Philosophers have been useful *after the fact* in getting people familiar and comfortable with what science has discovered. But it is useless in making those discoveries.
Be a little consistent will you? By your own "logics", you´ve just excluded the Natural Philosopher Isaac Newton too.
I said:
You seem to have forgotten that my initial cosmological inspirations are very personal and goes back to the ancient Stories Of Creation. You remember: The Central (EU) Light in the Milky Way?
Why is that relevant? If we are discussing whether EU is true or not, the origin of the ideas is irrelevant.
Get a little relevant consistency here to, will you? Why is it relevant to find the ancient causal idea for the asssumed and increasing velocity expansion of a Big Bang?
I said:
Of course I now take all other informations which can confirm my initial conviction. That cannot possible be a scientific crime, can it?
It's called confirmation bias. And yes, it is a scientific crime.
Get a little consistent, will you? If this would be the case, I´m just following the standard method in modern astrophysics and cosmology: Assumptions and hindsight bias addings of other assumptions and epicycles.
I said:
For the time, you´re once again parroting "The Scientific Method" withtout having a single independent thought or critical pondering whether the standing science follows these rules themselves or not.
Science *does* follow those rules.
I know and this is what I´ve pointed out for decades. NO independent thinking and lots of autoritative beliefs in dogmas - hence no progress too.
I said:
Newton just invented his gravity without explaining his "force".
Why do you think an 'explanation' is required?
Because the explanation of "gravity" NEVER were there in the first place.
His theory works very well in the solar system. It works very well when dealing with planets around other stars. It needs minor modifications if the velocities are high or the gravitational field is very strong. That is what Einstein provided.
Why are you in need to come up with this issue, which we have handled in agreement several times before?
I said:
Newton was contradicted on the galactic scale. No Scientific Method revisions were made.
There are two ways to modify a scientific position. One is to propose the law still works, but that something was left out. The other is to modify the law. BOTH were tried for the galactic rotations. The first is the one that won because it fits the observations.
The undeniable FACTS are:
Newton´s "gravity" is unknown, hence occult.
Newton´s "Universal Law" based on his occult agency was contradicted.
Sceintists just added yet another occult agency of "dark matter".
They didn´t consider that other fundamental forces and their connected qualities and explanations could be at play.
They were all collectively hypnotized by an unexplained "force".
There is just ONE way of modifying a theory: The correct one according to the Scientific Method. Discard the contradicted theory.
Yes. So? That theory is supported by multiple threads of observation and has been contradicted by none. So it is the best current explanation of what we actually see.
Hindsigth biases all together.
THAT is how science works. NOT by adhering to some philosophical position that has long been disproved.
Get a little consistent, will you? Or just drop Newtons falied philosophy once and for all.