist Freemason Illuminati it will all be fabricated or twisted and part of a conspiracy that includes area 51.
In the real world however all thats required is that Hamas drop the gun and go down the more fruitful path of peace which will work better than the path of the last 60 years.
The conclusion is that terrorism=Hamas. And Innocence=Israel. Well, I know that your copy of dictionary is distorted too.
As regard to facts,

1-That, the 1947 recommendation of the General Assembly in favour of the creation of a "Jewish State" was outside the competence of the Assembly under the Charter of the United Nations.

2-That, all attempts by the Arab States and other Asian countries to have the Assembly submit the question of "constitutionality" of its recommendation to the International Court of Justice for an "advisory opinion" by the Court were rejected or ignored by the Assembly.

3-That, when the Assembly began to experience "second thoughts" over the matter and convened for its second special session in 1948, it failed to reaffirm the 1947 recommendation for the partition of Palestine-thus destroying whatever dubious legality that recommendation for the establishment of a "Jewish State" originally had.

4-That the original 1947 recommendation to create a "Jewish State" in Palestine was approved, at the first vote, only by European, American and Australian States...for every Asian State, and every African State (with the exception of the Union of South Africa) voted against it...And that, when the vote was cast in a plenary session on 29 November 1947, urgent American pressures (which a member of the Truman cabinet described as "bordering onto scandal") had succeeded in prevailing only upon one African country (Liberia), both of which had special vulnerability to American pressures, to abandon their declared opposition?...And that, in other words, the "Jewish State" was planted at the point-of-intersection of Asia and Africa without the free approval of any Middle Eastern, Asian or African country except that Union of South Africa, itself ruled by an alien minority.

5-That, since the General Armistice Agreements were signed in 1949, Israel has maintained an aggressive policy of waging military attacks across the Armistice Demarcation Lines, repeatedly invading the territories of the neighbouring Arab States...And that Israel has been duly rebuked, censured, or condemned for these military attacks by the Security Council of the General Assembly of the United Nations.

6-That, no other country in the world, whether member of the United Nations or non-member, has been so frequently condemned by the United Nations.

7-That, besides expelling the bulk of the Arab inhabitants of Palestine, and besides constantly attacking the neighbouring Arab States, Israel has also consistently harassed the United Nations observers and other personnel stationed along the Armistice Demarcation Lines: It assassinated the first United Nations Mediator and his military aide; it detained some truce observers; it militarily occupied and illegally searched the Headquarters of United Nations personnel; and it has boycotted meetings of the Mixed Armistice Commissions.

8-That, Israel has additionally imposed a system of apartheid upon the Arabs who remained in their homeland?...More than 90% of these Arabs live in "security zones;" they alone live under martial law, restricting their freedom to travel from village to village or from town to town; their children are denied equal opportunities for education; and they are denied decent opportunities for work, and the right to receive "equal pay for equal work".

9-That, notwithstanding the foregoing facts, Israel has always been, and still is, widely portrayed in the Western press as the "bastion of democracy" and the "champion of peace" in the Middle East.

10-That, the Western Powers have persisted in declaring their determination to ensure a so-called "arms balance" in the area, as between Israel, on the one hand, and the one-hundred million inhabitants of the thirteen Arab States, on the other hand?... And this unilateral Western doctrine of so-called "arms balance" is no more reasonable than the suggestion that, in the Cuba-U.S.A conflict, there should be "arms balance" as between Cuba and the United States... or that the whole Continent of Africa should not be allowed to acquire more arms than South Africa... or that Mainland China should not be permitted to have more arms than Taiwan... and that only thus can peace be safeguarded in the Western Hemisphere, in Africa, in Asia, or in Europe.

