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Come on, Creationists!


Well-Known Member
The bunny's witness' will be coming to your door soon.
Trying to legally mandate the teaching of bunny design. And you see how poorly rabbit abstinence only education works. In retrospect you would think that they would admit that Breed like Bunnies is a really bad slogan.


Veteran Member
Trying to legally mandate the teaching of bunny design. And you see how poorly rabbit abstinence only education works. In retrospect you would think that they would admit that Breed like Bunnies is a really bad slogan.
Why are you afraid of kids being taught that bunnies were designed? Will it change your world somehow?


Well-Known Member
Why are you afraid of kids being taught that bunnies were designed?
The Bunny Brigade doesn't believe that bunnies were designed. They believe that bunnies are eternal and and that they designed everything with their hoppy little feet and their twitchy little noses. Teaching bunny doctrine as science would be a lie.

Will it change your world somehow?
Sure. Beliefs inform actions. False belief inform false actions. The bunny beliefs would, at the very, least revert us back to the pre-20th century horror show that we called medicine.


Veteran Member
The Bunny Brigade doesn't believe that bunnies were designed. They believe that bunnies are eternal and and that they designed everything with their hoppy little feet and their twitchy little noses. Teaching bunny doctrine as science would be a lie.

Sure. Beliefs inform actions. False belief inform false actions. The bunny beliefs would, at the very, least revert us back to the pre-20th century horror show that we called medicine.

Oh, there would be much worse.
America is not some national park
where all the inhabitants will get to
live out their lives protected, and undisturbed
by the outside world.
Anyone who has not been to Asia really ought
to come take a look.
Billionscof people. Really a lot.

And among them are ever so many very smart,
hard working, hungry and ambitious people!

Im serious!

If Americans choose to indulge themselves
with silliness (actually, anti science, anti
intellectual nonsense) and assume they are
SOOOO wonderful that their way of life is invulnerable, well, go ahead. Butbtherecwont be an angel with a fiery sword guarding your trailer camps.
( remember, the tragedy of Cassandra was,
she was right)
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Well-Known Member
Oh, there would be much worse.
America is not some national park
where all the inhabitants will get to
live out their lives protected, and undisturbed
by the outside world.
Anyone who has not been to Asia really ought
to come take a look.
Billionscof people. Really a lot.

And among them are ever so many very smart,
hard working, hungry and ambitious people!

Im serious!

If Americans choose to indulge themselves
with silliness (actually, anti science, anti
intellectual nonsense) and assume they are
SOOOO wonderful that their way of life is invulnerable, well, go ahead. Butbtherecwont be an angel with a fiery sword guarding your trailer camps.
( remember, the tragedy of Cassandra was,
she was right)
I am not sure why you would think that I would not take you seriously. We Americans believe our own press way too much. And our antiscientism both saddens and scares me I would be unsurprised to find that both our allies and rivals have contingency plans for if we go feral


Veteran Member
I am not sure why you would think that I would not take you seriously. We Americans believe our own press way too much. And our antiscientism both saddens and scares me I would be unsurprised to find that both our allies and rivals have contingency plans for if we go feral

Sorryah, its not a lesson for you,
your comments got the rant going
to those where it will be ignored. :(

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
No I'm saying why waste your life trying to prove a negative?
Having and expressing an opposing view using logic, reason and evidence is not trying to prove a negative or a waste. Look how hard you pull against science and I don't recall you offering anything other than belief that cannot be objectively demonstrated or validated.


Well-Known Member
...no? Why do you ask?

The Jewish bible begins with Abraham who was born ca 1750 BC. The broad outline
of the bible's historic claims seem to be reasonably accurate. Personal incidents are
of faith-based nature. So Jews were in Egypt, conquered Israel, established a capital
in Jerusalem, bullt the temple, went into captivity in Babylon, rebuilt their temple and
went into exile after rejecting the Messiah - to return to Israel in these latter days.


Well-Known Member
To say that the Bible demands those things is to cherry pick the Bible. To say that those are prevalent in Christian history is to turn a blind eye to the history of Christianity.

The 'history of Christianity' is given in The Acts.
If you read about the Crusades or the Inquisition you are reading Roman Catholic history - events which violated the Gospels.


Well-Known Member
And in practice, it frequently then manifests as:
- superiority complex
- homophobia
- intolerance
- anti-science propaganda
- ...

All the while they will be saying that those manifestations are things from your list instead.

Oh..you refer to people who BREACH these principles, therefor you can breach them too?


Veteran Member
Oh..you refer to people who BREACH these principles,

No. I'm referring to well intentioned christians who are homophobic, intolerant, anti-science, etc who see their actions and beliefs as righteous and good and in line with what they believe the bible commands / imposes

therefor you can breach them too?

There's nothing for me to breach since I don't adhere to dogmatic religious commandments.
They are total non-issues to me.

I get my morals and values from an understanding of reality, rational reasoning and empathy.

