The debate between evolution and creation is connected to atheism trying to use evolution to politically bludgeon religion. Modern evolutionary theory is not a good science weapon, since this theory cannot explain when life first appears nor can it make accurate predictions, in real time. These are huge philosophy of science problems, that should have red flagged the theory. There is no other main line theory, in all of science, that gets such a pass in terms of making detailed predictions. Name me one other! Politics is running this scam, covering up for a half baked theory that fails the full philosophy of science.
If we put aside the formation and evolution of life on earth, before 6000 years ago, all humans have witnessed changes in nature and how nature seems to favor the fittest. This time period is not in disagreement, with change, by either science or religion. All, both in religion and science, have seen how humans make artificial selections, in terms of food plants and animals, to reach a given goal. Natural selection is part of continuing natural potentials.
The real source of disagreement has to do with the foundation philosophies that underly each approach. Creation assumes an omniscience God, which implies he is smart enough to know how to build a universe and how to form a sequential plan. The natural change over the last 6000 years is part of a design and plan; rational universe based on access to the best of data; omniscience.
Evolution, is now more based on statistical modeling, which is the same math used in gambling casinos. We put money in the slot machines, hoping for a jackpot. But, like evolutionary theory, we cannot predict which machine will hit and when. There is no real plan. If you do plan you will be escorted out for card counting. If this was a theology, it would be about an idiot savant God, who has no plan, but who likes to roll dice and play the slots, and every now and then, wins a big pot. We can spot that jack pot, but only after someone wins. Then we dream of winning and luxury.
Darwin never took the casino approach to evolution. Rather he theorized natural selection, which was not based on whim of the gods or luck, but it was the sum of all the natural potentials; weather, competition, types of fauna and flora, helping to pick the most adapted. He assumed a logical explanation, which he felt, if we could rationally quantify all the local potentials, we would make the same choices and selections. Darwin was not omniscient, so he saw the goal of defining these natural potentials as being in the future.
Somewhere along the line, this rational approach got perverted into a gambling and casino approach, based on closet version an idiot savant God. This is not new, but was the basis for the whims of the Gods in polytheism. They all seem to have a trickster figure. They too used a gambling approach, but also try to appeal to the gods, with math oracles, to be help them be more aware of the politics on Olympus.
If you look at politicians they also use the same math as gambling and evolution. Polling is part of a math oracle, to help determine the whimsical needs of the electorate. But polling was also used by fake news to brain wash those who like to gamble. It was used like the rumors at the race track to help get people to bet a certain way, to help the house.