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confused about religion


Religious Zionist
Krunk said:
how could you than man wasnt ment to do something?? that is the aditude that has limited us as human beings. we can do anything. the not so far future will allow that in way you could never imagine. things that will defie this omnipower you say god has. try me ask me a question that you think that we could never do im serous and maybe you will see that we are advanceing past the need for religion
i believe my dear Krunk you have already asked that particular question...
Krunk said:
and why meddle with things that cant be proven?
i don't believe humans have a limit to their potential...and we should explore all facets of our existance...including a search for the Divine
if you are saying we shouldn't be "meddling" in this sort of thing then why did you make the above statement that "we can do anything"...apparently we shouldn't be doing that...


Religious Zionist
Krunk said:
the if free will is true then i have no worry of judgement?
again Krunk i don't believe in Judgement and Hell and all that stuff from Christianity...
you will be judged for things you've done wrong...but for me there is no eternal damnation...if you are a non-jew Krunk all you have to really concern yourself with is....*drum roll please*....being a good person:eek:


ok how about this we can do anything that we want. search for the divine??? why do that? what advances has the search for divine done for man kind? and im sorry if i have offened you i mean no attack on you as a person.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
jewscout said:
again Krunk i don't believe in Judgement and Hell and all that stuff from Christianity...
you will be judged for things you've done wrong...but for me there is no eternal damnation...if you are a non-jew Krunk all you have to really concern yourself with is....*drum roll please*....being a good person:eek:
I agree with Jewscout about the 'free will' business - but, surely Krunk, if you killed someone, how would you feel ? I'm sure you would feel bad. If you rescued someone from death, you would feel good, wouldn't you? Isn't that enough?:)


Active Member
Let me comment generally.. Krunk.. while the Forum is called Science Vs Religion.. it is really quite misleading. It should be Naturalism Vs Religion (and likewise Evolution Vs Creationism should be Abiogenesis Vs Creationism).
Science is not opposed to religion. However, science cannot really deal with religion because religion is based on faith and metaphysics.. the supernatural. Whilst science is only able to effectively deal with natural phenomena.
It is quite possible to be religious and explore the world in a scientific way.
Additionally its worth mentioning the categorical differtence between religion and science. Any specific religion is a pescribed set of answers to reality. Naturalism likewise has its own view of the world. Science is not a worldview. Science is a method for exploring relity.. and it is only because it deals specifically with the natural that it is often mistaken as being one and the same with naturalism. This is a mistake made by both Theists - who argue openly against the teachings of science and Non-theists who mistakingly believe that science is 'on their side'.

However religion and science havent always seen eye to eye. This is because of their inherant categorical natures. Religion is a set of answers.. some of which has in the past crossed into the physical. Earth centre of the universe, earth flat kindof thing.. Science has proven these things wrong, giving rise to doubt and uncertainty about religon which has fueled the modern era of Atheism and Agnosticism.


Religious Zionist
Krunk said:
ok how about this we can do anything that we want.
well yes we CAN do anything we want...but are those actions necessarily right...from my perspective killing a child, commiting genocide, fraud costing other people millions of dollars, and cheating on my gf are wrong...but then that's just my personal opinion i could be wrong...
Krunk said:
search for the divine??? why do that?
why not do that...if nothing else for advancement in philosophy, culture, and ethics regardless of whether or not your end result is a belief in the Divine or not...again my personal opinion...
Krunk said:
what advances has the search for divine done for man kind?
what advances has the search for the new American Idol done for mankind?

