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Creation... WHY?


Depends Upon My Mood..
Dont know why it is some Christians seem to feel threatened that our country in fact wasnt "founded" on Christianity and still isnt.There was a lot of "God" as mentioned earlier..But our country thank (God) to me seems more about being founded on individual freedoms however imperfect we are than being a "Christian nation".

I think we have come a LONG way ..All of us ..And I think its silly and childish to try and "stake claim" that this country was founded on religion of any kind is possesive and a superiortity frame of mind.


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Depends Upon My Mood..
Nah...I was "obviously" inferring that Wiccans founded the U.S. even though the religion didn't even exist way back then. :rolleyes:

The Indians had it..they werent "united" ..but they ruled ..And they last I heard werent "Christians".




Depends Upon My Mood..
Im sorry that America wasnt made by Wiccans, Hindu's or Muslims.

I really am.

Did anyone ask for your pity?

And besides that you need to check your self..The "new Amerca" (the unitied states ) is an INFANT and is being "made" every single day.And YES Wiccans and Hindus and Muslims and Christians and Jews.and Pagens .and athiest and all of us our making our country NOW.

This country like all the rest is a "work in progress" ..It wasn't "made" by Christians and then you (Im asuming your talking about your self) "allowed" or are "allowing" guest currently to reside in your Christian founded nation.:rolleyes:

Your in the wrong country honey..Our country is a melting pot of diversity..And we have that RIGHT thank GOD to our forefathers (all be it not perfected) to have that advantage..

Stop being a little piggy...(oink oink :))




Well-Known Member
Did anyone ask for your pity?

And besides that you need to check your self..The "new Amerca" (the unitied states ) is an INFANT and is being "made" every single day.And YES Wiccans and Hindus and Muslims and Christians and Jews.and Pagens .and athiest and all of us our making our country NOW.

This country like all the rest is a "work in progress" ..It wasn't "made" by Christians and then you (Im asuming your talking about your self) "allowed" or are "allowing" guest currently to reside in your Christian founded nation.:rolleyes:

Your in the wrong country honey..Our country is a melting pot of diversity..And we have that RIGHT thank GOD to our forefathers (all be it not perfected) to have that advantage..

Stop being a little piggy...(oink oink :))



I am glad it's a country of freedom of religion and would never want Christianity or any religion forced by laws.God does not force us to serve him and we can't force anyone else either.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I am glad it's a country of freedom of religion and would never want Christianity or any religion forced by laws.God does not force us to serve him and we can't force anyone else either.

True and why would you want to anyway?

Kind of takes the meaning out of it and is "empty" if its "forced".

And that goes for all things forced ..or many anyway..




E Pluribus Unum!!!
You know what country im referring to.

Its fairly obvious America is a Christian nation founded by christians on christian principles.

Im sorry mate, but it wasnt wiccans.

P.S. you have alot of anger in you, why is that?

We are certainly a Nation with a large population of Christians.

However, nothing in our Founding is based on "Christian principles", nor were we founded as a "Christian Nation".

The only laws that coincide with Christianity's moral set are those that effect society, for example, laws common to any and all well run, prosperous societies. There have never been any laws outlawing other religions or penalizing the atheists.

Indeed, the only laws pertaining to religion that was included in this Nation's Founding explicitly banned religion from government.

To be frank, you are only parroting the empty rhetoric of right-wing conservative Christians, rhetoric completely deviod of any facts.


E Pluribus Unum!!!
Up and until Abraham, there was no indication to mankind about a creator God.

There was over time many attempts to define just what it was in mankind that caused him to seek for something like a god or spirit to identify with.

Hence you have the many varieties of gods, myths, and practices.

God the creator predetermined a time to introduce Himself in Abraam.

neitherGen 12:1Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

Gen 17:5Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

Here is the beginning of God's introduction to mankind.

When the bible was compiled together as one book, many things had transpired since Abraham.

Everything up to the point of Jesus was given as a foundation, establishing the introduction of the Son of God a a direct revelation of who God is.

Without that foundation, there would have been no reason to believe anything about who God even was.

Everything else apart from what is written in the bible is as mankind has envisioned it.

Blessings, AJ

Sorry, but I cannot buy some demiurge lurking in the shadows for ten billion years plus and suddenly popping out from behind the sofa some 3 thousand years ago demanding to be worshipped, or else.

