Not to be nostalgic, but back in the Eisenhower days we had a culture that valued science and technology very highly. We made the rich pay their fair share of taxes, and we had entitlement programs to promote what we'd now call STEM careers. We also had strong programs to subsidize things like the interstate highway system. These days the GOP would probably call Ike a "socialist".
You'll have to back up this claim about the rich & taxes.
Marginal rates were much higher then, but there were far better dodges to avoid them.
Was the
average rate they paid really that much higher?
I ask because there are a lot of myths & misconceptions about taxation.
I lived thru the Reagan rate reduction, & saw the value of tax deductions fall.
Another potential myth....
People think Canuckistanian taxes are much higher than here.
But when Wirey & I compared all our tax bills, they were quite comparable.
So how can we get that science and tech. friendly culture back?
One way is indirect....
Secondary schools have gutted practical courses, eg, shop, auto mechanics.
These programs gave valuable tech skills to non-college tracked students.
I urge returning to them.
They can inspire more interest in science because the kids see a practical application.
It's not a solution to the problem....just something good for education & the economy.