11-That Some 34 massacres have been committed against Palestinians – as part of the occupying 78% of Palestine. [source]



Al-Aqsa Is In My Heart.
Keep calling Muslims terrorist supporters as you want but you must ask God's forgiveness for this. Make dua on the mujahideen as you want but alhamdulillah people like you mean nothing to them. In this last war on Gaza, they stood firmly against the Israeli tanks, rockets and planes and against the entire world and they didn't care for what people like you think, they fought only for the sake of God defending their land and people. Why should they care if God is certainly with them!! Alhamdulillah God's victory was on their side.
The mujahideen are not separate group from the Palestinian people, they didn't come from the moon or something but they are the children of Palestine and behind them their families and their people.
So true sister,
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said, "A party (Taifa) from my Ummah will be established upon the order of Allah, they will not be harmed by those who abandon them or differ with them, until the order of Allah comes and they are victorious over the people." [Muslim]

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I'd love to know how our history is especially from different sources as yours.
Mmmm, but I think you have to start the lesson from the beginning, ok?
If you don't know, then let me tell you some of the story.
there are some people called "Palestinians" people that their roots are back to over many centuries to the land of Palestine or the holy lands. Many came to invade this lands, and also destroyed it many times, but Palestine kept as it is, in 1517 Palestine comes under the Ottoman Muslim rule, but they are still Palestinians, not Turkish.
And 1917 Palestine become under a British mandate, but it is still Palestine, not Britain.
In 1948 Al-Nakba occurs for the Palestinians and the migrant Zionists terror groups destroyed the Palestinian villages and the state of the Zionist entity "Israel" was founded. That state was established on 78% of Palestinian land. The Palestinians were forced off their lands, although they are the legal owners of their homes, they are not allowed to come back to their homes. In 1948 the number of refugees was 804,676. And now they are more than 5 million out of 8 million. Even after the declaration of that terrorist state, Palestine was and is still Palestine.

You're talking about health and food, but you don't understand that it is an occupied land, so they are not independent, and all silly worlds call them terrorists because they seek independence for all parts of their lands. They buy rockets as you say to live. In only 23 days, everything in Gaza was totally destroyed, no hospitals, no homes, no mosques, no schools, no universities. And rebuild that destruction it will take many years. And after that, we will see Zionists again on their troops to demolish everything again, and again. So the only solution is to eradicate the disease from the roots, not to take some analgesics for a while. I know you don't love this solution, me to, but we have no choice. Zionists give us no choice.

Hamas is not like Iran, they might be equal in your view. But for me they are not equal.

I know the history but that does'nt equate to the present,the situation now is useless because there will not be any negotiation for peace(its in the charter)so Hamas fire rockets into Israel and Israel respond by bombing Gaza and then Hamas wonder why innocent people are getting killed.
Now forgive me but can i ask you,can Hamas solve this by military means? my answer is a big no,you know what made me feel sick about those clerics calling for Jihad,one of them said it does'nt matter about casualties and another said twice as many babies were born to the amount killed in Gaza so theres plenty of martyrs.
So what is the realistic solution from your point of view because there can only be a peaceful one from mine.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I know the history but that does'nt equate to the present,the situation now is useless because there will not be any negotiation for peace(its in the charter)so Hamas fire rockets into Israel and Israel respond by bombing Gaza and then Hamas wonder why innocent people are getting killed.
Now forgive me but can i ask you,can Hamas solve this by military means? my answer is a big no,you know what made me feel sick about those clerics calling for Jihad,one of them said it does'nt matter about casualties and another said twice as many babies were born to the amount killed in Gaza so theres plenty of martyrs.
So what is the realistic solution from your point of view because there can only be a peaceful one from mine.
My own take on the situation is that Hamas coldy calculated the reaction of Western media and the resulting outcry of public opinion that would put pressure on our leaders to speak out against Israel. It is my belief that Hamas sacrificed the children of Gaza to further their politcal ambitions, knowing full well Israel would return fire to any area fire orignated. This tactic of using human shields, hospitals, homes and schools etc worked very effectively this time around. It was a gamble but it seems to have payed off showing clear evidence of the brutality of Israel as Hamas slinked off into the dust and debris. To Hamas, the dead "Palestinians" are simply collateral damage and were worth their weight in gold.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
My own take on the situation is that Hamas coldy calculated the reaction of Western media and the resulting outcry of public opinion that would put pressure on our leaders to speak out against Israel. It is my belief that Hamas sacrificed the children of Gaza to further their politcal ambitions, knowing full well Israel would return fire to any area fire orignated. This tactic of using human shields, hospitals, homes and schools etc worked very effectively this time around. It was a gamble but it seems to have payed off showing clear evidence of the brutality of Israel as Hamas slinked off into the dust and debris. To Hamas, the dead "Palestinians" are simply collateral damage and were worth their weight in gold.

