There is nothing to debate Mestemia. It is a fact of life that some credentialed scientists disagree with TOE.
It's also a fact that some "credentialed" scientists reject a spherical earth and insist that the Earth is flat. It’s also a fact that some “credentialed” scientists disagree with a heliocentric planetary system. It’s also a fact that some “credentialed” scientists disagree with theory of evolution. These groups largely overlap. A "credentialed" scientist is not necessarily sane. Some "credentialed" scientists are actually a bit looney.
The trick is to find out whether relevant scientists agree or disagree or not. For specialists on the Theory of Evolution, relevant scientists are Biologists and Paleontologists, with some Geologists as it overlaps with paleontology. People like physicists, chemists and cosmologists are not normally relevant for a biological theory. Mechanical Engineers certainly aren't.
The only "credentialed" natural scientist in my country who supports YEC is a zoologist called Walter Veith, who also believes
9-11 Conspiracy theories. Veith claims that there was no debris found at the site of the crash of Flight 93 in Shanksville, PA. He is a complete looney. Doesn’t even consider anything if it doesn’t confirm his biases.
Furthermore, I don’t believe the figures you provided for very good reasons. You only have to look at the Discovery Institute’s “A scientific Dissent from Darwinism”. They’ve gathered around 760 signatures from all over the world. Signatures from every country imaginable. A large number of the signatures are from Philosophers, Engineers and Medical Doctors. Also some of them don’t even have any accredited degrees. These people are not relevant for the Theory of evolution.
In 1999, only in the US, you had 736 700 people in the workforce with Ph.D.’s in the natural sciences and Engineering. (Source ) A figure of 760 signatories (worldwide, including philosophers), while you have 736 700 Ph.D.’s (only natural sciences and Engineering), just in the US, is neglegable. The numbers of scientists increased since these figures. To put it into perspective, the US had over 10 900 000 natural scientists and Engineers in 1999!
The South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions, the body regulating natural science professionals in my country, accounts for 3978 registered professional natural scientists, of which 925 have Ph.D.’s. The one natural scientist who signed ("The scientific dissent against Darwinism" petition of the Discovery Institute) is one out of 925 equals 0.11%. One out of 3978 natural scientists equals 0.025%. (Source ) This figure does not include other sciences like Engineering or mathematics. Natural scientists only. The only other South African professional who signed the statement is a Mechanical Engineer. The body regulating professional Engineers have about double the numbers we have in the natural sciences.
Also, from Wiki: Furthermore, according to Newsweek, One 1987 estimate found that "700 scientists ... (out of a total of 480,000 U.S. earth and life scientists) ... give credence to creation-science". An expert in the evolution-creationism controversy, professor and author
Brian Alters states that "99.9 percent of scientists accept evolution". A 1991 Gallup poll of Americans found that about 5% of scientists (including those with training outside biology) identified themselves as creationists.
I am not posting this to convince newhope101, as he doesn’t believe anything but his Bible. I am posting this to give other readers a better understanding of the relatively very small numbers of evolution-denying scientists involved. The scientific method works on scientific consensus, not a very small number of “rogue scientists who don't follow the scientific method”. It works on convincing your scientific peers on your conclusions and consensus of the overwhelming number of relevant scientists.