Studying the Divine and searching it out is a unique path for each of us and leads us all to unique destinations...in your case Krunk a hard core belief in nature and science and atheism


one thing TV and media is on your side. that is the problem we are greatly unrepresented. i am not a person who sits down and watchs sitcoms or any of that crap. i sometimes watch the preaching channels to try to understand why you come to your conclusions. and its all empty. philosophy, culture, and ethics are all under control of religion. why not learn about what has been proven. go to msn.com or something and look at the news. go to science and technology and learn. expand your mind. see what is really going on in the world of science. oh yeah apperently your supposed spiritual world is connected with science. if we know of this world then surely it hase been in this one. but that is not possible because science is reality in its self every thing is science! science has and will always discredit your belifs. and i have hope in man kind because of it. the future if religion is dark like it always has been. even now people die because of it. our tax dollers are being wasted be cause of a religous pissing contest. how many have died? HOW MANY WILL???? we all need to just follow this rule "do unto other as they would do unto you"


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Krunk said:
one thing TV and media is on your side. that is the problem we are greatly unrepresented. i am not a person who sits down and watchs sitcoms or any of that crap. i sometimes watch the preaching channels to try to understand why you come to your conclusions. and its all empty. philosophy, culture, and ethics are all under control of religion. why not learn about what has been proven. go to msn.com or something and look at the news. go to science and technology and learn. expand your mind. see what is really going on in the world of science. oh yeah apperently your supposed spiritual world is connected with science. if we know of this world then surely it hase been in this one. but that is not possible because science is reality in its self every thing is science! science has and will always discredit your belifs. and i have hope in man kind because of it. the future if religion is dark like it always has been. even now people die because of it. our tax dollers are being wasted be cause of a religous pissing contest. how many have died? HOW MANY WILL???? we all need to just follow this rule "do unto other as they would do unto you"
Sorry Krunk, philosophy and ethics are not under control of religion - some of the best philosophers have been atheists.
Personally, I prefer to follow the rule "Do unto others as you would wish them do unto you" - I don't believe in getting my own back on people who have hurt me.:)


Religious Zionist
Krunk said:
i sometimes watch the preaching channels to try to understand why you come to your conclusions
yes because i'm a born again christian...PRAISE JESUS....o wait no i'm not:rolleyes:
preachings not really the jews bag...it's too high profile...enough people already hate jews as it is...
Krunk said:
why not learn about what has been proven. go to msn.com or something and look at the news
i'm more of an NPR person myself...but thanks for the suggestion...
Krunk said:
go to science and technology and learn. expand your mind. see what is really going on in the world of science
ok?:sarcastic science is great and all but i'm really more of a historian myself...i leave the science to my boo Rachel...who loves the stuff...and G-d!
Krunk said:
oh yeah apperently your supposed spiritual world is connected with science. if we know of this world then surely it hase been in this one. but that is not possible because science is reality in its self every thing is science! science has and will always discredit your belifs. and i have hope in man kind because of it.
actually i find that science can tend to reaffirm my belief in G-d...but then i'm probably not reading the right stuff...go on...
Krunk said:
the future if religion is dark like it always has been. even now people die because of it
and for money...don't forget money...
Krunk said:
our tax dollers are being wasted be cause of a religous pissing contest
and you base this on...what exactly?
Krunk said:
how many have died? HOW MANY WILL????
because all the world's dead are at the hands of religion...
Krunk said:
we all need to just follow this rule "do unto other as they would do unto you"
do you mean "don't do unto others that you would not have done unto you?"


its not do unto others as they have done to you. i was in the begining but you are all as i suspected. i hope one day you will look back on this and learn that i am free! i am self supporting. and i now know that if your kind continues to repress and not learn the truth i hope we leave the planet with out you. so you and your god can live happily ever after. maybe then when you are runnning out of resourses and dying from your mass population or war you will see there is no god to come and help you. when you think he did you where only helping your selves. and plz stop saying god has heald your kid your you after a big surgery try thanking medical science. teh science that keeps us alive for so long....


Religious Zionist
Krunk i fail to see where this disdain comes from...no one on this forum that i know of has tried to witness to you nor has anyone forced their beliefs on you here...

you also come on here assuming that the worst kinds of christianity is the end all and be all of every religion on the face of the earth...perhaps you should take some time and learn about faiths from all corners of the world and see the diversity and similarities...


Boy this thread turned out nice.

Let's pass the peace pipe and do the happy dance!:jiggy: :jiggy: :jiggy: