Did God tell you that personally or did you just read that in an old book?
Yes. It is plainly written in that "old book" that those who teach things that contradict God's word stand in opposition to him. Macro-evolution and the Bible are not compatible. Adaptation is accommodated because modifications due to changes in the environment or food sources are confined to a single family of creatures. (their "kind") Calling adaptation "micro-evolution" leads people to believe that one equals the other....that is no more true than the notion of "a little is good so a lot must be better". Science has no valid evidence to support its ideas. Suggestions are not facts and never will be. Macro-evolution is not provable in any way, so it should be treated like any other unsupported idea of man.....with skepticism by anyone with a modicum of intelligence. It's not hard to spot a con job.
Did he tell you that personally or did you just read that in an old book?
That "old book" was around long before scientists could even contemplate our place in the universe. If this old book was not from the Creator, it would have disappeared centuries ago. It still exists despite all attempts to destroy it and to silence its contents. It is still the most widely read and translated book in existence.
It will still be around long after evolutionists are gone.
And how did they know the Earth is flat?
The Flat-Earth Bible.
There is no teaching of a flat earth in the Bible. In fact the word Isaiah used to describe the earth means "sphere". And the writer of the book of Job spoke of God "hanging the earth upon nothing". How could earth bound humans know that when they had no way to observe the earth from space? How long has science known about gravity?
Ah. And it will not end well for a person like you who deliberately singles out atheists as the bad guys when plenty of theists also is at fault according to you. God is just you see. I read that in an old book. From now on you better not be singling out atheists but also theists who believe in unguided biological evolution. I will help you correct this whenever I see you mention just atheists. Let's hope God missed your unjust treament of atheists or it might not end well for you.
Atheists make up the greater number of hostile supporters of macro-evolution even here on RF. I don't think I have ever come across a theist who is hostile when creation or God is mentioned. I can at least reason scripturally with such a person. But atheists are anti-God and get rather riled up when you mention him or the Bible.
It's as if atheism is a rival religion with its own gods...its own "scripture"....and its own "temples" that must be fiersly defended.
Those not smart enough to be scientists also have their rival religion....SPORT. It too has its idols and its temples where people stream each week with religious fervour to worship. Look closely and you will see it. We humans are so predictable that the devil has no trouble redirecting our natural instincts. "Worship" has many expressions.
Define "scripture". The Ethiopian Bible has 81 books. What have you taken away from scripture?
Since God is the author of the Bible, he also decided what its contents should be. There is much more about Jesus' life that is not recorded. So much so that the apostle John wrote..."
There are also, in fact, many other things that Jesus did, which if ever they were written in full detail, I suppose the world itself could not contain the scrolls written." (John 21:25)
I believe that all we need to know is there in the Bible....all we want to know, will come later.