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Creationists, please provide evidence


Resident Liberal Hippie
I could provide complete proof that the Creation Moses wrote of in Genesis 1-3 is indeed very real but I don't think that is what you were interested in hearing.
Please feel free to provide subjective and empirical evidence that Genesis 1-3 describes an accurate account of 'Creation'.


Well-Known Member
Please feel free to provide subjective and empirical evidence that Genesis 1-3 describes an accurate account of 'Creation'.
The OP isn't actually interested in hearing evidence but rather is interested in observing the lack of evidence for what most people think the creation account in the Bible is all about. I'm in support of the OP sufficient to rest my case here.

P.S. I only teach what the creation account actually is and how to read it when in a face to face setting and I only teach it to those I feel prompted to teach it to.

Have a wonderful day!


Woke gremlin
The OP isn't actually interested in hearing evidence but rather is interested in observing the lack of evidence for what most people think the creation account in the Bible is all about. I'm in support of the OP sufficient to rest my case here.

P.S. I only teach what the creation account actually is and how to read it when in a face to face setting and I only teach it to those I feel prompted to teach it to.

Have a wonderful day!

So, you can do it, but you won't do it?

Sounds like a whole lot of spin to me.


I could provide complete proof that the Creation Moses wrote of in Genesis 1-3 is indeed very real but I don't think that is what you were interested in hearing.

No you could not

moses didnt write any of genesis. Only some portions can be possibly attributed to him. Moses didnt write anything though. do you even have a clue how genesis was put together in the real world?

unless your a historian or a scholar and a good one ,,, I dont think you can


P.S. I only teach what the creation account actually is and how to read it when in a face to face setting and I only teach it to those I feel prompted to teach it to.

Do you teach how the 5 unknown hebrew authors of genesis stole the sumerian pagan story and twisted it to meet hebrew language and religious needs by compiling the early books after these same storys were told around canpfires for 300-500 years?????

because that is how the creation story came to life when it stated clearly "god made man in "OUR" image"
First of all I should say I don't purport to provide any positive evidence for what typical religious orthodoxy teaches about creation. The reason there is a dearth of positive evidence for that is because they don't actually understand what Moses was intending to convey in Genesis chapter 1-3. There's a reason why sacred texts weren't indiscriminately disseminated to the masses. They don't know how to read them and come away with ridiculous interpretations and set out to convince others of their own faulty understanding until enough people are firmly established in a tradition that is hard to penetrate with common sense. We now have a plethora of bible translations that are written in such a way that these faulty interpretations are directly imposed upon the masses.

Well did Ezekiel prophesy in chapter 4 that the duration of time that the people of the northern kingdom of Israel were scattered among the Gentiles that their “bread” (scriptures) would be defiled by “dung which cometh out of man”. Put another way, the Gentiles (and the Israelite people of the 10 lost tribes scattered among them not knowing who they are) would be given “bread” that has already been processed through a man with all of the good nutrients stripped out of it leaving a person with barely enough sustenance to survive.

This is why the battle between orthodox religious folks (who truly do mean well, please be patient with them, as they will give you the shirt off their back if you needed it) and sincere scientists who are revealing plain and simple truths about our physical world, needlessly continues.

Truth cannot disagree with truth. They just cannot see any other way to rectify things and lack the courage to stand up against the fable based interpretations their fathers have handed down to them.

I could provide complete proof that the Creation Moses wrote of in Genesis 1-3 is indeed very real but I don't think that is what you were interested in hearing.

Pretty good post up til the ridiculous last line.


Resident Liberal Hippie
The OP isn't actually interested in hearing evidence but rather is interested in observing the lack of evidence for what most people think the creation account in the Bible is all about. I'm in support of the OP sufficient to rest my case here.

P.S. I only teach what the creation account actually is and how to read it when in a face to face setting and I only teach it to those I feel prompted to teach it to.

Have a wonderful day!
It is quite easy to make claims, then make excuses on why you refuse to back them up.
However, it contributes nothing to the discussion at hand, and leaves a general impression of unfounded arrogance.


Well-Known Member
It is quite easy to make claims, then make excuses on why you refuse to back them up.
However, it contributes nothing to the discussion at hand, and leaves a general impression of unfounded arrogance.
I already acknowledged the "claim without evidence" aspect. I fully grant that.

However, I don't recall making any excuses. I simply said I wouldn't.

Have a nice day!


Well-Known Member
No you could not

moses didnt write any of genesis. Only some portions can be possibly attributed to him. Moses didnt write anything though. do you even have a clue how genesis was put together in the real world?

unless your a historian or a scholar and a good one ,,, I dont think you can
You are quite right. Moses very likely had scribes do his writing. Thanks for pointing out this important detail.

The knowledge I hold is inaccessible in the orthodox realm, whether religious or secular.

Have a nice day!


Well-Known Member
Do you teach how the 5 unknown hebrew authors of genesis stole the sumerian pagan story and twisted it to meet hebrew language and religious needs by compiling the early books after these same storys were told around canpfires for 300-500 years?????

because that is how the creation story came to life when it stated clearly "god made man in "OUR" image"
I acknowledge there is a lot of truth in the sumerian pagan stories. In fact, there's a good number of truths you will find in them faster than you can in Hebraic literature. But, I stop short of making presumptions that one person has to steal something from someone else if they have parallels of agreement.

I simply do not share the paradigm that many insist upon constraining themselves to, which is, that man is totally alone with no higher level of intelligence operating in and among his affairs.

