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Communicating with God?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to communicate with God? If so, how is it possible? Have people ever communicated with God? Is it important?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Indeed it is. It usually involves placing your body into an unusual position, closing your eyes, and muttering or chanting something under your breath. I can only assume these steps are necessary to initialize and configure the god communication devices implanted in our heads.


Higher and Higher
Sure, people and God communicate all the time. I try to talk to God at least once a day.


My own knowing of God is going within yourself. The word meditation means, to look in, turn in to yourself and find the truth. Hari om tat sat, means the truth.It is not a theology nor something philosophical, it is something existential. The sound of Om, is the sound of the divine which I find it to be the God. a beautiful sound. When one experiences this sound when meditating,he is in tune with all that is beautiful, hence, the communicating with the divine
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Lunatic from birth
Communication with God rests deeply on a definition of God. In a subjective sense, communication with God is utterly possible. That is, from the communicator's perspective, if they accept a communicable God, then of COURSE they can communicate with that God. Whether or not one can communicate with their God is an intensely personal belief.

Personally, I identify God with the Universe. I further define communication as information exchanged between two parties. If I temporarily accept that God and I are separate entities (which I do not believe to be "true" in any objective sense) then any action I take transmits information to God, and thus I communicate with God. Is it important? I suppose that is for the communicator to decide, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to communicate with God? If so, how is it possible? Have people ever communicated with God? Is it important?

God will call you if it's important. :D

God speaks through the Holy Spirit to your heart and soul, it requires faith this way.

However, God can communicate more unambigiously and more specific in a way that, somehow, future is involved. That's why whenever you hear the stories of the prophets, you hear prophecies. Prophecies have all to do with communicating with God. On the other hand He can only be reached when He wishes to communicate with you.
How can you expect to communicate with God if you don't know what God is?

God is a being outside of time, because he created time, he watches and judges our actions everyday. he waits for our prayers and if they are sincere (not asking for some random chick to fall for us) then he will answer or provide assistance as it is needed. On more then one occasion God has answered my prayers, there have also been times when he didn't that used to frustrate me but I learned when I need to step up and not always call on God.
God is not there to coddle us but to help us grow into better people who love and follow him. We were made for the sole purpose of worshipping him, though that may sound strange its true (just like as kids we imagined different games and they always ended up with us winning no matter the odds, the game was created by us for us) we were created by God for God.


Resident Liberal Hippie
The need to 'communicate' with God is another reflection of the need to anthropomorphize God into a being that reflects human desires.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Is it possible to communicate with God?
I would say "commune" rather than "communicate." I believe we're part of God. You can't have a dialogue, but you can shift your perspective to a greater awareness of the whole.

If so, how is it possible?
It's hardwired into our physiology. Learning to trigger it is tricky as all hell, though.

Have people ever communicated with God?
Not in the sense of a conversation, or clear orders handed down from on high, no. But countless people have acheived the shift in awareness I spoke of.

Is it important?
Depends on what you mean. It's not necessary to a rich and fulfilled life, but I think it helps.


communicating with god.

talking with mySelf.

taking note of my inner connections and reflections,
and responding to them.

responding to Life in general.


Guardian of Life
God is a being outside of time, because he created time, he watches and judges our actions everyday. he waits for our prayers and if they are sincere (not asking for some random chick to fall for us) then he will answer or provide assistance as it is needed. On more then one occasion God has answered my prayers, there have also been times when he didn't that used to frustrate me but I learned when I need to step up and not always call on God.
God is not there to coddle us but to help us grow into better people who love and follow him. We were made for the sole purpose of worshipping him, though that may sound strange its true (just like as kids we imagined different games and they always ended up with us winning no matter the odds, the game was created by us for us) we were created by God for God.

Whatever works for you buddy.

Ask all the people deluded enough to think they know what god is.

I was simply wondering if the OP knew what God is. I would imagine that someone who did know what He is, wouldn't be asking a question like whether or not it is possible to communicate with him.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
This makes yourself out to be a god, how is that possible you are so plain and don't have any good teaching or lessons for us to learn.
Oh I disagree with you there. UltraViolet could teach you much that might be very useful. If only your have the ability to comprehend what she is saying. That is expecting a lot however.

The problem is we were talking about God not you yourself god, there is a difference and you need to find it or you will end up confusing yourself.
Or just perhaps it is you who is the one who is confused. What you cannot presently comprehend is that as one moves inward the barriers between god and self begin to shatter. At a certain stage the differences become marginal, then minute and finally irrelevant. Eventually, with any luck and with great clarity, one move beyond primitive notions of "god" completely. It's like awakening from a dream and realizing that none of it was real.

please contact me for some help!
I wouldn't sit staring at your inbox. It is unlikely that any request for information will be forthcoming.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
I talk to God
But the sky is empty

--Sylvia Plath

Arguably the greatest of mystics...ignored the middle man and just went straight to God
Just because you cant conceptualiZe it, does not mean you can't say a prayer, or literally just talk.

My cat talks to me, of course it does so through the medium of cat communication
So I only understand it a bit, but it doesnt stop the cat tryign to communicate.

You can spend your entire life wondering around, worrying what IS God? Will God hear me?
Or you can just get on with being.
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