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Convoy claiming to be ‘God’s army’ heading to Texas to protest border crisis: ‘Biblical, monumental moment’

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Its a silly "gods army" thing, but I find it hypocritical when people who don't even believe in Jesus, quote him when it's convenient on one thread, but then hoping to abolish religion altogether on another thread? Its trollish!
So if you saw a sanctimonious vegan - known for condemning meat eaters - chowing down on a steak, it would be wrong for you to call out their hypocrisy unless you were a vegan yourself?

And who called for abolishing religion? I certainly didn't.
Are you willing take illegal aliens into your home and feed them?
Nope, but I don't claim to be a follower of Jesus, either.
Leftist confuse virtue signaling attention seeking as enablers for Love and helping!
What does that even mean?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
There were more encounters during the Trump years. You were real quiet then. I'm sure your media didn't report that stuff, on purpose.
There's a lot of stuff you don't know, because you don't follow credible news. That's the problem with conservative media, they intentionally hide Republican misdeeds so you think that your party are saints compared to Democrats.
Trump brought those numbers down and that's a fact compared to Biden bringing those numbers insanely up to the point that now the whole country is in dire danger because of him and his handlers.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
"God" is universal, in as much as it can be invoked by anyone for any purpose.

And just about is.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think it's gone well past the labor aspect.

The problem wouldn't be those who are generally looking for a new life and are obeying the laws , the problem is the crowds of illegals which in that crowd there are terrorists that have been confirmed and many coming from countries that hate our guts , not to mention disease , viruses , and such if they're not vetted properly that are posing the most danger to the citizens living here.
You're listening to too much Right-wing propaganda. The "crisis" is a manufactured political ruse; an imagined threat. Manufactured threats are one of the hallmarks of authoritarian propaganda.

Immigration rates are the lowest in decades. The Decline in U.S. Net Migration | Econofact
Most undocumented immigrants entered legally, and simply overstayed their visas.
Crime rates among undocumented immigrants are lower than those for natural-born citizens.
Many industries already depend on cheap, undocumented labor. Remove the undocumenteds from agriculture, factories meatpacking, &al and there would be serious economic repercussions.
Illegal immigration could easily be slashed simply by arresting a few employers. Cut job prospects, cut immigration.
There is no evidence of significant drug smuggling or disease transmission. In fact, during the pandemic vaccination rates were higher among the immigrants than among the general public.
The majority of immigrants are fleeing the effects of US foreign policy. We created the problem, now we're refusing to take responsibility and do anything to alleviate it.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You're listening to too much Right-wing propaganda. The "crisis" is a manufactured political ruse; an imagined threat. Manufactured threats are one of the hallmarks of authoritarian propaganda.

Immigration rates are the lowest in decades. The Decline in U.S. Net Migration | Econofact
Most undocumented immigrants entered legally, and simply overstayed their visas.
Crime rates among undocumented immigrants are lower than those for natural-born citizens.
Many industries already depend on cheap, undocumented labor. Remove the undocumenteds from agriculture, factories meatpacking, &al and there would be serious economic repercussions.
Illegal immigration could easily be slashed simply by arresting a few employers. Cut job prospects, cut immigration.
There is no evidence of significant drug smuggling or disease transmission. In fact, during the pandemic vaccination rates were higher among the immigrants than among the general public.
The majority of immigrants are fleeing the effects of US foreign policy. We created the problem, now we're refusing to take responsibility and do anything to alleviate it.
Omg. What a pack of whopping lies.

Now that's pure left wing Kool Aid!
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Not Religious
Trump brought those numbers down and that's a fact compared to Biden bringing those numbers insanely up to the point that now the whole country is in dire danger because of him and his handlers
I just showed you there were more terror watch list confrontations during the Trump years than there are now. It was worse when Trump was president.
People crying about terrorists now but were quiet when Trump was president when it was worse.

The Hammer

Premium Member

So what. Let them in anyways? Are you afraid they will buy all the housing? Eat all the food? Drink all the beer?



Veteran Member
Premium Member
So what. Let them in anyways? Are you afraid they will buy all the housing? Eat all the food? Drink all the beer?

View attachment 87750
Border 'encounters' is not immigration. We've created vast camps of refugees stranded in Mexico. We've also deployed huge numbers of border patrol personnel -- some of them citizen volunteers. There are going to be encounters.

