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Convoy claiming to be ‘God’s army’ heading to Texas to protest border crisis: ‘Biblical, monumental moment’


I doubt Jesus sees that as a justification for drowning children with the use of razor wire.
I certainly don’t think it justifies drowning children. I don’t know about the use of razor wire, but some type of barrier seems legitimate.
I highly doubt the cartels care about all the harm that occurs to children or anyone they are charging exorbitant amounts to bring across.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
You think that was intentional?
Intentional or not, people have doubled down on the methods despite the tragedy and the risk of it being a reoccurrence, so they've enabled it.

I'm not for an open boarders with no sort of process, vetting, documentation, etc. but these people should be regarded with pity rather than hatred; they're just desperate people trying to escape ****ty situations, hoping to find a better life for themselves and their families.


Veteran Member
That would be the political/religious organization of the Roman Catholic Church and Popes responsible for the crusades, rather than those who trusted and submitted their lives to Jesus Christ.
The Catholics were the only Christians at the time. Your protestants didn't come about until 300 years later. Of course they're the ones who tortured and executed people for witchcraft, some 30,000 people in the 17th century, which translates to about 480,000 soulks today. Submitted their lives to Jesus Christ? Really? Let's not forget that it is Catholics and Lutherans who committed the Holocaust.

I certainly don’t think it justifies drowning children. I don’t know about the use of razor wire, but some type of barrier seems legitimate.
I highly doubt the cartels care about all the harm that occurs to children or anyone they are charging exorbitant amounts to bring across.
The barriers are leading to desperate people trying to cross anyway, and some are dying. Is your border more important than their lives? Let's note that it is legal for anyone to come into the USA and apply for asylum. But they need to not be killed first.


The Catholics were the only Christians at the time.
That’s not entirely true. There were always small groups of Christians outside the Catholic Church; who were persecuted by the RCC. Read The Pilgrim Church…

Your protestants didn't come about until 300 years later. Of course they're the ones who tortured and executed people for witchcraft, some 30,000 people in the 17th century, which translates to about 480,000 soulks today. Submitted their lives to Jesus Christ? Really? Let's not forget that it is Catholics and Lutherans who committed the Holocaust.
That’s the problem when faith becomes politicized and departs from the Christ. But Hitler was actually opposed to biblical Christianity. It was often Christians who hid the Jews and were part of the resistance.
The barriers are leading to desperate people trying to cross anyway, and some are dying. Is your border more important than their lives? Let's note that it is legal for anyone to come into the USA and apply for asylum. But they need to not be killed first.
No, the border is not more important than human life. But when there are inadequate dangerous border policies in place that encourage or enable corruption I think more lives are harmed.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This is the first I have heard about it.
One would think that if it were true, it would be all over the news.
I mean, that would be one hell of a selling point wouldn't it?
But the only time we hear about it is a random post from a random person on the internet?

Not sus at all.
Yea. With certain stout leftwingers, I'm sure this portrays beyond a shadow of a doubt humble harmless law abiding "migrants" dutifully and legally applying for citizenship.



Veteran Member
That’s not entirely true. There were always small groups of Christians outside the Catholic Church; who were persecuted by the RCC. Read The Pilgrim Church…

That's how Christianity works, the bigger institutions want the power and will squash the smaller offshoots. As it is, for over 1000 years there was only the Catholics (and their cousin orthodox sects). Are you suggesting Christianity didn't really exist for all that time?
That’s the problem when faith becomes politicized and departs from the Christ. But Hitler was actually opposed to biblical Christianity. It was often Christians who hid the Jews and were part of the resistance.
Christianity has always been political. The republcians since Reagan have been morphing evangelicals with the republican party.

Since most everyone in Europe was Christian both sides of the Holocaust would be Christian. But you seem to not want to acknowledge it was Christians who committed the Holocaust. Can you tell us why Christianity failed so badly?

And If it can fail to stop ordinary people from mass murder, why wold we expect Christianity to work in every day life?
No, the border is not more important than human life.
Good for you in expressing basic human morality. Atheists think so too, and oppose Republican Christians who put up razorwire that causes injuries, death, and overall harm for the needy seeking asylum. How about you, do you follow Jesus or do you agree with immoral Christians? Remember, being a Christian doesn't guarantee a person is good or moral.
But when there are inadequate dangerous border policies in place that encourage or enable corruption I think more lives are harmed.
Then I suggest you call your republican members of congress because there is an new bipartisan policy that is being sabotaged by MAGAs. They obviously want nothing to change so they can blame Biden, even though it is MAGAs fault.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I am sure Jesus would not consider lawlessness and the exploitation of men, women and children through human trafficking or deadly drugs coming across the border, by cartels and corrupt government officials to be … “caring for the least of these”.
The crowds at the border are not criminals and drug dealers. The cartels ship almost all their drugs and other contraband through the official ports of entry.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I am sure Jesus would not consider lawlessness and the exploitation of men, women and children through human trafficking or deadly drugs coming across the border, by cartels and corrupt government officials to be … “caring for the least of these”.
No but how we treat desperate people fleeing drug gangs, corrupt governments and the like are the "least". And especially given that we have some wanting to go backwards and enable child labor because there are not enough people to take certain jobs. There are those crossing the border who would be thrilled to have decent even menial jobs and would work hard to earn citizenship.


Admiral Obvious
Yea. With certain stout leftwingers, I'm sure this portrays beyond a shadow of a doubt humble harmless law abiding "migrants" dutifully and legally applying for citizenship.

Interesting that you do not reveal your source for the sus claim.
But instead present a video that shows just how ineffective Trumps proposed wall will be.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
ineffective Trumps proposed wall will be.
Given what is happening in Gaza after Hamas breached a much tougher wall, walls don't work. People see America as a land of opportunity and where they are now as a hellhole of one sort or another. That drove my parents to come here when the country welcomed immigration. Rather than cause those trying to come here to either wait for years to get their cases heard or pay coyotes to smuggle them across the border, we need many more agents at the border to decide cases quickly. And these agents should know about where there are jobs available that are not being taken so where possible matches can be made with supply and demand.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Interesting that you do not reveal your source for the sus claim.
But instead present a video that shows just how ineffective Trumps proposed wall will be.
No. Just showing what Democrats alone view as being a lawful crossing of 'immigrants' applying for citizenship.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
If the hit to your credibility is no big deal, far be it from me to look any further.
I dont give a solitary damm what you think my credibility is.

I'm siding with those who actually respect the Constitution and the protections of this country and it's citizens.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Since Abbott is flagrantly disregarding the SCOTUS decision against his razor-wire maliciousness, why isn't he being arrested? How can any Christian support him on his evil maliciousness and disregard for the law and the Constitution itself?