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Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
So would you say that True Emptiness is neither Emptiness, nor not-Emptiness?
Yes...emptiness in the context of Buddha's teaching is the mind free from concepts...all mental representations of the real and/or not real...only then will the real be realized...with a mind empty of any and all self generated disturbance......


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Yes, I would say you're fascinated; spellbound; transfixed; hypnotized, an altered state of consciousness from which you need to awaken.
Not spellbound, by any stretch. Neither transfixed nor hypnotized. And, I'm quite awake, no matter how uncomfortable that is to your narrative.


Thou art That
I'm quite awake...

Sure you are. That is the first thing the unawakened adamantly insist upon, as Robert deRopp, author of 'The Master Game' tells us:

"For many people, this concept of waking sleep makes no sense at all. They firmly maintain that,
once they "wake up," they are responsible beings, masters of themselves, fully conscious, and that
anyone who tells them that they are not is a fool or a liar. It is almost impossible to convince such
people that they are deceiving themselves because, when a man is told that he is not really
conscious, a mechanism is activated within him which awakens him for a moment. He replies,
indignantly, "But I am fully conscious," and because of this "trick of Nature" as Ouspensky used to
call it, he does become conscious for a moment. He moves from the third room to the threshold of
the fourth room, answers the challenge, and at once goes to sleep again, firmly convinced that he is
a fully awakened being."

Not only are you not aware of what Identification is, while pretending that you do know, you deliberately indulge in it, touting it as the desired condition.
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Question Everything
"True nothingness is not a dimension, takes up no space, has no energy, no matter -
nothingness does not exist. only somethingness exists."
Didn't the Christian God create the world from Nothing?

I'm Christian, and I do not think the Bible teaches ex-Nihlo creationism. Mormons believe that everything, including our own spirits, are eternal with no beginning, and no end.

There are a few Jewish people who believe the same thing from looking at the original Hebrew...

God is cleaning up a mess He did not make.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Enlightenment is Universal Consciousness.

No, you are just making stuff up again, twisting things to make them fit your idiosyncratic beliefs, trying to bang square pegs into round holes as usual.. What you're also doing is looking at Buddhist teachings through a Hindu lens, which will inevitably lead to confusion.

Sunyata is simply not compatible with "cosmic consciousness", so stop being dishonest. Buddhism is not the same as Hinduism, and it certainly doesn't support your Chopra-inspired new-age pseudo-Hindu bodge-up.

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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
'Twas a little birdie, as compared to your source, that stagnant backwater of static Hinayanist teachings.:p:D

Nonsense, I've been involved in all the main Buddhist traditions over the years. You seem to have had a brief flirtation with Zen and then gone off down a Chopra-inspired rabbit hole, you just make stuff up as you go along and continually miss the point.

Fortunately there are people here with the knowledge and experience to challenge the gross misrepresentations and contradictions in your preachy monologues.
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Desert Snake

Veteran Member
"True nothingness is not a dimension, takes up no space, has no energy, no matter -
nothingness does not exist. only somethingness exists."

I'm Christian, and I do not think the Bible teaches ex-Nihlo creationism. Mormons believe that everything, including our own spirits, are eternal with no beginning, and no end.

There are a few Jewish people who believe the same thing from looking at the original Hebrew...

God is cleaning up a mess He did not make.

Really? I'm not familiar with that idea/belief.
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Yes, I also view the Universe and everything as cyclical. That is also one reason why I believe in reincarnation. I believe it is another natural cycle...a coming and going...the ebb and flow of the universe

Yes, I'm often struck by how so many natural patterns are cyclical. I'm personally agnostic on reincarnation and rebirth, but it's an intriguing possibility.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
The reason why so many people talk about Oneness as IF it were some kind of universal constant is that the experience will be largely the same for each and every person experiencing it.

I think people experience something similar in these meditative states, what still puzzles me is the overwhelming need some people have to reify these subjective experiences, projecting them out as some kind of egocentric "ultimate reality". It can become such a preoccupation that people don't look carefully enough at their own minds, their beliefs, biases and assumptions.
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Thou art That
No, you are just making stuff up again...

