I have a history of spiritual seeking. I've researched most of the major and minor world religions for years. I grew up Catholic, went through a Pagan period of about 2 years, returned to Christianity with stops in Quaker meeting, UU and Anglican churches, and finally returned to Catholicism. Then I fell away again due to post-partum depression and anxiety and struggled for 2 years to find hope in faith again, considering myself a Deist at one point but finding that it was not fulfilling for two main reasons: God in Deism is not interested in me and my life and I cannot have a relationship with the Divine, and there aren't any physical communities for Deists anyway, not that they actually worship God anyway. Finally I returned to Catholicism again and accreditted it to God's grace. I spent the past 3+ years trying to "do it right" by really taking my Christian faith seriously. I started to really grow in my faith, got involved in my church community, started taking on a little bit of leadership roles... and then all of a sudden out of nowhere I started to doubt again. For a solid month I was obsessed with researching first Mennonites and then Orthodox Christianity, until one day, just as suddenly as it appeared, the need to search left. I thought I dodged a bullet and was once again happy to be Catholic. Only a few weeks passed before I yet again woke up one day and started to question a very fundamental belief: the nature of God. For the past week, I've been obsessed with Judaism, and tomorrow I start a three week course at a local synagogue. I feel convinced about strict monotheism and that trinitarianism is idolatrous. But as I've noticed and caught myself with the various little reminders of the trinity in my daily life (the prayers we recite, the decor in my house, just being in church...) I have cried and cried at the thought of losing all of that. I'm not convinced that Judaism is "true" any more than any other version of strict monotheism. I only know that I believe in one God, and I want to serve him, worship him, and follow his guidance. However, my Christian indoctrination makes me second guess what I on one hand think is leadings from God and think, "maybe it's Satan leading me astray." I'm tired of the constant back and forth. I just want to worship God in a community of like-minded people with traditions that are meaningful to me. But either a group is in line with my beliefs but their worship style is unfulfilling, or the worship style resonates with me but the beliefs do not. Is there any hope for me? Will I ever find rest? Is this my lot in life, to constantly be searching yet never finding God? Jesus is quoted in the New Testament as saying "ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find" but when? And will it ever be permanent? Thanks for letting me vent. I welcome any pearls of wisdom.