To borrow Richard Dawkins' joke:

I don't want a morality that is imposed by a perceived authority. Instead, I want a morality that is reasoned, discussed, humane and... well... "intelligently designed".


Well-Known Member
No. I'm referring to well intentioned christians who are homophobic, intolerant, anti-science, etc who see their actions and beliefs as righteous and good and in line with what they believe the bible commands / imposes

There's nothing for me to breach since I don't adhere to dogmatic religious commandments.
They are total non-issues to me.

I get my morals and values from an understanding of reality, rational reasoning and empathy.

To borrow Richard Dawkins' joke:

I don't want a morality that is imposed by a perceived authority. Instead, I want a morality that is reasoned, discussed, humane and... well... "intelligently designed".

I am against 'our' homosexual culture. I am also against gambling, pederasty, men hating, pornography,
'adult entertainment', war, civiil strife, religious profiteering, revenge, neglect for the old, smoking, excessive
drinking, prostitution, abortion etc..

So... when you use the term 'homophobic' do you know that is a quite recent manufactured word
crafted by the new moralists - and you subscribe to their new morals.

Everyone knows what a woman hater is - misogynist. I often ask people, 'What is the word for man
hating' and they never ever know what it is - because 'our' cultural priests don't teach it - MISANDRIST

Gambling is now gaming
Spinsters are unmarried women
Living-in-sin is now cohabitating, living together or partnering
Homosexual is now gay
Narcotics are recreational drugs

tomorrow words which will need re-phrasing include
civil disobedience


Veteran Member
I am against 'our' homosexual culture. I am also against gambling, pederasty, men hating, pornography,
'adult entertainment', war, civiil strife, religious profiteering, revenge, neglect for the old, smoking, excessive
drinking, prostitution, abortion etc..

And with that, you have just confirmed my point.
I'll bet that for most of these, you aren't even able to lay out reasonable sensible argument by which you demonstrate how those things are actually bad. Instead, it will come down to "the bible says it; I believe it; that settles it".

So... when you use the term 'homophobic' do you know that is a quite recent manufactured word
crafted by the new moralists - and you subscribe to their new morals.

Kind of how it is also quite a recent moral development that black people aren't inferior, that slavery isn't okay and that women should be able to vote, that their opinion also matters and that they aren't mere breeding vessels who's main room of interest is the kitchen?

I'm totally fine with that. I like moral development and progress. It's why life is good in humanistic secular democracies. Or at least better then in the systems that were tried before it.

Everyone knows what a woman hater is - misogynist.

Funny. That's a word that was first coined in the 17th century and which only really became an actual thing in the 1970s during that wave of feminism.

You were saying about the "recent manufactured word" concerning homophobia?

I often ask people, 'What is the word for man
hating' and they never ever know what it is - because 'our' cultural priests don't teach it - MISANDRIST

Right, because historically, men have been oppressed by women. :rolleyes:

Gambling is now gaming
Spinsters are unmarried women
Living-in-sin is now cohabitating, living together or partnering
Homosexual is now gay

Again, you're only confirming my point.

Narcotics are recreational drugs

They always have been.
Well, that and also aids in certain "spiritual" rituals.

tomorrow words which will need re-phrasing include

Why would you think that?
This is typical of the short-sightedness I am talking about.

Such are the statements of the morally bankrupt who don't obtain moral values through reason and instead get them from a perceived authority from the bronze age.

civil disobedience

Not sure what you mean by that. But I have a feeling it's another instance of "black and white" thinking that doesn't take reason and context into account at all.

For example............ let's take current Russians.
What do you think the moral thing to do is for Russians currently?

To practice "civil obedience" and submit to the demands of Putin and his corrupt comrades?
Or would the moral thing to do be to revolt, and thus engage in "civil disobedience"?

The world is not black and white. And morality certainly isn't.


Veteran Member
The Jewish bible begins with Abraham who was born ca 1750 BC. The broad outline
of the bible's historic claims seem to be reasonably accurate. Personal incidents are
of faith-based nature. So Jews were in Egypt, conquered Israel, established a capital
in Jerusalem, bullt the temple, went into captivity in Babylon, rebuilt their temple and
went into exile after rejecting the Messiah - to return to Israel in these latter days.

Terrif. A lot of peoples hsve history.
More or less accurate.
The parts that describe supernatural
events have zero evidence.


Well-Known Member
Terrif. A lot of peoples hsve history.
More or less accurate.
The parts that describe supernatural
events have zero evidence.

Not quite zero evidence --- some things happened that seemed remarkable co-incidence. My favorite
was the prophecy that Israel would end with the coming of the Messiah, and that nation would not be
re-constituted until the Gentiles time was finished.
But most of post-Abrahamic history was not believed going back 1900 or so. Today most of that history
is accepted, such as the existence of King David.


Veteran Member
Having and expressing an opposing view using logic, reason and evidence is not trying to prove a negative or a waste. Look how hard you pull against science and I don't recall you offering anything other than belief that cannot be objectively demonstrated or validated.

No false facts offered?