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Co-creaters in a time maybe not lineal..


Its only a Label
Friend Spiritone,

We are co-creators with God because we are a part of God. That is how I see it. What do you think?

Yes true and agree.
When that identify is complete one may declare himself such by words like *Ahm Brahmasmi* which in sanatan dharma is *I am God*.

Love & rgds
I think you're onto something with this. Having had a passing interest in quantum theory and looked into Buddhist philosophies, there are clearly parallels. I think it's entirely possible, if not likely, that science will confirm the concepts of The One. i.e. each universe revolves around the individual.

"We exist to bear witness.
We had to be.
The infinite needs us to see it.
Without the perceiver,
the perceived does not exist.
That gives us leverage.
Don't look until you get what you want."

As opposed to Newtonian physics where the observer was a separate entity from the universe, the new physics posits that there is no differentiation between the observer and his surroundings (Heisenberg and so forth). We are one with the universe. And it is the act of observing the universe that makes it real. Essentially, prior to observation, the universe is a propagating probability wave. It collapses only when observed. So, in essence, we have made the universe, and we are our own creators. We are the Gods of our own realities.

I think this was covered previously in this thread. I'm new, so forgive me if I'm on previously covered ground.

What's really interesting to me is what happens when science answers all the questions for which religion was previously the answer. Is this event (let's call it a Religious Singularity ... using the term "Singularity" in the Kurzweilian sense) inevitable? What happens to religion if/when it happens?


Its only a Label
friend StudentOfGod,
You are not new. You are as old as existence itself.
You are creating your own limits to see what you want even here by those words.
Your post is highly appreciated and like to add that
each universe revolves around the individual.
should read each individual atom or maybe some smaller thing which do not know being a layman.
You are ojn the right track and all you have to do is keep EXPANDING the mind till it is set free totally and what remains is just IS no perceiver and nothing to be percieved.
Best Wishes, my friend.
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
Is this a quote from something?
To me we are not yet in a fourth dimensional existence. We are striving the get there and at the beginning of a slow breakthrough. Some have achieved it but only because it was given them, not by their own efforts.

Is this a quote from something?.........
Nah! They’re just my thoughts on space and time,
That I scribbled down and made em rhyme
It’s something that I often do
To amuse people such as you.

When referring to the fourth dimension I am speaking of the Minkowskian notion of time as being the fourth dimension. As in the fact that we can move forward and backward, sideways, up and down and through time; and not that which is called 4- dimension Euclidean space.

The singularity that was in the beginning of this period of universal activity, has become all that exists within the living Cosmos, this includes ‘Who You Are’ and ‘Who I Am.’ If all that ‘Who You Are’ did not exist in the singularity of origin, then ‘Who You Are; cannot exist today. ‘Who You Are,’ is joined to our origin by an unbroken and eternal genetic thread of life, the thread that feeds into the Alpha, who evolves on the descending spirits that are gathered to him so that all times the beginning is one with the ever expanding present and therefore one with the Omega.

Then of the Thee in Me who works behind
The veil, I lifted up my hands to find
A lamp amid the Darkness; and I heard,
As from Without__ “The Me within Thee is blind.”.... By Omar Khayyam.

Those who have died to self, or those in a state of deep meditation or hypnosis, are able to pass through the veil that hangs before the inner most sanctuary of their being and enter into the inner dimension that co-exists within this one, where space and time are one. There in the vibrating, swirling and constantly changing cloud patterns of wave particles which are not particles at all; the living and eternal constantly evolving mind that manifests itself through the senses of our three dimensional bodies as the living Cosmos, those minds are able to merge with a familiar spirit, from a different position in space and time and experience the life and times of the age and country or planet of the person with whose mind they have merged, while the body of the mind that has entered their inner most sanctuary, in their own space and time, may describe the place and events that they are experiencing while merged with the other mind, in the tongue or language of the person with whom they are merged, a language that is totally unfamiliar to them, and at times, a language from the future, which according to our time could be classified as the tongue of the angels or heavenly beings. For if it is possible for one to descend along the genetic thread of life and merge with the mind of a living ancestor of their past, then it is also possible for that same person to receive a visitation from an as yet unborn descendant, who in their time and space, may enter into their inner being and descend to their ancestors position in space-time.