C'mon now, use your head: do you know how to have a discussion? I said that the consciousness with which the Buddha examined the Five Aggregates was one different than that of the ordinary man. Do you agree, or disagree?


Thou art That
"True nothingness is not a dimension, takes up no space, has no energy, no matter -
nothingness does not exist. only somethingness exists."

I'm Christian, and I do not think the Bible teaches ex-Nihlo creationism. Mormons believe that everything, including our own spirits, are eternal with no beginning, and no end.

There are a few Jewish people who believe the same thing from looking at the original Hebrew...

God is cleaning up a mess He did not make.

This argument is contradictory: If the world is beginningless and endless, then there cannot have been a Creation, which, as I understand Christian dogma, says that a Creation definitely took place; that God created it from Nothing.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls

I have a breadth of experience of Buddhism that you are clearly lacking. I have clearly demonstrated that sunyata is incompatible with "cosmic consciousness", but still you persist in pretending that Buddhist teachings support your new-age pseudo-Hindu bodge-up.

I can't work out whether you're dishonest or just delusional. Either way I'm not going to waste further time on you.
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Thou art That
I have a breadth of experience of Buddhism that you are clearly lacking.

I think you're full of it and a braggart, where no cause for such bragging is to be found.

I have clearly demonstrated that sunyata is incompatible with "cosmic consciousness",

You like to think so. You have demonstrated nothing. All you do is label what I say as new age Hinduism. That's no argument.

but still you persist in pretending that Buddhist teachings support your new-age pseudo-Hindu bodge-up.

There. You see? Just so much hot air. You are saying nothing!

I can't work out whether you're dishonest or just delusional. Either way I'm not going to waste further time on you.

What do you mean? You've contributed nothing to the discussion except pure denigrating crap! You're just a fake Buddhist, and have little understanding of the essence of the teaching. IOW, your a Legalist, putting out a dead skeletal framework of Buddhism without the heart.

You don't want to have a discussion as evidenced by your refusal to answer legitimate questions and by dismissing or ignoring information I've posted to support Universal Consciousness. All you really have is the fake argument that you have so many years of exposure to many Buddhist schools and blah blah blah, which is just so much poppycock. Any real Buddhist who knows anything at all can tell you that...or maybe they avoided telling you that for a very good reason. You seem to imply that quantity has something to do with having some kind of great insight that I do not have, but what you continually display is a very rigid and inflexible view of Buddhism, typical of Hinayanist thought. IOW, you simply don't know how to SEE, and think being a Buddhist has something to do with how much knowledge you can accumulate and regurgitate, along with how many years you have sat on your mat. You are sadly mistaken and haven't progressed much in all those years.
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Thou art That
I have a breadth of experience of Buddhism that you are clearly lacking.

Spiny, please! Who do you think you're fooling? No real Buddhist would EVER say such a thing! EVER! To do so just puts your ignorance of what Buddhism really is on display. It's shallow and cheapens Buddhism.


Thou art That
Sunyata is simply not compatible with "cosmic consciousness".....

"Some Sutras compare the ground of consciousness (citta) with an ocean and the different mental states or processes in consciousness (caitta) with the ripples on the surface of the ocean. In Yogacara, citta is the one reality or a universal consciousness in which all processes emerge and, after their disappearances, leave formative traces (bija) for further processes.

What is perceived in the direct perception of consciousness by a purified consciousness? [ie Enlightened Mind]. The ultimate emptiness of consciousness is perceived, ie; the most subtle level of the continuum of consciousness which has no limiting determinations whatsoever. [ie 'universal'] It is no substance, but pure light beyond any conceptual perceptions and duality. It has no beginning and no end. It is always present in all beings. It is their ultimate nature." [ie; 'Ultimate Reality']



Active Member
I don't experience enlightened mind. I don't experience anything. I am being experienced. I do not know anything about who is having this experience. I do not need to know. There is nothing to confirm or deny.


Thou art That
I don't experience enlightened mind. I don't experience anything. I am being experienced.

Who is this 'I' that is being experienced, or is there even such a thing? Perhaps, when looked at even more closely, there really is no such 'I', but only the experience itself, which is you.

Tat tvam asi