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Convoy claiming to be ‘God’s army’ heading to Texas to protest border crisis: ‘Biblical, monumental moment’


Veteran Member
Trump brought those numbers down and that's a fact compared to Biden bringing those numbers insanely up to the point that now the whole country is in dire danger because of him and his handlers.
"Under Biden, DHS made over 5 million arrests in its first 26.3 months, and it removed nearly 2.6 million—51 percent—while releasing only 49 percent. In other words, the Trump DHS removed a minority of those arrested while the Biden DHS removed a majority. Biden managed to increase the removal share while also increasing the total removals by a factor of 3.5."



Veteran Member
This I'm sure is your definition of 'refugees'.

I think Fox News is doing an excellent job of reporting the truth of the matter.
Ah, that explains why you don't seem to know what you're talking about.
Every one of them is a result of open border policies by the traitor in Chief who has no regard for Public Safety or for the welfare of the citizens already living here by allowing an intentionally manufactured invasion along with egging on for the Immigrant invasion to continue unimpeded by intent and design.
That would be the Republicans.
That border deal is a complete sham because the president didn't need any kind of bipartisan agreement to close down the border and everybody knows it.
It's a sham because he could do an Executive Order? Huh? Then you'd be whining about what a commie he is.

Why can't the Republicans come together with the Democrats to vote on a bill that contains most of what they want? Oh right, because it might make Biden look good and then they'd have nothing to run on. These people need to learn what their jobs are, wouldn't you say?
He could shut the border down today or even tomorrow for that matter if he wanted to, but it's clear he doesn't and he won't even with this supposed whacked out 'deal' they're coming up with of which of course the real true intent is for all those riders and earmarks to be included and attached which shows their first priority is those earmarks and riders and not our citizens living here.
Then you'd be crying about how he's a Marxist dictator.

The Republicans need to do their jobs. They now own the "open borders" they've been crying so hard about.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Its good to know that the Conservative party has been in the hands of such 'competent' individuals, consistently since the 1980s. :rolleyes:

These people do have legitimate grievances. Fourty years of cuts in social programs: education, job training, housing assistance, and health care; decreasing incomes and prosperity, increasig insecurity -- in the name of small government and corporate deregulation, ie: Neoliberalism, AKA: Reaganomics.

After the Powell manifesto, Big Business organized against the middle class, usurped government and monopolized the media. Deregulation sent jobs overseas, and, with their media monopoly, they convinced the working and middle classes that this was the fault of the liberals and the only entity extensive enough to look out for the interests of The People and curb corporate exploitation -- government.

Now government serves corporate benefactors. not the people. We have stagnant wages, unaffordable healthcare, housing and education, and no more government assistance. I'd be angry too. I remember the Keynesian government. I read, and I know who to blame. The 'convoy' does not.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
"Under Biden, DHS made over 5 million arrests in its first 26.3 months, and it removed nearly 2.6 million—51 percent—while releasing only 49 percent. In other words, the Trump DHS removed a minority of those arrested while the Biden DHS removed a majority. Biden managed to increase the removal share while also increasing the total removals by a factor of 3.5."

The Republicans are a self-serving, anti-social, minion of corporate power. Democracy is a threat to them.
They preach freedom, but suppress it. They preach economic accountability, but spend like drunken sailors, They preach prosperity, but suppress social services. Their supporters support their oppressors, and blame their potential benefactors.


Active Member
To the surprise of no one...and by biblical of course, they mean a bunch of loony zealots screeching bible passages at the top of their lungs and acting like a lynch mob in a western film. Tch.
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So, allowing people in need and watching them drown is what Jesus would have taught? How is that in any way a reflection of Christian teachings? How does it reflect the love and compassion that Jesus taught? How is this in any way "In Christ"?
Having policies in place which encourage people to risk their lives or migrate illegally is not a reflection of love, rather lawlessness. God is love, which includes law and order.

If you are equating open borders with love, then let me know when you are loving enough to leave your front door open for anyone and everyone who wants to move into your house.

“The book of Nehemiah is dedicated to the idea that the security that comes from walls is a sign of God’s blessing and provision. Conversely, the lack of walls is evidence of social decay and vulnerability. God is not troubled that the purpose of walls is to prevent some people from doing things they want to do because He knows some people desire to do things they shouldn’t do, like take fentanyl and victims of sex trafficking across international borders for the purpose of killing and exploiting.

Of course, not everyone seeking to cross our border intends harm, but that would also be true of all the people who might want to sleep in your house tonight if they knew it was unlocked, but you lock it anyway.

The moral arguments being made in defense of open borders aren’t much different than the left-wing moral arguments being made on a range of other issues. It all comes down to the belief that you’re not loving your neighbor if you won’t let your neighbor do whatever they want. We’re supposed to let people come into the country if they want, sleep on the streets if they want, steal iPhones from stores if they want, cut off their genitals if they want, abort their children if they want. The desire itself is the justification. The belief that some greater good could outweigh the current longing of an individual is framed as hatred or bigotry. But none of it is true.

We don’t have to choose between love and order, and anyone who suggests otherwise may be well intended, but they certainly aren’t speaking for God.”

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aged ecumenical anthropologist
Having policies in place which encourage people to risk their lives or migrate illegally is not a reflection of love, rather lawlessness.

We are not "encouraging" them as if you actually listened to what so many have said is that the conditions they have had to live under are deplorable and an outright threat to their entire family.
God is love, which includes law and order.

Only "law and order" that is fair, thus not one that ignores the oppressed. I do believe Jesus would be appalled at your uncaring position.
If you are equating open borders with love

Now you are not telling the truth as I have never proposed "open borders" and never will.

Have you no shame?