On this sensitive topic, I watched a documentary which explained that in the past Christians could not lend money for an interest but Jews were able. This lead to the Jews becoming money lenders and potentially becoming richer than their Christian neighbours. This is also depicted in Shakespare's Merchant of Venice and the character Shylock.*Jews are Holding the Key posts in IMF, WB, FR, and many influential organizations (If it is a propaganda against them that they control the economy) still they hold the Key Positions of most of the Economic Organizations, Judaism can be the True Religion as god are blessing Jews and raising them to the Top positions from where they can control (if not controlling)
I also understand that Judaism is a race as well as a religion, and that one needs to marry or be born into it or under go a long conversion (which is a one way conversion and once converted one is bound by the covenant). E.g. Judaism 101: Who Is a Jew?
I don't know why but this has changed since (can anyone explain why Christians can now lend money?), but it could explain;
1) why there is an image that Jews are considered rich or money holders by race and
2) an explanation for anti-Semitism as Jews were disliked by some Christian communities in the past (I am guessing as I expect their are other historic reasons e.g. 13th Century Europe).
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