From the Kingdom of God within me I heard a distant cry
A voice from my past was calling from the wilderness hot and dry
So I sank to the depths to reach him and my efforts were not in vain
For we merged and I sang from his future the song that eased his pain
And he heard and he felt my presence as he sank into rest sublime
Assured that his saviour existed in the future somewhere in time
And as he closed his eyes in rest, these words were heard so dim
“Forgive me child for tempting you and causing you to sin.”
In earlier times from deep within, I’d heard another cry
A voice from my future was calling from a world somewhere on high
And I heard and I sensed his presence as he prayed to his God within
While he begged me not to tempt him and to deliver him from sin
For our future’s sake, I now am watchful of everything I do
And I call to all my brethren who live in His dead past too
Don’t let our child of the future endure the terrible end
For it’s we who are his tempter, It’s we who make him sin........ By S-word
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Well-Known Member
Friend Spiritone,
Yes true and agree.
When that identify is complete one may declare himself such by words like *Ahm Brahmasmi* which in sanatan dharma is *I am God*.

Love & rgds

I am god, I am the centre around which revoles the entire Cosmos.

Of all the stars in heaven and the space that lies between
Its center is the planet of my birth
And earth’s horizon stretches outward at equal distance from my throne
Which holds the central point upon the earth
And light --- and sound need time to carry all their messages to me
So my senses tell me all has run its race
And everything that happens has happened in my past
So I hold the highest point in time and space.
A primitive concept—did you say and a view that leads to sin?
Well! Perhaps we all were made this way, to discover God within.....By S-word
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Its only a Label
Friend S-Word,
Well! Perhaps we all were made this way, to discover God within.....By S-word

The discovery of the self is enough! god/satan can be kept aside, is a personal view.
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
Friend S-Word,
The discovery of the self is enough! god/satan can be kept aside, is a personal view.
Love & rgds

When you come to know and accept who you are, who is you, the spiritual godhead that develops in your body after birth, then you will become known by the "I Am" or indwelling ancestral spirit, who is not the "Self" that pervades the entire Cosmos, but is an extention of the eternal self, and the "I Am" within you has been given the lot of eternal life, If the 'I Am' chooses to die that you may become he, then you too will share in the eternal life of the self, who is the divine animating spirit who pervades the entire Cosmos, the essential divine reality of the Cosmos, the eternal and invisible spirit from which all being originates and to which all must return.

At the close of this period of universal activity, the spirit that has and continues to develop in the body of the Lord of creatures, (mankind,) who is the prototype of the Lord of spirits, the ruler of the energy and invisible stage in the eternal oscillating Logos, who eternally changes from physical being to invisible and apparent non-being, then back to being again, will enter into the invisible Logos as the supreme personality of Godhead: He, the Most High, who sits in the assembly of the gods and gives his decisions.
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Active Member
The death of "I" is the temination of any concepts, a point where no thought occurs, ideas, thoughts, and concepts are purged (concepts and ideas will not disturb). Any opinion, idea or concept that is still clinging is inhibiting full awakeness.


Its only a Label
Friend capslockf9,

The death of "I" is the temination of any concepts, a point where no thought occurs, ideas, thoughts, and concepts are purged (concepts and ideas will not disturb). Any opinion, idea or concept that is still clinging is inhibiting full awakeness.

Well stated.
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
Friend capslockf9,
Well stated.
Love & rgds

The 'I Am' who develops in the animal body after it is born into this world, is you, the person or spirit which develops in that animal body that is activated by the eternal soul which is the divine animating principle that pervades the entire living cosmos and after the first death when the body in which you have developed is returned to the the material from which it was created, then you, the spirit which had developed within that body and which spirit was imprinted onto the eternal soul of which we are all partakers, will either be accepted or rejected and wiped clean from the eternal soul of life force.

There will be no opinion, idea or concept that is still clinging to the eternal soul of God, which is inhibiting full awakeness, for the spirits that are rejected are completely non-existent, not even a remote memory in the eternal mind which is the compilation of all minds that develop in and are accepted by the eternal life force or soul that pervades the entire eternal and boundless Cosmic being.
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Active Member
"...indeed, i find awareness above, behind, and at the bottom of all things

that which gives plausibility to freedom of will (to a limited degree)

an eternal That (thou art That) which experiences thought and feeling without being either one

for it is the very Ground of being and consciousness itself - the universe is matter and energy experiencing itself by means of information and interpretation

the nature of intelligence is far from beginning or ending with the human species - only our hubris would have us be so presumptuous

man is most alien to himself, yet supposes intelligence began with him - he does not see himself as the cosmic dance that he is, that between his divinity and his ego: he is Will that must overcome the latter in order to bear witness to the former, to make former and latter dance in grace and harmony (think animal grace applied further to human genius and creativity)


intelligence is a creative process of becoming, a process of matter and energy becoming aware of itself, and thus also information - evolution is this process overcoming itself

matter does not allow consciousness, rather it is very much the other way around, for ultimately the universe is a collective representation in which we collectively participate and experience from our own unique and finite perspective; ours amidst an infinite number other such finite perspectives of greater or lesser scope and scale, all of which amount to infinite and timeless perspective (Pure Awareness) which negate all polarities and distinctions into a primordial unity

human experience is a fractal of perspective, and everything we perceive, we create; and all creation (human or otherwise) begins as a thought

man himself began as a thought, indeed the universe began as a thought - a thought which gave birth to its own moment and thus gave birth to time itself, indeed matter and energy themselves and thereby all of creation/matter/energy/information (at bottom, these are all the same thing, the Ground of Awareness described in different ways)

matter and energy become information in an intelligent and ordering sense - all science turns matter and energy into information, so too do art and philosophy

intelligence is the organizing component of awareness and energy which man essentially is but does not himself see - man is blind to himself

thought gives birth to energy, and energy is harnessed by intelligence to become matter and creation; it organizes itself by means of order and information so to give birth to everything from suns and planets, to biological entities (life and finite experience of 'the world') and all of that which do and do not perceive - man's ego experiences both itself and the rest of infinity through a pinhole

he does not know he participates as a creator in the total dance of creation..." -amor fati
re: ILovePhilosophy.com • View topic - Higher/Lower Existence


Well-Known Member
"...indeed, i find awareness above, behind, and at the bottom of all things

that which gives plausibility to freedom of will (to a limited degree)

an eternal That (thou art That) which experiences thought and feeling without being either one

for it is the very Ground of being and consciousness itself - the universe is matter and energy experiencing itself by means of information and interpretation

the nature of intelligence is far from beginning or ending with the human species - only our hubris would have us be so presumptuous

man is most alien to himself, yet supposes intelligence began with him - he does not see himself as the cosmic dance that he is, that between his divinity and his ego: he is Will that must overcome the latter in order to bear witness to the former, to make former and latter dance in grace and harmony (think animal grace applied further to human genius and creativity)


intelligence is a creative process of becoming, a process of matter and energy becoming aware of itself, and thus also information - evolution is this process overcoming itself

matter does not allow consciousness, rather it is very much the other way around, for ultimately the universe is a collective representation in which we collectively participate and experience from our own unique and finite perspective; ours amidst an infinite number other such finite perspectives of greater or lesser scope and scale, all of which amount to infinite and timeless perspective (Pure Awareness) which negate all polarities and distinctions into a primordial unity

human experience is a fractal of perspective, and everything we perceive, we create; and all creation (human or otherwise) begins as a thought

man himself began as a thought, indeed the universe began as a thought - a thought which gave birth to its own moment and thus gave birth to time itself, indeed matter and energy themselves and thereby all of creation/matter/energy/information (at bottom, these are all the same thing, the Ground of Awareness described in different ways)

matter and energy become information in an intelligent and ordering sense - all science turns matter and energy into information, so too do art and philosophy

intelligence is the organizing component of awareness and energy which man essentially is but does not himself see - man is blind to himself

thought gives birth to energy, and energy is harnessed by intelligence to become matter and creation; it organizes itself by means of order and information so to give birth to everything from suns and planets, to biological entities (life and finite experience of 'the world') and all of that which do and do not perceive - man's ego experiences both itself and the rest of infinity through a pinhole

he does not know he participates as a creator in the total dance of creation..." -amor fati
re: ILovePhilosophy.com • View topic - Higher/Lower Existence

If you a happy with that explanation and it serves to give meaning to your existence then I am Happy for you, but I doubt that the average punter off the street would have a clue in the world as to what you are on about. If is not your intention to enlighten the world with your concept of who and what God is, and you are still trying to come to terms with that which is hidden within you, to which you have not as yet found the right terminolgy to express yourself, then keep trying, you'll eventually get there.

But if it is your intention to enlighten the world, then you would be well advised to refine your thoughts and bring them down to earth, where you can give them substance and form, in order that your concept may be seen and understood by others rather than just by yourself.


Active Member
We have data and we have symbols for that data. Chair , building, tree, all symbols yet and they are not percieved the same by everyone. Chair, building, tree are only symbols for what is out there, not what is .
"Even when they spoke or wrote, these individuals created no systems - for they knew that every system is a standing temptation to take symbols too seriously, to pay more attention to words than to the realities for which the words are supposed to stand." - ALDOUS HUXLEY
There is definitely something here and the animal and the thought that aminates from that animal are manifestation of the infinite. I do not have a symbol for it.
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Well-Known Member
We have data and we have symbols for that data. Chair , building, tree, all symbols yet and they are not percieved the same by everyone. Chair, building, tree are only symbols for what is out there, not what is .
"Even when they spoke or wrote, these individuals created no systems - for they knew that every system is a standing temptation to take symbols too seriously, to pay more attention to words than to the realities for which the words are supposed to stand." - ALDOUS HUXLEY
There is definitely something here and the animal and the thought that aminates from that animal are manifestation of the infinite. I do not have a symbol for it.

Get your feet back on the earth which you believe is but a symbol of what is out there. Paul and all the great minds of the ancients knew that all visible matter was created from and by that which could not be seen, felt, heard, smelt or tasted, and we know that the chair, buildings, trees etc are made from invisible molecules which are formed by the gathering together of atoms, which were formed from the gathering together of sub-atomic particles etc, but nontheless the tree, the chair, and the building all exist upon the earth on which we stand.

With our mind's eye, we see all things as shimmering dancing patterns of wave particles which are not particles at all, but with our created senses we see those shimmering patterns which are the ever evolving mind that is God, as chairs, buildings and trees etc.

You may dissect a building, seperating the timber from the plastic, iron, concrete, paint, glass etc, then you may even dissect those materials into the different molecules from which they were constructed, then divide the molecules into the particular atoms from which they were formed etc and even possibly break them down to the thought waves that were gathered together to become those materials from which mankind who is the image and likeness of God, created the timber planks, the steel rods, the sheets of glass, the plastic, the concrete, the iron etc, of which materials the building is but a symbol. That building did not come into existence by random chance, it has a creator, whose mind in evolution, created the wheel, from which it created the first primitive wheel barrow, then on to the cattle pulled wooden wheeled carts, which after the discovery of, and refining the art of turning base metals into workable materials, created the first iron rimmed wheels, each creation over an indefinable period of time that led to the creation of that building by it's creator, being nothing more than the expression of the heights to which the mind of the creator had attained at that particular point in time.


Well-Known Member
"An individual...or a group of individuals...may for a time demand...that another or others honor, serve and obey them physically...but...they can not force or enforce true respect from the Wholly Spirit and Sincere Soul of another individual. By and through the venues of naivety...impoverishment... abuse...threat...blackmail...duress...oppression.. .and coercion, unrighteous beings have, in the past, and do at present, illicitly control, the outward manifestation and appearance of another...or other individuals. However... they do not...(in fact) can not... truly control the (internal) devotions...which is...The genuine respect of the Most High God/Intelligence...known as The Supreme Self."

"The reality is, that no one can in fact force another individual to truly honor and respect them. Ignorant individuals...and their Unrighteous Dominions/Jurisdictions...may force someone to wrong ful penance...but they can not ever force the The Most High God/Intelligence:The Supreme Self...to feel sorry for their JUSTIFIED feelings of animosity for that which... the overseer has forced upon a captive. To outwardly say "I Love You" or "I am sorry" means different things to different individuals. In fact...it may actually mean "I completely detest you...and... I can not wait until you are long gone and dead."

"When a world is set up with the premise that individuals in higher authority have the right to wrongly and perversely control any individual by and through the venues of blackmail, threat, duress, coercion, intellectual mind games such as acceptance and rejection... then those illicit beings who have set up this type of environment(The Illegal Banking Fathers and The Illicit Governments, and Religious Bodies who Represent them as one example) have placed themselves in a very dangerous position... as can be witnessed this very day."

"The wrongful love, respect, devotion and forgiveness for these unrighteous beings (by those very individuals who have been kept in the dark, confused, impoverished and abused)...has kept this world on a continual path of ignorance, abuse, plunder, enslavement, deep seated immorality and oppression. The reality of the long overdue and DESERVED animosity... from True and Goodly Individuals... for those who are of and for The Illegal Banking Fathers' of Lies... Their Fraudulent Government Servants and their Militias...is the reality that will end Their Satanic, Toxic and...Overly Complacent World."