Especially when Man had already been worshipping over 2 thousand other deities for tens of thousands of years.


Depends Upon My Mood..
We are certainly a Nation with a large population of Christians.

However, nothing in our Founding is based on "Christian principles", nor were we founded as a "Christian Nation".

The only laws that coincide with Christianity's moral set are those that effect society, for example, laws common to any and all well run, prosperous societies. There have never been any laws outlawing other religions or penalizing the atheists.

Indeed, the only laws pertaining to religion that was included in this Nation's Founding explicitly banned religion from government.

To be frank, you are only parroting the empty rhetoric of right-wing conservative Christians, rhetoric completely deviod of any facts.

Im a Christian (some claim Im not becuase of my views but ya know they can go to hell LOL) ..and I agree..Our country was based on FREEDOM of the individual..NOT a Giant Christian cult with laws written based on Bible.

And I agree..the laws we have are of most MORAL minds..no matter what belief..We are common in so many ways (by majority) no matter what our "religion" is and in agreement what is right and wrong..(for the most part)..

Common decency and mutual respect isnt pigeon held by one "religion".And freedom is in many times and cases having to be written into the law DESPITE the conflicting religious views..Therefore giving us CHOICE!

I dont know if Im making much sense I think I could be scrambled..




E Pluribus Unum!!!
Oh yes all those Christian churches, christian documents, christian writings by "Government" founders, crosses and such were fabricated.

America was REALLY founded by Wiccans and Muslims!.., )(

P.S. @the guy that said he reported me for trolling. Its always trolling when people do not agree with you ya? Anyway report away and ill continue to post as i desire sir.

Whether our Founders were rabid Evangelists, Deist, or merely rational Enlightenment thinkers is moot.

However, to the last man our Founders knew perfectly well what happens when religion and government are allowed to mix and form a Christian Nation.

They shed blood and spent human lives separating themselves from just such a monstrosity to form these United States of America.

Do you really think that they would war to separate from a Christian Nation merely to create another?

No where in our Founding Document, or US Documents, does it state we are a "Christian Nation".
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E Pluribus Unum!!!
Im a Christian (some claim Im not becuase of my views but ya know they can go to hell LOL) ..and I agree..Our country was based on FREEDOM of the individual..NOT a Giant Christian cult with laws written based on Bible.

And I agree..the laws we have are of most MORAL minds..no matter what belief..We are common in so many ways (by majority) no matter what our "religion" is and in agreement what is right and wrong..(for the most part)..

Common decency and mutual respect isnt pigeon held by one "religion".And freedom is in many times and cases having to be written into the law DESPITE the conflicting religious views..Therefore giving us CHOICE!

I dont know if Im making much sense I think I could be scrambled..



You made perfect sense, and well said IMHO.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
P.S. @the guy that said he reported me for trolling. Its always trolling when people do not agree with you ya? Anyway report away and ill continue to post as i desire sir.

Not a problem. If I think you're trolling, I'll report it. Oh - and I don't really need your permission to report a post.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Fantasy that the United States of America is a christian nation?

Are you a pothead tumbleweed?
I guessing you didn't take my advice, so I shall show the evidence to you.
Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

As for the later part of the question, it's irrelevant. I know plenty of potheads, speed freaks, and 'shroom munching people who have genius level IQs. Myself, anyone who has been here long enough can probably guess my response to such a question.


No one who questions America's Christian heritage is taken seriously anywhere.

It's laughable and not even worthy of further thought. Sorry it's just not possible to re-write history only a few hundred years old.


It couldn't be anything other than Christian, America has made sto much of a fool of itself to be anything else :p

Thats hilarious coming from a "Satanist"

Im just waiting for some ignorant fool to claim Iran is really a Mormon nation next.


Guardian of Asgaard
Thats hilarious coming from a "Satanist"

Im just waiting for some ignorant fool to claim Iran is really a Mormon nation next.

I'm not really a satanist. I put that there when i started here because it was the most appropriate religion to me. So there goes that theory.

Too many people are proud of America being Christian, the world has heard enough of it. Its as though the US is now "special" and blessed.

Thats why its like :rolleyes: eveytime we here news from the US of A.