Again, why should I act like the bible is the only source of truth? The bible says that the wicked are punished by God. The Book of Job, also in the bible, shows an innocent man being punished by God. Both concepts are in the bible. It doesn't even line up with itself, much less reality.
The fruit of the tree has been left to rot and per its own story, the disciples never really understood Jesus anyway. He goes on and on and on about how they don't understand him, so why are we supposed to trust their ideas? You don't get your information for your research paper from the guy who flunked his class. That's just common sense.
I asked God about that 2000 is the apocalypse thing. He told me He didn't say half that stuff in the bible and when He speaks, all of nature will know it. He's been pretty right so far. You keep listening to your idolatrous spirit and I'll keep listening to God. Thanks.
The canon books have also contributed to such unbelievable evil that we MUST conclude the fruit is bad on the tree.
God told me it's not. Now what?
If you're an ancient Middle Eastern Jew through a certain limited time frame. If God cared about everyone everywhere, why doesn't the bible mention anyone outside the Mediterranean? What were the Native Americans up to? The Chinese? South Africans? Those guys on Easter Island? Gentiles are 99% of the time treated like crap in the bible and I doubt you descend from Roman-era Jews in Israel, so the bible isn't for you either.
If I'm making a major purchase, I not only read what the manufacturer has to say but also reviews by customers and people like Consumer Reports, because it's not enough to hear the manufacturer talk about how awesome their product is. I want PROOF. I'm not going to go to all that trouble if I buy a pen, of course, but something more substantial? Yeah. If my salvation is predicated on knowing the Truth, I feel it's only common sense to verify I HAVE IT.
The scientific method, which I got in elementary school. It's basically the same thing, just a more developed thought.
It's to show you don't know the bible as well as you think you do. I am a fan of irony.
How is that so? You claim God must be slave to the bible. You say it is the bible that must be listened to. Gideon didn't test God by making God quote something from the bible. He chose things that, to him, anyway, would've been proof of supernatural objective evidence. God didn't strike him dead over it, making "thou shalt not test the Lord thy God" message rather stupid in hindsight. Clearly you CAN test God and He won't be mad about it. You aren't willing to see if the spirit giving you this idolatrous message is correct, because you assume it is correct and thus it shouldn't be tested.
You're an expert in the bible and you've NEVER seen Jesus say "You have seen it written blah blah blah, but truly I tell you blah blah blah"? He spends his ENTIRE time telling people they are wrong up until he dies.
Because friends don't let friends speak nonsense about God. God can make butt-kissers out of rocks. It is not group identity that saves us.
Jesus needed to talk about spiritual meanings because most of his followers and probably Jesus himself had questionable literary skills. I, on the other hand, can read rather well. I see religious figures banking on the ignorance of the congregations.
So Jesus was wrong in his prophecy that every stone would be torn down. Clearly it wasn't. What's the test of a false prophet again? Getting stuff wrong?
We will never know everything, no. However, "Truth" is mostly obtainable. You just have to *cough* "seek and you shall find" *cough*.
Let's say the bible says that if I believe "Fact A", I will get "Result A1". It doesn't happen. It has been falsified, no? I will never be able to prove what a god is (there are so many definitions and you can see part of the evolution to an almost deistic entity by the end of the bible, as God goes from a person who can hang out with you physically to a voice from heaven to an angel speaking for God to a prophet speaking for an angel speaking for God) or what He or She ate last Thursday or anything, but I CAN see if someone lived in a particular place at a particular time thanks to archaeology and I CAN study human behavior with psychology to see if biblical claims about people being utterly immoral are true, etc.
It means the Temple wasn't built by the awesome people who built the pyramids. You get what you pay for, I guess.[/QUOT/]
I gave the books as to when this prophecy would come to be fulfilled, but yet you would rather run your mouth, than to use what little knowledge you have. To see when this Prophecy will be fulfilled,