Moses spoke face to face with the higher level of intelligence that is the true author of even what the old pagen stories are a left over from in ages past and what newer revealed religions have received appropriately tailored refreshenings of.

Moses received the terms of the covenant Jehovah made with the people named Israel. They didn't have to rely upon cobbling together bits and pieces from old campfire shindigs to get people inducted into their make-believe scheme. It was a genuine covenant with explicit terms laid out by its Lord and accepted by the people.

Jehovah has been at this for a very long time over many ages past where the same things repeat over and over again. It should not be surprising or confusing when relics of past ages bear resemblence to new dispensations in our current age.

Have a nice day!


New Member
The only proof which an atheist will not believe anyway is, humans and animals are made so complex that it is impossible that it came all by coincidence.
Also, what do evolutionists say about the universe?

It's hard to show proof for something that doesn't exist on the planet earth. You either believe or believe not.
Or you can kill yourself to see if there is a god but you probably wont. Atheist wish to enjoy as much as they can of their life because they don't believe in life after death.


Well-Known Member
Atheist wish to enjoy as much as they can of their life because they don't believe in life after death.
I don't think it is fair to generalize atheists. In my opinion, they are going to be much better off in the longrun than the vast majority of alleged believers who have all been deceived into promoting a polluted and perverted version of what they were supposed to help establish. The vast majority of atheists I have gotten to know are some of the most integrous and decent people you would ever want to do business with. On the other hand, I have let my guard down a good many times to "Christians" and been severely injured and taken advantage of by them. I see Christians "enjoying as much as they can of their life because..." they think Jesus is going to cover them despite their wilful rebellion after they have come to know Him. Their joy and love of Christ is because they think they have found license in Him to do as they please with Him picking up the tab. Of course, not all Christians are like this, but those that are like this are in for a far more severe rude awakening in the afterlife than atheists who simply want no part of the mockery orthodox religion seeks to impose.


Moses very likely had scribes do his writing

this is impossible sinse at moses time they didnt have paper or papyrus writing yet.

They didn't have to rely upon cobbling together bits and pieces from old campfire shindigs to get people inducted into their make-believe scheme

Most of the original OT fables predates hebrew writing. try again.

It was a genuine covenant with explicit terms laid out by its Lord and accepted by the people

not even close to the actual history of the time, you have already showed you have no understanding of ancient history, only a vague understanding of scripture as I see it.


Admiral Obvious
The only proof which an atheist will not believe anyway is, humans and animals are made so complex that it is impossible that it came all by coincidence.
This is not a proof.
Hell it isn't even an evidence.
It is nothing more than you rationalizing your belief in god.
But let us take your rationalization to the it's logical conclusion:
Who/what created your god?
It's hard to show proof for something that doesn't exist on the planet earth. You either believe or believe not.
Except for the sun, stars, moon, other planets, comets, space station, etc.

Or you can kill yourself to see if there is a god but you probably wont.
Since there has not been anything presented to show that god exists outside the imaginations of those who claim he does....

Atheist wish to enjoy as much as they can of their life because they don't believe in life after death.
Your childish attempt at insult is amusing.


Intentionally Blank
The only proof which an atheist will not believe anyway is, humans and animals are made so complex that it is impossible that it came all by coincidence.
What on earth are you talking about? Are you under the ridiculous that the Theory of Evolution (ToE) is that new species come about by coincidence? In fact, do you have the slightest idea what ToE is?
Also, what do evolutionists say about the universe?
They say it's way outside the scope of their science, Biology.

It's hard to show proof for something that doesn't exist on the planet earth. You either believe or believe not.
Or you can kill yourself to see if there is a god but you probably wont. Atheist wish to enjoy as much as they can of their life because they don't believe in life after death.
And now why are you talking about atheism? Do you have any idea what science is? Biology? The Theory of Evolution? Here's an idea, before discussing these concepts, make an effort to learn what they are. Just a suggestion.


Well-Known Member
this is impossible sinse at moses time they didnt have paper or papyrus writing yet.
I don't recall saying anything about paper or papyrus. To be clear, I don't make any explicit claims about how the 5 books of Moses came to be. What's important to me is their content.

Most of the original OT fables predates hebrew writing. try again.
I'm actually not trying to give a technical background of exactly how the book of Genesis came to be. You are injecting that into the dialog.

not even close to the actual history of the time, you have already showed you have no understanding of ancient history, only a vague understanding of scripture as I see it.
My sole focus is what the Author of the Book of Genesis, regardless of how we got it, was actually trying to convey.


I don't recall saying anything about paper or papyrus.

thats because you dont know the first thing about the subject at hand.

they didnt write it on rock either or we would still have those copies.

if you knew anything of history you would know how genesis came to be. it was stolen from many different pagan cultures. moses has never wrote a word.

the 10 commandments are straight from egypt, just like moses himself, noahs story is from the sumerian culture as well as adams creation story

My sole focus is what the Author of the Book of Genesis, regardless of how we got it, was actually trying to convey

is this because you cant handle the truth???

Moses spoke face to face with the higher level of intelligence

how do you know this??

the bible was never originaly wrote as a history book ever for anyone. It was a collection of fables twisted to meet the hebrews ancient needs and held on to tight during dark times and gave comfort to the old, dieing, and termilly sick.

so if you dont look at the bible for history, imagine that. You look at history instead to learn what really happened back then and you look at science to explain the rest.

this thread is about evidence for creation and the bible isnt it