The global warming to date is due to a change in natural forcings, some major forcings include solar radiation, volcanic activity, changes in earth's orbital parameters, cloudiness/albedo, ocean and and atmospheric composition and feedback activity.
Humans who think other humans can determine the state of climate of planet earth are, imho, mistaken. That doesn't mean I don't want the very best climate appropriate for the thriving of mankind, it's just that mankind can't control the global climate and the alternation of ice ages and interglacial periods will continue into the future.
If some of those major forcings outside the control of man move in the direction of creating a warmer planet or a cooler planet, then it will be, a carbon tax under the pretext of CO2 being an atmospheric forcing that if regulated, could in turn regulate the world's climate is a scam, simple as that.
For those of you who are caught up in the hype of the global warming scare, I caution you to consider that actual reality exists outside of the intellectual campaign to keep you all frightened and prepared to pay for the fix. The beast is alive and well, Truman finally saw through it, so can you...