Exactly,it was cold and calculated and according to one of the clerics it does'nt matter about casualties and twice as many children were born than killed in Gaza,it makes me sick to be honest


Ah, yes and the Angels of America go to stop that bloodshed of Muslims, and liberate them from terrorism and tyranny. Well done.
According to the right and truthful sources, yes.
Could you elaborate

"Peace" it easy to say it, but it is hard to achieve it.
I guess this word, has only one meaning in your dictionary.
"Peace" for Occupiers and Murderers. And those Innocent people, the ownership of the lands, are terrorists; don't deserve that so called Peace,
"Peace" means submit to Zionists' wishes, give them your land peacefully, become a refugee, in peace. Look at your dying child in peace, see your wife raped in front of you, and go to seek peace, this is peace.
And if you just thought to take back your home, to revenge from those who killed your child, destroyed your mosque and home. We all will call you a terrorist, and we will prison you in your lands, you will never see the light of freedom, you are anti-Semites, you are anti- humans. Don't you know that Zionists are the only humans on earth? Don't you know that all non-Jews are Goyim?
Stupid you are. Do you think that there is anyone cares about you? It is not our problem, but just we see that the only solution is PEACE. That's your definition of Peace.
No thats your definition of Peace
And please, read what TashaN said before in post 29 , and tell me with whom we will negotiate?

you would negotiate the same way, you have been negotiating for 60 years.
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Well-Known Member
6-That, no other country in the world, whether member of the United Nations or non-member, has been so frequently condemned by the United Nations.
I think that says more about the United Nations than it does about Israel.

7-That, besides expelling the bulk of the Arab inhabitants of Palestine, and besides constantly attacking the neighbouring Arab States, Israel has also consistently harassed the United Nations observers and other personnel stationed along the Armistice Demarcation Lines: It assassinated the first United Nations Mediator and his military aide; it detained some truce observers; it militarily occupied and illegally searched the Headquarters of United Nations personnel; and it has boycotted meetings of the Mixed Armistice Commissions.

What neighboring Arab state had Israel ever attacked without provocation?

8-That, Israel has additionally imposed a system of apartheid upon the Arabs who remained in their homeland?...More than 90% of these Arabs live in "security zones;" they alone live under martial law, restricting their freedom to travel from village to village or from town to town; their children are denied equal opportunities for education; and they are denied decent opportunities for work, and the right to receive "equal pay for equal work".
For Palestinians who consider Jews to be apes and pigs, and feel the only right thing to do is to blow themselves up in a building crowded with Jews.... their freedoms are restricted, as they should be.

Israeli Arabs live as full citizens.. they sit on the knesset.... they vote, they work for fair wages.... your apartheid myth is just that. A myth. Arabs in Israel have better treatment and rights than any Jew in an Arab country.


