95% certain, is pretty strongly convinced about something we have no evidence for.
How certain are you that people are NOT being abducted by aliens?
How certain are you that bigfoot does NOT exist?
The fact that there is no evidence, is precisely the reason why the existence of god (or bigfoot, or alien abduction) is extremely unlikely.
It's the positive claim ("god exists", "alien abduction is real", "bigfoot exists") that has the burden of proof, after all. It is logically impossible to demonstrate that a thing does NOT exist (unless the thing itself is defined in self-contradictory terms).
So can you slight the theist who lacks evidence too, and call their's as a matter of blind faith, and your near certainty as not?
Yes. Because it's their claim.
The near certainty expressed by the atheist, concerns a response to the claims of theism.
It's the theist that requires faith, because they are the ones that believe something without evidence.
The atheist is the one who does NOT believe something without evidence, for the very reason that there is no evidence.
It's the same reason why you don't believe in bigfoot or alien abduction.
Just saying. I'm fine with either way someone wants to see things, without solid evidence supporting them. But you can't claim one is a matter of faith and the other not then, given the lack of evidence for both.
You're confused.
The claim being evaluated and addressed is "god exists".
This is a case where the lack of evidence in support of this claim, becomes evidence against it.