"The falsified institutions that these hideous beings have put in place from the beginning...enforce unfair laws that helpless individuals and their confused families must follow.... to their detriment...(as those who put these planks and platforms in place)...follow a completely different set of rules....(again)...to the detriment of helpless others. All of their falsified Religious Banking Establishments, etc...have been put in place...as a front and tax shelter...for all manner, type and form of organized crime. These vicious individuals...use all manner of pre-planned ways in which to con, tempt and entice others...to their virtual destruction. Their powers are All quackery...yet... they are very skilled in convincing others... that they have powers and abilities... that they do not have. Like the Starettes...they use all manner of hypnotism...and subtle hypnotic suggestion in order to gain the hearts, minds, bodies...and souls of others. Their unethical and deviant sales tactics... are the most sophisticated forms of con artistry...in the universe."

"Yet, I know this fact. No one finds humor...in being robbed...and made the fool. No one thinks con artistry, poverty, fear, ill health and homelessness...is funny...when they find that (they) have been the butt of the con. When the FALSIFIED MONIES which these criminals have been using to finance their wrongful powers and pay gun armed forced and falsified cities...is DISSOLVED...and therefore...runs out of fuel, bribe money and power...then the reality...(that they are not loved...but hated)... is coming directly to their places of refuge. The moral and long over due animosity...which is (The Necessity of Moral and Justified Hate)... toward all of these Satanic Devils...and their Barbaric Banking Christs...who convinced a confused and suffering world...that they were Gods...has arrived."

I totally agree with you, the end of this bankrupt religious, economic and political system has arrived.


Well-Known Member
Moral suicide, in mass is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can give you a phone number to contact if ever the moral suicidal urge becomes too great.

My dear freind it is the mass moral suicide that the oberservers, over many decades have been witnessing and warning the world of the end result of such moralist death, that is the cause of the world's ills today. If you believe the mass moral suicide is just coming, you're too late, for the beginnings of the end result of that moralistic decline has arrived.
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Active Member
mankind who is the image and likeness of God,??
Does a cow know that it is a cow. Does a cat know that it is a cat. And if the human animal did not think would it know that it is a human.? - NO.
No concept would occur. But thought can conjure ideas, concepts ,and hopes.
If thought was absent there would not be any conceptualization self.

If a cow could think and a human did not. A cow would say i am human and that there (points to the human animal) there is a cow; and it would conceptualize "I am made in god's image".


Well-Known Member
mankind who is the image and likeness of God,??
Does a cow know that it is a cow. Does a cat know that it is a cat. And if the human animal did not think would it know that it is a human.? - NO.
No concept would occur. But thought can conjure ideas, concepts ,and hopes.
If thought was absent there would not be any conceptualization self.
If a cow could think and a human did not. A cow would say i am human and that there (points to the human animal) there is a cow; and it would conceptualize "I am made in god's image".
And if the earth could think like a man and got hungry like a man, it would probibly gobble you all up.

But a worm is a worm, and a fish is a fish, and a bird is a bird, and a cat is a cat, and a dog is a dog, and a cow is a cow, and man is the most high in the creation, who has gained dominion over all visible life forms, and is Lord of Creatures and the first within the creation to comprehand the invisible mind that is he, the person who developed in the physical body which is activated by the eternal soul that pervades and activates the entire physical universal body, and could equate himself, who is the invisible mind, to He who is the universal Godhead who developed within the physical universal body which is activated by the divine animating principle which pervades all that is and who is the divine reality of the universe, the invisible and eternal spirit from which all being originates and to which all must return, only to blast forth in a future time that would appear as an eternity to our finite minds, to awaken and continue on in his eternal growth or evolution.

And mankind who is Lord of creatures is the prototype of the Lord of all universal spirits which have developed in the physical bodies of the universal life forms, and he is the Godhead who sits in the assembly of the gods and gives his decisions. It is he, who developed within the body of the Most High in the creation, the "Son of Man," who has been given the sovereignty of the ultimate parents, his Mother Space and his Father Time, and is able to descend into all the previous worlds in which the observers were destroyed by some cosmic catasrophe, and bring those life forms to the ends of their particular period of universal activity, before their world collapsed back into the great abyss, from which it is later resurrected.
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Active Member
I do not insist that present man form is the epitome of creation. Consciousness has been striving or as to say in the future it has reached its purest expression. This condensed wave what we call man is but a stepping stone.
I do not insist that that consciousness is an emperor that sits anywhere, I do not insist that it demands worship, obedience,