Well-Known Member
MYTH "Israel discriminates against its Arab citizens."
Israel is one of the most open societies in the world. Out of a population of 6.7 million, about 1.3 million — 20 percent of the population — are non-Jews (approximately 1.1 million Muslims, 130,000 Christians and 100,000 Druze).1
Arabs in Israel have equal voting rights; in fact, it is one of the few places in the Middle East where Arab women may vote. Arabs currently hold 8 seats in the 120-seat Knesset. Israeli Arabs have also held various government posts, including one who served as Israel's ambassador to Finland and the current deputy mayor of Tel Aviv. Oscar Abu Razaq was appointed Director General of the Ministry of Interior, the first Arab citizen to become chief executive of a key government ministry. Ariel Sharon's original cabinet included the first Arab minister, Salah Tarif, a Druze who served as a minister without portfolio. An Arab is also a Supreme Court justice.
Arabic, like Hebrew, is an official language in Israel. More than 300,000 Arab children attend Israeli schools. At the time of Israel's founding, there was one Arab high school in the country. Today, there are hundreds of Arab schools.2
In 2002, the Israeli Supreme Court also ruled that the government cannot allocate land based on religion or ethnicity, and may not prevent Arab citizens from living wherever they choose.2a
The sole legal distinction between Jewish and Arab citizens of Israel is that the latter are not required to serve in the Israeli army. This is to spare Arab citizens the need to take up arms against their brethren. Nevertheless, Bedouins have served in paratroop units and other Arabs have volunteered for military duty. Compulsory military service is applied to the Druze and Circassian communities at their own request.
Some economic and social gaps between Israeli Jews and Arabs result from the latter not serving in the military. Veterans qualify for many benefits not available to non-veterans. Moreover, the army aids in the socialization process.
On the other hand, Arabs do have an advantage in obtaining some jobs during the years Israelis are in the military. In addition, industries like construction and trucking have come to be dominated by Israeli Arabs.
Although Israeli Arabs have occasionally been involved in terrorist activities, they have generally behaved as loyal citizens. During the 1967, 1973 and 1982 wars, none engaged in any acts of sabotage or disloyalty. Sometimes, in fact, Arabs volunteered to take over civilian functions for reservists. During the outbreak of violence in the territories that began in September 2000, Israeli Arabs for the first time engaged in widespread protests with some violence.
The United States has been independent for almost 230 years and still has not integrated all of its diverse communities. Even today, 60 years after civil rights legislation was adopted, discrimination has not been eradicated. It should not be surprising that Israel has not solved all of its social problems in only 57 years.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
MYTH "Israel discriminates against its Arab citizens."
Israel is one of the most open societies in the world......

Don't forget to mention your source buddy! :slap:

Myths & Facts - Human Rights in Israel and the Territories

Hmmm, lets see ...

While formally equal according to Israeli law, a number of official sources acknowledge that Arab citizens of Israel experience discrimination in many aspects of life. Israeli High Court Justice (Ret.) Theodor Or wrote in The Report by the State Commission of Inquiry into the Events of October 2000:
The Arab citizens of Israel live in a reality in which they experience discrimination as Arabs. This inequality has been documented in a large number of professional surveys and studies, has been confirmed in court judgments and government resolutions, and has also found expression in reports by the state comptroller and in other official documents. Although the Jewish majority’s awareness of this discrimination is often quite low, it plays a central role in the sensibilities and attitudes of Arab citizens. This discrimination is widely accepted, both within the Arab sector and outside it, and by official assessments, as a chief cause of agitation.[180]
The Or Commission report also claims that activities by Islamic organizations may be using religious pretenses to further political aims. The commission describes such actions as a factor in 'inflaming' the Muslim population in Israel against the authorities, and cites the al-Sarafand mosque episode, with Muslims' attempts to restore the mosque and Jewish attempts to stop them, as an example of the 'shifting of dynamics' of the relationship between Muslims and the Israeli authorities.
According to the 2004 U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Israel and the Occupied Territories, the Israeli government had done "little to reduce institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against the country's Arab citizens."[179]
The 2004 U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices[179] notes that:

  • "Approximately 93 percent of land in the country was public domain, including that owned by the state and some 12.5 percent owned by the Jewish National Fund (JNF). All public land by law may only be leased, not sold. The JNF's statutes prohibit the sale or lease of land to non-Jews. In October, civil rights groups petitioned the High Court of Justice claiming that a bid announcement by the Israel Land Administration (ILA) involving JNF land was discriminatory in that it banned Arabs from bidding."
  • "Israeli-Arab advocacy organizations have challenged the Government's policy of demolishing illegal buildings in the Arab sector, and claimed that the Government was more restrictive in issuing building permits in Arab communities than in Jewish communities, thereby not accommodating natural growth."
  • "In June, the Supreme Court ruled that omitting Arab towns from specific government social and economic plans is discriminatory. This judgment builds on previous assessments of disadvantages suffered by Arab Israelis."
  • "Israeli-Arab organizations have challenged as discriminatory the 1996 "Master Plan for the Northern Areas of Israel," which listed as priority goals increasing the Galilee's Jewish population and blocking the territorial contiguity of Arab towns."
  • "Israeli Arabs were not required to perform mandatory military service and, in practice, only a small percentage of Israeli Arabs served in the military. Those who did not serve in the army had less access than other citizens to social and economic benefits for which military service was a prerequisite or an advantage, such as housing, new-household subsidies, and employment, especially government or security-related industrial employment. The Ivri Committee on National Service has issued official recommendations to the Government that Israel Arabs not be compelled to perform national or "civic" service, but be afforded an opportunity to perform such service".
  • "According to a 2003 Haifa University study, a tendency existed to impose heavier prison terms to Arab citizens than to Jewish citizens. Human rights advocates claimed that Arab citizens were more likely to be convicted of murder and to have been denied bail."
  • "The Orr Commission of Inquiry's report [...] stated that the 'Government handling of the Arab sector has been primarily neglectful and discriminatory,' that the Government 'did not show sufficient sensitivity to the needs of the Arab population, and did not take enough action to allocate state resources in an equal manner.' As a result, 'serious distress prevailed in the Arab sector in various areas. Evidence of distress included poverty, unemployment, a shortage of land, serious problems in the education system, and substantially defective infrastructure.'"
The 2007 U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices[181] notes that:

  • "According to a 2005 study at Hebrew University, three times more money was invested in education of Jewish children as in Arab children."
Human Rights Watch has charged that cuts in veteran benefits and child allowances based on parents' military service discriminate against Arab children: "The cuts will also affect the children of Jewish ultra-orthodox parents who do not serve in the military, but they are eligible for extra subsidies, including educational supplements, not available to Palestinian Arab children."[182]
According to The Guardian, in 2006 just 5% of civil servants were Arabs, many of them hired to deal with other Arabs, despite the fact that Arab citizens of Israel comprise 20% of the population.[173]
Although the Bedouin infant mortality rate is still the highest in Israel, and one of the highest in the developed world, The Guardian reports that in the 2002 budget, Israel's health ministry allocated Arab communities less than 0.6% of its budget for healthcare facility development.[173]

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Also ...


In an analysis of the dominant demographic discourse in Israel in the 1950s, Shoham Melamad found that the high fertility rate of Palestinians was viewed as a demographic threat to the Jewish nation.[1]

According to Nur Masalha, issues of demography and the demographic threat, became an obsession among Israeli leaders after Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in the wake of the 1967 war. Masalha pointed to a Maariv editorial by Shmuel Schnitzer published on 29 September 1967 that suggested that Jews should be encouraged to have large families, while Palestinians in the occupied territories and in Israel should be encouraged to adopt birth control measures. Schnitzer also advocated for the adoption of an open policy encouraging Palestinians to emigrate overseas.[2]

[edit] As applied to Arab citizens of Israel

The term was famously used by Benjamin Netanyahu in 2003[3] when he put forward his opinion that if the percentage of Arab citizens rises above its current level of about 20 percent, Israel would not be able to retain a Jewish demographic majority, the basis of Israel's self-definition as a "Jewish democratic state":D. Netanyahu's comments were criticized as racist by Arab Knesset members and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.[4] Earlier allusions to the "demographic threat" posed by Arab citizens can be found in an internal Israeli government document authored in 1976, and known as The Koenig Memorandum.......

