It seems to be part of our humanness to put a lot of energy into trying to live the life we think we “should” be living. Many of us have had (and maybe still have) an underlying belief that we are just not good enough as we are, that we are inadequate and insufficient beings. Along with this comes deep disappointment and discontent which can color our lives. This often increases as we compare ourselves to others and surmise that we come up short.
Then you might read a variety of self help books and try to practice what is offered there. However, if there is an underlying belief that you are inherently inadequate, it will eventually get triggered again as you try to practice what you’ve learned.
Or maybe you get the hang of a technique and things go better for awhile but then the old discontent with your life and/or yourself eventually gets triggered again.
Sound familiar? Well guess what …
When we accept life as it is, we vibrate at a higher positive level, therefore resonating with (and opening to) positive life shifts and experiences.
Loads in their menus as well!
All the best!