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Cosmic Indifference: What do you do after you realise the Universe doesn't care?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I disagree with most of your comments but where have you been for the last 25 years? Astronomy and cosmology is a hobby of mine so I may be a little more attuned with current science than the average Joe. I just thought everyone knew of the implications of WIMP and the latest probes and telescopes studies. I am not referencing the old but still relevant claims of Penrose and other scientists of a decade or two ago who said the odds astronomically against a universe like ours ie able to support life. The current and most popular claims point to the balance between dark energy dark matter and spacetime. If you really wanted you could have found this material yourself but I will get you started with some of the newer and older docs as you call them;

here is an excerpt ;
Modeling of conditions soon after the Big Bang suggests the universe should have collapsed just microseconds after its explosive birth, the new study suggests.

“During the early universe, we expected cosmic inflation — this is a rapid expansion of the universe right after the Big Bang,” said study co-author Robert Hogan, a doctoral candidate in physics at King’s College in London. “This expansion causes lots of stuff to shake around, and if we shake it too much, we could go into this new energy space, which could cause the universe to collapse.”

In short, the expansion had to be finely-tuned for the Universe’s existence—and ours. Although the alleged confirmation of inflation is being debated (see 6/24/14), the properties of the Higgs Field are tenuous in any expansion. Cosmologists at King’s College London looked into their models:

What they found was bad news for, well, everything. The newborn universe should have experienced an intense jittering in the energy field, known as quantum fluctuation. Those jitters, in turn, could have disrupted the Higgs field, in essence rolling the entire system into a much lower energy state that would make the collapse of the universe inevitable.

The article goes on to mention that the Standard Model still leaves important factors in the universe unexplained. Peter Higgs makes a cameo appearance in the article.

People know instinctively the world is designed. They have to be trained not to know it. Scientists, especially, undergo rigorous training to lose their common sense. Oh, they have common sense within their world view, but when their restricted common sense runs into roadblocks inside their secular box, they fret and fume and refuse to consider the obvious implication. They love darkness rather than light. That’s why they chase phantoms like dark matter, dark energy, and dark “new physics” that nobody has ever observed or even knows how to observe. Anything but Intelligent Design!

Their reactions undercut their logic. By using argumentation, rationality and emotion, they prove they already are Supernaturalists, because such things do not derive from particles and forces. Indeed, particles and forces fall into the Incompleteness Theorem; they can only be understood with reference to reality outside themselves—the conceptual world of mind and logic. That reality, subsequently, can only be understood with reference to a greater Reality outside it—a personal, rational, eternal God: the First Cause from which everything derives.

Theologians and creationists have pointed to the fine-tuning of the universe, the Anthropic Principle and such things for decades. The only sufficient condition for the Universe’s ability to say “I exist!” is the foundation in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” We’ve seen in recent years the atheists rushing to embrace a multiverse instead of creation (5/17/14), despite the infinite regress trap it presents to them. What we see with the current hand-wringing over the finely-tuned Higgs field is just more of the anti-rational reaction Paul described so well in Romans 1:18–24.

Another the universe shouldnt be here site;



Lastly in one of my prior my replies I pointed out that we are an undeniable part of the universe. Our brain our mind and our thoughts are THE UNIVERSE. So in fact a part of the universe really does care.....

God bless our universe~

Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, AND STRETCHED THEM OUT (EXPANDED); he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein:
Isaiah 42:5
I too am fairly up on all that. I guess we will have to disagree as to what it all means. Sorry you felt a need to write up a bunch of stuff I was already abundantly aware of, aside from the scriptural drivel, of course.

I've only studied cosmology and astrophysics for 5 decades, so it's all still a bit new. :)


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
I too am fairly up on all that. I guess we will have to disagree as to what it all means. Sorry you felt a need to write up a bunch of stuff I was already abundantly aware of, aside from the scriptural drivel, of course.

I've only studied cosmology and astrophysics for 5 decades, so it's all still a bit new. :)

Really fifty years of study and you seem to not know current discoveries? Well, maybe you simply go against the grain of your contemporary's. That said, I thought you would take issue with my referencing atheist Penrose's God frendily metaphysical inferences. Even the staunch atheist he believes the universe has a purpose! He also believes the universe should not exist in its current form and has staggering odds against it being as it is. In any case not agreeing is 'ok' by me, variety even of opinion is what makes things interesting. As for writing up all the stuff it was by your request, well you asked threep to supply some current docs/info to support his claims, so I didit. Anyway due to nerve damage I decided to try dragon software so its not a bother to provide info.

The bible ; In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

Albert Einstein; The universe did not begin it is eternal and never changing.
New Discovery Reveals Einstein Tried To Devise A Steady ...
Feb 25, 2014 · A newly discovered paper reveals that Einstein was considering a Steady State Theory of the universe ... universe was eternal, ... Albert Einstein ..

Later in life he did recant '

God bless this forum ~
Last edited:


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Really fifty years of study and you seem to not know current discoveries? Well, maybe you simply go against the grain of your contemporary's. That said, I thought you would take issue with my referencing atheist Penrose's God frendily metaphysical inferences. Even the staunch atheist he believes the universe has a purpose! He also believes the universe should not exist in its current form and has staggering odds against it being as it is. In any case not agreeing is 'ok' by me, variety even of opinion is what makes things interesting. As for writing up all the stuff it was by your request, well you asked threep to supply some current docs/info to support his claims, so I didit. Anyway due to nerve damage I decided to try dragon software so its not a bother to provide info.

The bible ; In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

Albert Einstein; The universe did not begin it is eternal and never changing.
New Discovery Reveals Einstein Tried To Devise A Steady ...
Feb 25, 2014 · A newly discovered paper reveals that Einstein was considering a Steady State Theory of the universe ... universe was eternal, ... Albert Einstein ..

Later in life he did recant '

God bless this forum ~
I'm old enough to know when not to rise to a given piece of bait. I can't say that I find the thinking of theists on these matters to be particularly persuasive.

As per Einstein, he also had problems with Quantum Mechanics, so big deal.
Have a nice day.


Voice Of The Martyrs Supporter
I'm old enough to know when not to rise to a given piece of bait. I can't say that I find the thinking of theists on these matters to be particularly persuasive.

As per Einstein, he also had problems with Quantum Mechanics, so big deal.
Have a nice day.

In other words you equate a difference of opinion as bait ? Maybe you simply fear you may learn something will challenge your worldview? The point I was making with Einstein and science in general is that it takes as much faith to believe in as does religious belief. Now the Einstein remark is closer to being bait than the former, which was truth. I am pro metaphysics in the same vein as Godel, and yes I like to criticize the arrogance of scientists ie the atheistic science establishment every chance I get. It's my way of ministering, and is sometimes harmful, meaning my criticisms ramps up some hardened atheists Rockwell scale numbers against God stuff. But I have received far more thanks for showing me another way to look at the world than one finger salutes!

I sincerely hope your day is fantastic ~


Below is a favorite bible verse of atheists. A group of atheists were polled and asked what (if any) bile verse if any are your favs. This is one of five:

Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”