[edit] Forms of "transfer:" Land swaps and population exchanges

On the subject of Israel's Arab citizens, Israeli historian Benny Morris has stated:
The Israeli Arabs are a time bomb. Their slide into complete Palestinization has made them an emissary of the enemy that is among us. They are a potential fifth column. In both demographic and security terms they are liable to undermine the state. So that if Israel again finds itself in a situation of existential threat, as in 1948, it may be forced to act as it did then. If we are attacked by Egypt (after an Islamist revolution in Cairo) and by Syria, and chemical and biological missiles slam into our cities, and at the same time Israeli Palestinians attack us from behind, I can see an expulsion situation. It could happen. If the threat to Israel is existential, expulsion will be justified...[6]
Some Israeli politicians advocate land-swap proposals in order to assure a continued Jewish majority within Israel.......

Avigdor Liberman of the party Yisrael Beytenu, the 4th largest faction in the 17th Knesset, is one of the foremost advocates for the transfer of large Arab towns located just inside Israel near the border with the West Bank (e.g. Tayibe, Umm al-Fahm, Baqa al-Gharbiyye), to the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority in exchange for Israeli settlements located inside the West Bank.[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] As the London Times notes: "Lieberman plans to strengthen Israel's status as a Jewish state by transferring 500,000 of its minority Arab population to the West Bank, by the simple expedient of redrawing the West Bank to include several Arab Israeli towns in northern Israel. Another 500,000 would be stripped of their right to vote if they failed to pledge loyalty to Zionism."[17]

In October 2006, Yisrael Beytenu formally joined in the ruling government's parliamentary coalition, headed by Kadima and also made up of the Labour Party and the Pensioner's Party. After the Israeli Cabinet confirmed Avigdor Lieberman's appointment to the position of Minister of Strategic Planning, Labour Party representative and Science, Sport and Culture Minister Ophir Pines-Paz, resigned his post.[18][19] In his resignation letter to Ehud Olmert, Pines-Paz wrote, "I couldn't sit in a government with a minister who preaches racism."[20]

[edit] As applied to 'Arab Jews' :cover:

Melamad's study of demographic discourse in Israel in 1950s also found that due to the fertility gap between Ashkenazi Jews and Mizrahi Jews (or Arab Jews), the Mizrahim were viewed as posing an "internal demographic threat"; that is, by threatening to "Levantantize" Israel. At the same time, the "fertile womb" of the Mizrahi community was also perceived as a weapon to be used in the "demographic war" against (non-Jewish) Arabs.[1]

Demographic threat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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It's a question posed by the election's biggest winner: Avigdor Lieberman. His Yisrael Beytenu party won 15 seats, placing third but gaining enormous swing power in the Israeli system. Whether or not the new government includes him, Lieberman and his issues have moved to center stage. As fiercely as he denounces the Palestinian militants of Hamas and Hizbullah, his No. 1 target is Israel's Arab minority, which he has called a worse threat than Hamas. He has proposed the effective expulsion of several hundred thousand Arab citizens by unilaterally redesignating some northern Israeli towns as parts of the Palestinian West Bank. Another group of several hundred thousand could expect to be stripped of citizenship for failing to meet requirements such as loyalty oaths or mandatory military service (from which Israel's Arabs are currently exempt). The New Republic's Martin Peretz, a passionate Zionist and critic of the peace movement, calls Lieberman a "neo-fascist … a certified gangster … the Israeli equivalent of [Austria's] Jörg Haider." No liberal democracy I know of since World War II has disenfranchised or expelled its own citizens.

Zakaria on Avigdor Lieberman and Israel's Arabs | Newsweek Voices - Fareed Zakaria | Newsweek.com


Netanyahu: Israel's Arabs are the real demographic threat - Haaretz - Israel News

The Daily Star - Opinion Articles - Israel is blind to its own Arab citizens

Israel: Budget Discriminates Against Arab Citizens | Human Rights Watch