I said:
Try and use your number acrobatics on the assumed Big Bang - or what happen inside the assumed "black hole" - or why Newtons occult assumption was contradicted in the galactic realms.
And your conclusions are?
That the universe is expanding and has been doing so for the last 13.7 billion years. At the beginning stages it was hot and dense enough for nuclear reactions to happen everywhere. Eventually, it cooled enough to be transparent to light and the afterglow is the cosmic background radiation.
I said:
Even our ancient ancestors understood the creation significantly better than modern cosmology with all its assumptions, superstitious occult agencies and dark ghost and dark energies all over in the Universe.
How can you tell? Are you an expert on Comparative Mythology? I doubt that very much. As a rejecter of natural philosophy in general, you have no clues at all.
1) They had/have the Universe to be eternal.
Probably false, but certainly not proven.
2) They had/have the LIGHT to be the creation force.
Almost certainly false.
3) They had/have 2 main forces of formation, attraction, and expulsion.
Too vague to be useful and likely to be false in any reasonable interpretation.
4) They had/have everything in the Universe to be formed/created, dissolved and re-formatted in a cyclical and eternal process.
Almost certainly false.
5) They had/have all motions and formations to be cyclical.
Again, almost certainly false.
6) They had/have a telling of the preconditions of gases and dust and the factual formation of the Milky Way from chaos to order.
At best a misunderstanding of what they wrote since they had no conception of the Milky Way *as* a galaxy.
7) They had/have the Solar System to be included in the Milky Way formation.
Again, false. The Milky Way formed LONG before the solar system---by several billion years.
8) They had/have the Solar System once to be formed in the galactic center from where it moved out in the galactic arms.
Multiple problems here.
1. The sun did NOT form at the galactic center.
2. The ancients had no concept of the Milky Way *as a galaxy*
3. The spiral arms weren't discovered until very recently.
Um, no they do not. The stars are in orbit around the center of the galaxy. They stay roughly the same distance from that center between their formation in gas clouds to when they 'burn out'.Just from the paragraph 8) part: it moved out in the galactic arms, you can deduce the correctness of this telling by comparing this paragraph to the observed galactic rotation, where the scientists concluded the stars to fly away from the galaxies because of the rotational pattern.
The ancient cultural mythical knowledge of basic cosmology is far superior to the modern speculations and all their matemathical number gymnatics.
Not superior in any way whatsoever.
I said:
Is your mind at all aware of what your hands are typing here? You´re really saying:
"There were no evidence to support his mechanism".
What´s the logical difference from my conclusion?
You are focused on some sort of mechanism. NO MECHANISM IS REQUIRED.
ALL that is required is that the description works. And it does.
Just think of it: Here we have a scientist claiming he find it unproductive and pointless to look for the causal mechanism of his gravitational hypothesis!?
For any fundamental force, there cannot be a deeper explanation.
All he then have left is his speculative assumption and nothing more! He furthermore then assumed his "two-body gravity" to work in the Solar System too as an universal law, but this universal assumption was directly contradicted in the galactic realms, and then the scientists assumed yet another ting, the "dark matter".
No, it was NOT contradicted. At *most* it was limited. But it still works quite well at the level of the solar system and other stellar systems.
Yes, it is. And that you don't understand that only shows you don't understand how science works.This is what some modern scientists STILL accept as a "Scientific Method!? Accepting a historic assumption of a force which mechanism cannot be found or explained - and most standard scientist or proponent STILL find it "unproductive and pointless" to look for the causal mechanism!?
Is that science at all?
And at the same time, these "scientist" and proponents, very annoyed by meeting an opposition, just pecks on those persons who critically are trying to find head and tail in Newtons unsubstanciated assumptions.
They are more annoyed at the ignorance of those who are being critical. Those who do so intelligently and with evidence are listened to.
I said:
NO, it´s just you poor guys who isn´t informed on the Universities because they only teach particle physics, Newtons occult agencies and empty space.
Sorry, but gravity exists. Newton's description is very accurate. Einstein's is even more so. The ancient descriptions were simply poor.
Ok so, but the dogmatically, collectively and hypnotized teachers completely forgot to teach students of the critical, logical and independent thinking methods.
Using those critical thinking skills pretty quickly shows your whole system to be in trouble. There is no evidence for what it says. It is vague and contradicted by the facts.
Once you´ve left your gravitational particle and Newtons unsubstanciated assumptions behind you and begin to study real E&M science, you can begin to judge the overall EU.
I have studied E&M quite a bit, thank you. May I suggest some reading?
I claimed:
It doesn´t matter which kind of critical articles i present for you, as you per automatics rejects these.
As for instants Newtons galactic contradictions, maybe? Then put your words to the logical facts.
Yes, of course. The first thing to do when the observations don't fit the theory is figure out if anything has been missed. A modification of the theory is also a standard approach.
But you don't throw out a theory completely because it fails in one scenario. Especially when it works incredibly well in other scenarios. The way to approach that is to find *when* it works and why. That is being done.
I said:
I bet I could post a critical peer reviewed article and you´ll reject that too - or simply explain away the written criticism - or new alternate observations - as you use to do.
Here´s some tests for that:
Effect of Electromagnetic Interaction on Galactic Center Flare Components
So they found that the plasma close to the central black hole has a net charge density. This affects the local motion of the flares.
A nice description of the state of knowledge about magnetic fields in space. In particular, it points out that the strength of the galactic magnetic field is about 6 microgauss increasing to about 10 microgauss close to the center. It affects cosmic rays significantly.
Attempts to model the intergalactic magnetic fields. Finds that the data isn't very good.
Proposes a way for neutron star and black hole mergers to produce photons.
Suggests this can be detected via gravitational waves.
Proposes that the galactic magnetic field may have been formed in the early universe. There are some challenges to this view, but the paper discusses them.
Uses the emitted gamma rays close to the black hole at the center of our galaxy to better understand the nature of the accretion disk there.
ALL of these papers seem quite reasonable.
Now, how do *any* of them support anything you have said?
For example, how do any of them support the claim that gravity does not exist?
How do any of them support the claim that the sun was formed at the center of the galaxy?
How do any of them support the claim that the motions of the solar system are tightly coupled to the motion of the larger galaxy?
How do any of them support your denial of dark matter?
How do any of them support the EU position AT ALL?
Did you even read the abstracts of any of these papers? Did you understand those abstracts?
Why do you seem to think that these papers are NOT accepted by the scientific community when they clearly ARE?
So, what are there to be ignored or denied in these peer reveiwed articles?
Nothing at all. But none of them support your positions at all.
I asked:
You criticising the convensus science? You almost could have fooled me there as it doesn´t show up in your replies.
You have no idea what I do for my research nor the alternatives I have investigated. ALL that you can see here is that I firmly reject the EU nonsense and reject the idea that things fall on Earth because of atmospheric pressure.
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