"Even the multiverse scenarios are based on generalizations of known physical laws."
Yes just like steady state and big crunch were, it's not too difficult to make your theory fit the math, when unencumbered by direct empirical evidence to comply with..
Yes, and that is part of why science requires testability.
but these are also known physical laws that apparently led to creative beings bent on reverse engineering their own universe.. oops!
That's where the multiverse ultimately shoots itself in the foot. In order to produce our universe by chance, you need an infinite probability machine which can produce anything at all...... except anything that could ever be described as God, which would obviously defeat the entire purpose.
Why you think it's the *purpose* as opposed to just a weird, neat idea, I don't know.
As Andre Linde said, (and others agree) it is feasible that even we can one day produce our own universe, and it's impossible to rule this out as being the origination of our own. So in order to maintain strict belief in an undesigned universe, you must also presume that we are living in that original miraculous 'virgin birth' universe, not one of the ultimately infinite artifacts that would follow from the 'anything possible' scenario.
Again, it isn't the *goal* to have a non-created universe. If it turns out to be possible to create universes we might learn enough to judge whether ours was created by an intelligence or not.
who created the Rosetta Stone? We can deduce creative forces without directly testing the creator because we DO know something about how both act, increasingly so in the information age
And again, the Rosetta stone is a type of thing that does not arise via natural forces withuot the intervention of an intelligence.
natural laws act according to their laws. That's a restriction. Creative intelligence is the only phenomena we know of that breaks this cause-effect paradox, because it is the only one that possesses the capacity to anticipate, to act according to a future result as the driving force, as opposed to preexisting law. Desire, will, purpose. It's not clear anything could ever exist without it. in short : creation without creativity, is problematic
OK, here I disagree with you. Our intelligence does NOT violate causality in any way. We do not act 'above' the natural laws, but in compliance with them. We are *part* of the functioning of those natural laws. In asking about intelligence, we are simply asking whether one sort of complex natural phenomenon is required to understand a different one.