I am not missing the point. Nor do I deny that the climate changes or that humans abuse the planet. But the fact is that if the elites who seek to impose restrictions on everyone else while they carry on with their humongous carbon footprints, will not help with the issue. The impact of the average person is minuscule compared to the globalists, the corporate entities they control and the damage they are creating. Obviously, they don’t truly believe their own fear-mongering narrative about climate change, if they can’t even live according to what they’re saying.
Elites, activists, & politicians who want us all to be greener
should walk the walk. This would send a powerful message.
More than merely lecturing us from their yachts, mansions,
& private planes. Tis a message worth sending. But they're
failing at it.
The left should spend more effort criticizing their wanton ways
& high carbon footprint....not defending them with apologetics.
Be less tribal, fellow fans of our environment!