You used to be able to sit on the hillside in El Paso overlooking the Rio Grande and watch the mexican workers crossing the rever every morning for their jobs in the US. In the evening they crossed back.
At harvest times truckloads would enter to pick crops. Mexicans came and went pretty much at will. Everyone was happy.
But now it's suddenly become a problem; an invasion of diseased drug smugglers, rapists and terrorists. It's a modern Red Scare.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Border 'encounters' is not immigration. We've created vast camps of refugees stranded in Mexico. We've also deployed huge numbers of border patrol personnel -- some of them citizen volunteers. There are going to be encounters.

You used to be able to sit on the hillside in El Paso overlooking the Rio Grande and watch the mexican workers crossing the rever every morning for their jobs in the US. In the evening they crossed back.
At harvest times truckloads would enter to pick crops. Mexicans came and went pretty much at will. Everyone was happy.
But now it's suddenly become a problem; an invasion of diseased drug smugglers, rapists and terrorists. It's a modern Red Scare.

Believe me I know. The entire county I live in was built on immigrant Mexican labor work on the farms here during the world wars and Vietnam.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Try to find an unbiased site if you want to convince anyone. You used a Republican report that incompetently conflated various figures. But I see that has already been explained to you.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Try to find an unbiased site if you want to convince anyone. You used a Republican report that incompetently conflated various figures. But I see that has already been explained to you.
Obviously you're not aware of what's going on around the country. I'm sure most people are quite capable of googling the statistics for themselves as to what's actually going on for which the link I provided is definitely accurate as the trader in chief keeps destroying this country by intentionally keeping the borders open with complete disregard to the welfare and safety of our own citizens.

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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Obviously you're not aware of what's going on around the country. I'm sure most people are quite capable of googling the statistics for themselves as to what's actually going on for which the link I provided is definitely accurate as the trader in chief keeps destroying this country by intentionally keeping the borders open with complete disregard to the welfare and safety of our own citizens.

I suspect the 2024 election will be a breeze after this.
I am probably far more aware than you are since I do not fall for every right wing conspiracy nut job article. And you forgot, it is the Republicans that are currently keeping the border open under orders of His Orangeness.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I am probably far more aware than you are since I do not fall for every right wing conspiracy nut job article. And you forgot, it is the Republicans that are currently keeping the border open under orders of His Orangeness.
No. You clearly are not aware of the insanity of what's happening with the borders along with what is going on with illegals now in this country.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
No. You clearly are not aware of the insanity of what's happening with the borders along with what is going on with illegals now in this country.
No, I am aware of the record number of refugees. Which by both international and US law that we have to accept. There is a bipartisan solution but his Trumpness said no so his Republican boot lickers are caving in and opposing a fix to the border problem. You have to get out o f your echo chamber:


Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
No, I am aware of the record number of refugees. Which by both international and US law that we have to accept. There is a bipartisan solution but his Trumpness said no so his Republican boot lickers are caving in and opposing a fix to the border problem. You have to get out o f your echo chamber:

This I'm sure is your definition of 'refugees'.

I think Fox News is doing an excellent job of reporting the truth of the matter.

Every one of them is a result of open border policies by the traitor in Chief who has no regard for Public Safety or for the welfare of the citizens already living here by allowing an intentionally manufactured invasion along with egging on for the Immigrant invasion to continue unimpeded by intent and design.

That border deal is a complete sham because the president didn't need any kind of bipartisan agreement to close down the border and everybody knows it.

He could shut the border down today or even tomorrow for that matter if he wanted to, but it's clear he doesn't and he won't even with this supposed whacked out 'deal' they're coming up with of which of course the real true intent is for all those riders and earmarks to be included and attached which shows their first priority is those earmarks and riders and not our citizens living here.
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fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
What's really a kicker is even some left wing members are seeing it, particularly one of the last remaining blue dog Democrats RFK voicing his concerns on the matter.
Are you confusing RFK with John Kennedy? Neither are left wing, but John Kennedy in particular is a far right republican.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Are you confusing RFK with John Kennedy? Neither are left wing, but John Kennedy in particular is a far right republican.
Your absolutely right. I meant John Kennedy who is a Republican. I stand corrected on that probably because he's not my Senator and I haven't heard much of him until recently and had definitely confused him with RFK. I also edited my past postings to correct my mistake.
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