You see? No pattern recognition skills at all. Which is sort of OK, since your University never thaught you this, but at least you then could have asked politely into the subject before rejecting it per automatics.
No, Native. Your egg-sperm example and the topic of EU cosmology, make you using an irrelevant comparison - this is a false dichotomy.
In science, comparing a subject to a very completely different and irrelevant example that have nothing to do with each other, is simply you waffling, changing the subjects, causing chaotic confusion.
In scientific model, such as a scientific theory, you need to focus the explanatory/predictive models on the subject of phenomena under investigation, for instance, in the case of physical cosmology, to not go off on new subject that are completely irrelevant.
But of course, we are in debate forum, this isn’t scientific theory or falsifiable hypothesis of Electric Universe, you aren’t astrophysicist nor a cosmologist, so you can go off to spew any unrelated garbages that you want, but the point is that what are you doing with sperm-egg example isn’t helping your argument at all.
Lots of emotional feelings and no substance - as usual.
Again, you are wrong.
You posted videos from Michael Clarage (and from Pierre-Maie Robitaille), so I have every rights to criticize his personal opinions on any subject in those videos, to criticize his behavior in these videos (such as him expressing “like” for Electric Universe, and his “dislike” for gravity or any other subjects in physics or astrophysics, him ignoring the current evidence, and so on.
And since, you are the one who keeping up the subject of philosophy as well as with religion, then I can criticize your views on philosophy, on school of thoughts, and your incorrect use of philosophy on the matter of physical cosmology.