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Could Nothingness Be Another Dimension In And Of Itself?

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
If my answers were 'pat' everyone here would understand them,

Your "answers" are a random muddle of cliche and jargon, delivered in a preachy and patronising tone. Neither convincing or appealing.

I think you need to go back the drawing board. Spending some time in an Advaita tradition might help you to clarify your thinking.
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Could it be possible that "nothingness" is an actual dimension in and of itself just like space and time? If nothingness, void, vacuum, or empty space is an actual dimension, perhaps if we do not take that dimension into our equations of the universe, we could never hope to understand why there is such thing as "something". If virtual particles can briefly "pop" into and out of existence, there must be some sort of non-existence or "nothingness" (another dimension?) from whence they appear.

BTW, I do not believe that nothingness is "Pure Consciousness" or "Ultimate Reality" or anything mystical in nature. My understanding or my idea is that consciousness is a complex form of interaction. The physical world is a reality, but perhaps nothingness is another real dimension which forms that which we call existence.

Here is a link...


Maybe the concept of "something from nothing" is in itself an absurd concept? Is it more of a human desire or thinking that we
must find a beginning to matter.... or is it a really logical conclusion that "Something pops in from absolute nothingness?"
Matter itself may never had a beginning, the "fabric of the universe" may always existed without a beginning.
Time is a man made conclusion...and just because we can't observe it or measure it does not mean something is not there.


Thou art That
Your "answers" are a random muddle of cliche and jargon, delivered in a preachy and patronising tone. Neither convincing or appealing.

I think you need to go back the drawing board. Spending some time in an Advaita tradition might help you to clarify your thinking.

I cannot be any more clear. What is it you are confused about?

Was the Buddha's Supreme Enlightenment nothing more than belief and imagination? Maybe it was the 'New Age Hinduism' of his day, LOL.


Thou art That
I think that's quite likely, and it seems to be the direction that modern cosmology is heading in.

The mystics got there first by cutting to the very heart of the matter. Science, in comparison, is a Model T, while Theravada is still stuck in its own stagnant backwater.
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
The mystics got there first by cutting to the very heart of the matter. Science, in comparison, is a Model T, while Theravada is still stuck in its own stagnant backwater.

Yeah, random cliche #624, "ancient mystics" high on mushrooms and stuff. Right. Talking of Buddhist traditions, do you accept that the Heart Sutra, a pivotal Mahayana text, directly contradicts your belief in "cosmic consciousness"?


Thou art That
Could it be possible that "nothingness" is an actual dimension in and of itself just like space and time? If nothingness, void, vacuum, or empty space is an actual dimension, perhaps if we do not take that dimension into our equations of the universe, we could never hope to understand why there is such thing as "something". If virtual particles can briefly "pop" into and out of existence, there must be some sort of non-existence or "nothingness" (another dimension?) from whence they appear.

The physical world is a reality, but perhaps nothingness is another real dimension which forms that which we call existence.

No. There is no 'other'. What you think of as 'Something' is the same thing as 'Nothing'. There is no duality of 'Something' over here, and 'Nothing' over there. They are one and the same. Nothingness is not a 'dimension' of something else. A rather poor metaphor might be a light bulb and its source. When the light is 'off', the potential for light is still there, and manifested when the switch is flipped. 'Off' and 'On' are just two phases of the same, singular Reality. Likewise, when the Universe is in the 'Off' phase, the potential for a Universe is always there. And isnt't that precisely what Quantum Physics is telling us? That what we used to call the 'material' world is nothing but pure potential? And what do the mystics tell us? That these On/Off phases go on endlessly, with each manifestation different than any other, like each snowflake is completely unique. The On/Off phases can be seen as the cosmic game of Hide and Seek. But this would be turning the sterile black and white view of scientific materialism into full blown HD TV in full living color! (or is that 'colour', LOL!)

There I go again, being patronising and preachy, or is that 'peachy'? ha ha ha...

(you know, if you decide to really take a look at that MOON, you will also feel quite peachy, without the guilt, of course! Holy Hagen-Daz!):D:D:D


Thou art That
Yeah, random cliche #624, "ancient mystics" high on mushrooms and stuff. Right. Talking of Buddhist traditions, do you accept that the Heart Sutra, a pivotal Mahayana text, directly contradicts your belief in "cosmic consciousness"?

The ancient mystics nailed the question centuries ago. Science is still nibbling 'round the edges. Buddhists call this snail-like nibbling 'The Long Way Home'. But Buddhish do not know this; only Buddhists do. Why don't you join us and become a Buddhist, instead of thrashing about in Buddhish?

Do you deny that the Buddha achieved Supreme Enlightenment? Or was he just deluded by his own beliefs and imagination?


Thou art That
If your posting is you being "clear" I dread to think what you being confused is like. :p

The 'confused' part is just junk you have in your mind getting in the way. Would you like a sample of our new New Age Hindu carbonated and activated snake oil? Guaranteed to blow your mind, baby! If that doesn't suit you, we do have the traditional chakra decongestant tablets now available at a reduced cost especially for Buddhishts. Sale ends Saturday. Get yours now. Available in handy packs of 12.:p
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Why don't you join us and become a Buddhist, instead of thrashing about in Buddhish?

Oh, get real! You're not a Buddhist, you're a Chopra clone preaching a new-age Hindu bodge-up. It's been repeatedly explained to you that Buddhist texts like the Heart Sutra directly contradict your belief in "cosmic consciousness", so why do you persist with the pretence of being a Buddhist? It sounds like you've been involved in Zen somewhere along the way and then gone off in a completely different direction, down some Chopra-inspired rabbit hole.

In any case your current beliefs are clearly much more in line with Advaita than Buddhism, so stop pretending to be something you're not. You're not fooling anyone, except possibly yourself.
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Do you deny that the Buddha achieved Supreme Enlightenment? Or was he just deluded by his own beliefs and imagination?

I have never denied that the Buddha attained enlightenment, on the contrary. You only introduce these silly straw-men to distract from the questions you have failed to answer, like the one about the Heart Sutra directly contradicting your belief in "cosmic consciousness".


Thou art That
Oh, get real! You're not a Buddhist, you're a Chopra clone preaching a new-age Hindu bodge-up. It's been repeatedly explained to you that Buddhist texts like the Heart Sutra directly contradict your belief in "cosmic consciousness", so why do you persist with the pretence of being a Buddhist? It sounds like you've been involved in Zen somewhere along the way and then gone off in a completely different direction, down some Chopra-inspired rabbit hole.

In any case your current beliefs are clearly much more in line with Advaita than Buddhism, so stop pretending to be something you're not. You're not fooling anyone, except possibly yourself.

Ooooh, an exposed nerve ending!

Let's see now, professor: YOU are the one 'explaining' *cough*, that the Heart Sutra contradicts CC. The Buddha claims he achieved Supreme Enlightenment. What do you think that means as it relates to the Heart Sutra?


Thou art That
I have never denied that the Buddha attained enlightenment...

Yes, but maybe that was just his beliefs and imagination. So if you think he did attain it, how would you know? And if he did, then it must have been with an enlightened consciousness that he was able to talk about the Heart Sutra, wasn't it?
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